Planck 2022

Amphithéâtre Poincaré (Ministry of research)

Amphithéâtre Poincaré

Ministry of research

25 rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris
Emilian Dudas


Planck 2022, the 24th International Conference From the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale, will be held at the old Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, from  May 30 to June 2, 2022. On June 3 we will celebrate Ignatios Antoniadis’ 67th birthday, in the same location.  

The Planck conference covers a broad spectrum of physics beyond the Standard Model and of the interface between particle physics and cosmology with an emphasis on the theoretical aspects related to the present experimental programmes.

Previous Planck conferences can be found here


Speakers include:

Camille Bonvin (University of Geneva)

Raffaele D’Agnolo (CEA-University Paris-Saclay)

Sacha Davidson (Université de Montpellier)

Eleonora Di Valentino (University of Shefffield)

Ruth Durrer (University of Geneva)

Marie Helene Genest (University of Grenoble-Alpes)

Tony Gherghetta (University of Minnesota)

Yang-Hui He (University of London)

Gino Isidori (University of Zurich)

Marc Knecht (University of Marseille)

Alexander Kusenko (University of California)

Karim Noui (IJCLab, Orsay)

Keith Olive (University of Minnesota)

Susha Parameswaran (University of Liverpool)

Kallia Petraki (Sorbonne Univrsity)

Alex Pomarol (Autonoma University of Barcelona)

Fernando Quevedo (University of Cambridge)

Subir Sarkar (University of Oxford)

Geraldine Servant (DESY)

Alexey Smirnov (Max Planck Institute - Heidelberg)

Viola Sordini (University Claude Bernard, Lyon)

Cumrun Vafa (Harvard University)

Pierre Vanhove (CEA-University Paris-Saclay)

Vincent Vennin (APC-Paris)


Speakers for Ignatios’ fest include:

Elena Accomando (University of Southampton)

Costas Bachas (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris)

Jean Pierre Derendinger (University of Bern)

John R. Ellis (King's College London, NICPB Tallin, CERN)

Stefan Hohenegger (University Claude Bernard, Lyon)

Jean Iliopoulos (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris)

George Leontaris (University of Ioannina)

Dieter Luest (Munich, Germany)

Kumar S. Narain (ICTP)

Mariano Quiros (ICREA, Barcelona)

Thomasz Taylor (Northeastern University, Boston)


Organising committee:

Ignatios Antoniadis (LPTHE, Sorbonne University, Paris)

Karim Benakli (LPTHE, Sorbonne University, Paris)

Emilian Dudas (CPHT, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)

Mariana Graña (IPhT, CEA-University Paris-Saclay)

Stéphane Lavignac (IPhT, CEA-University Paris-Saclay)

Sotiris Loucatos (IRFU, CEA-University Paris-Saclay and APC, University Paris Cité)

Yann Mambrini (IJCLAB, University of Paris-Saclay)

Hervé Partouche (CPHT, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)

Danièle Steer (APC, University Paris Cité)


Advisory committee:

R. Barbieri (Scuola Normale Superieure, Pisa)

J. Ellis (King's College, London and CERN)

H. P. Nilles (University of Bonn)

S. Pokorski (University of Warsaw)

M. Quirós (Institute of High Energy Physics, Barcelona)

G. Senjanovic (GSSI, L'Aquila and ICTP, Trieste)

  • Abhishek Chikkaballi Ramalingegowda
  • Aldo Deandrea
  • Alejo Rossia
  • Aleksandr Chatrchyan
  • Alessandro Lenoci
  • Alex Pomarol
  • Alexander Kusenko
  • Alexei Smirnov
  • Alon Faraggi
  • Alvaro Herraez
  • Amit Adhikary
  • Amitayus Banik
  • Anamaria Hell
  • Andrea Guiggiani
  • Andreas Bally
  • Andreas Ekstedt
  • Andreas Mantziris
  • Anish Ghoshal
  • Ankit Beniwal
  • Anna Socha
  • Anthony Guillen
  • Antonio Delgado
  • Avik Banerjee
  • Benjamin Fuks
  • Bogumila Swiezewska
  • Boris Pioline
  • Bowen Fu
  • Bruno Bento
  • Camille Bonvin
  • Carlo Angelantonj
  • Carlo Branchina
  • Catarina Cosme
  • Cheng Li
  • Christian Döring
  • Christos Kokorelis
  • Chrysoula Markou
  • Claudio Andrea Manzari
  • Costas Bachas
  • Cumrun Vafa
  • Danièle Steer
  • Danny Marfatia
  • David Dunsky
  • Dieter Luest
  • Divya Sachdeva
  • Dumitru Ghilencea
  • Elena Accomando
  • Elena Kaiser
  • Eleonora Di Valentino
  • Emanuele Copello
  • Emanuele Gendy Abd El Sayed
  • Emilian Dudas
  • Eric Madge
  • Essodjolo Kpatcha
  • Eugenio Megias
  • Fabio Dogliotti
  • Fernando Arias Aragón
  • Filippo Contino
  • Filippo Sala
  • Florian Nortier
  • Francesco Serra
  • François Rondeau
  • Gabriele Casagrande
  • Gabriele Rigo
  • George Leontaris
  • George Savvidy
  • Geraldine Servant
  • Gino Isidori
  • Gioacchino Piazza
  • Giorgio Arcadi
  • Giovanni Grilli di Cortona
  • Giulia Isabella
  • gongjun choi
  • Gonzalo Herrera
  • Gowri Kurup
  • Haifeng Li
  • Hannah Day
  • Helena Kolesova
  • Herve Partouche
  • Iason Baldes
  • Ifigeneia Klaoudatou
  • Ignatios Antoniadis
  • Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas
  • Jaeok Yi
  • James Creswell
  • Javier Lizana
  • Jean Iliopoulos
  • Jean-Pierre Derendinger
  • Jeff Kost
  • Jeffrey Kuntz
  • Jiheon Lee
  • Jinxuan Yang
  • John Ellis
  • Jonas Rezacek
  • Joy Ganguly
  • Juan Herrero Garcia
  • Juan S. Cruz
  • Juan Sebastian Valbuena Bermudez
  • Juhi Dutta
  • Julian Bollig
  • Kai Urban
  • Kallia Petraki
  • Karim Benakli
  • Karim Noui
  • Kazuki Sakurai
  • Keiichi Watanabe
  • Keisuke Harigaya
  • Keith Olive
  • Konstantin Springmann
  • Kumar Narain
  • Károly Seller
  • Leon Manuel Garcia de la Vega
  • Ling-Xiao Xu
  • Louis Hamaide
  • Luca Panizzi
  • Lucien Heurtier
  • Ludovic Planté
  • Maciej Kierkla
  • Marc Knecht
  • Marcin Badziak
  • Marco Ardu
  • Marco Costa
  • Marco Hufnagel
  • Mariana Grana
  • Mariano Quiros
  • Marie-Helene Genest
  • Marios Petropulos
  • Mark Goodsell
  • Mathias Pierre
  • Matteo Lucca
  • Maura Ramirez-Quezada
  • maurizio giannotti
  • Maxim Laletin
  • Maximilian DICHTL
  • Michael Stadlbauer
  • Michał Iglicki
  • Michał Ryczkowski
  • Michele Frigerio
  • Mohamed Amine Ouahid
  • Nikolaos Tsamis
  • Osmin Lacombe
  • Paul Frederik Depta
  • Pawel Kozow
  • Pedro Bittar
  • Peter Reimitz
  • Philipp Saake
  • Pierre Vanhove
  • Pietro Slavich
  • Priyanka Lamba
  • Qaisar Shafi
  • Quevedo Fernando
  • Radovan Dermisek
  • Rafał Masełek
  • Raffaele Tito D'Agnolo
  • Ramkishor Sharma
  • Remi Faure
  • Renato Fonseca
  • Rome Samanta
  • Ruth Durrer
  • Ryusuke Jinno
  • Rémy Larue
  • Saad Nabeebaccus
  • Sabya Sachi Chatterjee
  • Sacha Davidson
  • Salvador Centelles Chuliá
  • Salvador Rosauro
  • Salvatore Bottaro
  • Sandra Robles
  • Satoshi Shirai
  • Sebastian Zell
  • Seung J. Lee
  • Shihwen Hor
  • Shyam Balaji
  • Simon CLERY
  • Simone Marciano
  • Sonali Verma
  • Sophie Klett
  • Sotiris Loucatos
  • Sreemanti Chakraborti
  • Stefan Hohenegger
  • Stefan Stelzl
  • Steven Paasch
  • Stéphane Lavignac
  • Subhajit Ghosh
  • Subir Sarkar
  • Sukannya Bhattacharya
  • Supratim Das Bakshi
  • Susha Parameswaran
  • Théo SIMON
  • Tobias Theil
  • Tomasz Taylor
  • Tony Gherghetta
  • Tristan Maillard
  • Veronica Collazuol
  • Viktor Matyas
  • Vincent Vennin
  • Vincenzo Branchina
  • Viola Sordini
  • Vladimir Pastushenko
  • Wenqi KE
  • William DeRocco
  • Wolfram Ratzinger`
  • Xinchou Lou
  • Yang-Hui He
  • Yann Gouttenoire
  • Yann Mambrini
  • Yann Proto
  • YeolLin ChoeJo
  • Yong Xu
  • Yuhei Nakayama
  • Álvaro Díaz Carmona
    • Plenary Session: Registration and distribution of access cards to the Ministry of Research Entrance of the Ministry

      Entrance of the Ministry

      25 rue de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève, 75005 Paris
    • Plenary Session: Welcome Amphitheater Poincare

      Amphitheater Poincare

    • Plenary Session Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Président de session: Yann Mambrini
      • 1
        Testing General Relativity with Cosmological Large Scale Structure
        Orateur: Ruth Durrer (Université de Genève)
      • 2
        A challenge to the cosmological standard model
        Orateur: Subir Sarkar (University of Oxford)
    • 10:00
      Coffee break Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Ministry of research

      25 rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris
    • Plenary Session Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Président de session: Karim Benakli
      • 3
        Measuring the distortion of time at cosmological scales
        Orateur: Camille Bonvin (Université de Genève)
      • 4
        The on-shell way to BSM
        Orateur: Alex Pomarol (Barcelona Univ. Spain)
      • 5
        The Dark Dimension and the Swampland
        Orateur: Cumrun Vafa (Harvard University)
    • 12:00
      Lunch Hall de la poule

      Hall de la poule

      Ministry of research

    • Parallel Session 1: Dark Matter Stourdzé


      Président de session: Lucien Heurtier
      • 6
        Closing the window on WIMP dark matter models

        We study scenarios where Dark Matter is a weakly interacting particle (WIMP) embedded in an ElectroWeak (EW) multiplet. In particular, we consider both real SU(2) representations with hypercharge Y = 0, that automatically avoid direct detection constraints from tree-level Z-exchange, and complex ones with Y ̸= 0. In the latter case, the minimal inelastic splitting between the DM and its EW neutral partner allows only multiplets with Y = 1/2 and Y = 1. We compute for the first time \emph{all the calculable thermal masses} for scalar and fermionic WIMPs up to largest multiplets allowed by perturbative unitarity, including Sommerfeld enhancement and bound states formation at leading order in gauge boson exchange and emission. We then outline a strategy to probe these scenarios at future experiments. Real candidates and, for the minimal allowed splitting, most of the complex multiplets can be fully probed at future large exposure direct detection experiments. In the complex case, direct detection can cover most of the parameter space spanned by mass splittings, except for limited regions falling below the neutrino floor due to accidental cancellations.
        The existence of these regions represents a major motivation for a future muon collider, which can efficiently probe all EW multiplets up to the 5-plets by means of missing mass, stub and
        charged track searches.

        Orateur: Salvatore BOTTARO (Scuola Normale Superiore)
      • 7
        A final word on Electroweak WIMPs at future lepton colliders

        Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are theoretically appealing Dark Matter (DM) candidates. Generalizing the Minimal Dark Matter paradigm, we consider stable DM
        candidates within a single SU(2)L n-plet with hypercharge Y.
        The hypercharge is constrained by Direct Detection (DD) constraints. It must be 0 for odd n, while non-zero for even n.
        For n<6, the thermal masses of the candidates are in the 1 TeV-15 TeV range, making them interesting targets for future muon colliders. The searches possible at lepton colliders are broadly of two types: missing invariant mass (MIM)
        or disappearing tracks (DT) searches. The MIM channels look for SM particles (photon, W, Z) recoiling against heavy invisible objects. For low n, low masses the mono-W channel outperforms the mono-photon. For high n, multiple recoils (di-photon, same sign di-W), can enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of the search, making it more robust in presence of systematics.
        DT searches instead look for a charged particles decaying, after having hit the innermost layers of the tracker, into a soft, unreconstructed SM charged state (pions or positron/neutrino pair) plus a heavy invisible object. The search is sensitive to the lifetime of the charged particles. For odd n, the lifetime is a robust prediction of the theory. For even n, the lifetime is model dependent. However, the operators that induce the splitting can
        be probed at DD experiments, leading to an interplay between them and collider searches. We find that for fermions, a 10 TeV muon collider is enough to exclude at 2 sigma models with n<4,
        while scalars are harder to probe.

        Orateur: Marco COSTA
      • 8
        Natural supersymmetric dark matter in Twin Higgs models

        Supersymmetric twin Higgs models have a discrete symmetry for which each standard model particle and its supersymmetric partner have a corresponding state that transforms under a mirror standard model gauge group. This framework is able to accommodate the nondiscovery of new particles at the LHC with the naturalness of the electroweak scale. I will show that this framework provides natural dark matter candidates with promising signals at future direct-detection experiments. Based on 2202.10488 and 1911.03481.

        Orateur: Marcin BADZIAK (University of Warsaw)
      • 9
        Phenomenology of the Dark Matter sector in the Two Higgs Doublet Model with Complex Scalar Singlet extension

        Extensions of the Two Higgs Doublet model with a complex scalar singlet (2HDMS) can accommodate all current experimental constraints and are highly motivated candidates for Beyond Standard Model Physics. It can successfully provide a dark matter candidate as well as explain baryogenesis and provides gravitational wave signals. In this work, we focus on the dark matter phenomenology of the 2HDMS with the complex scalar singlet as the dark matter candidate. We study variations of dark matter observables with respect to the model parameters and present representative benchmark points in the light and heavy dark matter mass regions allowed by existing experimental constraints from dark matter, flavour physics and collider searches. We also compare real and complex scalar dark matter in the context of 2HDMS. Further, we discuss the discovery potential of such scenarios at the HL-LHC and at future e+e− colliders.

        Orateur: Juhi DUTTA (University of Hamburg)
      • 10
        A fermionic portal to a non-abelian dark sector

        I will present a new class of renormalisable models, labelled Fermion Portal Vector Dark Matter, consisting of a dark SU(2)D gauge sector connected to the Standard Model through a Vector-Like fermion mediator, not necessarily requiring a Higgs portal, in which a massive vector boson is the Dark Matter candidate. Multiple realisations are possible, depending on the properties of the VL partner and of the scalar potential. These models have a large number of applications with significant implications for cosmology, collider physics and flavour observables, depending on the mediator sector.

        Orateur: Luca PANIZZI (Uppsala University)
    • Parallel session 2: Cosmology Amphithéatre Poincaré

      Amphithéatre Poincaré

      Président de session: Ruth Durrer (Université de Genève)
      • 11
        Bubble wall dynamics at the electroweak phase transition

        Bubble nucleation is a key ingredient in a cosmological first order phase transition. The non-equilibrium bubble dynamics and the properties of the transition are controlled by the density perturbations in the hot plasma. We present, for the first time, the full solution of the linearized Boltzmann equation. Our approach, differently from the traditional one based on the fluid approximation, does not rely on any ansatz. We focus on the contributions arising from the top quark species coupled to the Higgs eld during a first-order electroweak phase transition. Our results significantly differ from the ones obtained in the fluid approximation with sizeable differences for the friction acting on the bubble wall.

        Orateur: Andrea Guiggiani (Università degli studi di Firenze)
      • 12
        New methods for studying the Electroweak phase transition

        Gravitational waves o er a new way to understand the Higgs via the Electroweak phase transition. e signal from such a transition would, if observed, give crucial information of the underlying physics. Provided that the transition is first-order and proceeds through nucleating bubbles. Yet theoretical predictions of the gravitational-wave spectrum are rife with uncertainties. Large ones at that—spanning several orders of magnitude for some models. Fortunately, many uncertainties can be reduced by using modern EFT techniques. In this talk I give an overview of these results. To be specific, I review state-of-the-art techniques for calculating the bubble-nucleation rate and related observables at high temperatures. In addition, I discuss when conventional methods fail, and how far we can trust perturbation theory.

        Orateur: Andreas Ekstedt (Uppsala University)
      • 13
        Correlated signals of first-order phase transitions in dark sectors

        I will describe how gravitational waves from a cosmological first-order phase transition can be cor- related with microlensing signals of Fermi balls (or gamma-ray signals of primordial black holes) produced during the phase transition. A measurable amount of dark radiation is also typically expected.

        Orateur: Danny Marfatia (University of Hawaii)
      • 14
        High Energy Particles from Supercooled Phase Transitions

        Supercooled phase transitions (PT) in the early universe give rise to out-of-equilibrium particles with energies much larger than the scale of the PT. Here we investigate their evolution, finding that it is affected by previously neglected number-changing interactions. We then determine the highest collision energies and rates achievable, thus describing a new mechanism able to produce particles much heavier than the scale of the phase transition. As an example, we show that dark ma er with masses up to roughly $10^{15}$ GeV can be produced by a supercooled PT with a much lower scale.

        Orateur: Maximilian Dichtl
      • 15
        Discrete R-symmetry, Various Energy Scales and Gravitational Waves

        We present a supersymmetric model where energy scales of a discrete R-symmetry breaking (Z6R) and cosmic inflation are commonly attributed to the confinement scale of a hidden Sp(2) strong dynamics. Apart from these, SUSY-breaking scale, the Higgsino mass and the right-handed neutrino masses are all shown to stem from Z6R breaking scale inferred from CMB observables. We will show that the model is characterized by the SUSY-breaking so mass m~100-1000TeV and the reheating temperature T~10^{9}GeV. en we discuss how these predictions of the model can be tested with the help of the spectrum of the gravitational wave induced by the short-lived cosmic string present during the reheating era.

        Orateur: gongjun choi (CERN)
    • Parallel session 3: BSM phenomenology L005


      Président de session: Benjamin Fuks
      • 16
        CP-Violating Invariants in the SMEFT

        In the Standard Model, CP violation in the Electroweak sector is parametrized by the Jarlskog Invariant. This is the order parameter of CP-violation, in the sense that it vanishes iff CP is conserved. When higher dimensional operators are allowed, and the Standard Model Effective Field Theory is constructed, numerous new sources for CP violation can appear. However, the description of CP violation as a collective effect, present in the SM, is inherited by its Effective extension.
        Here, I argue that such a behaviour has to be captured, at dimension 6, by flavor invariant, CP violating objects, linear in the Wilson coefficients. Such a description ensures that CP violation in the SMEFT is treated in a basis independent manner. In particular, I claim these are the objects that have to vanish, together with the SM Jarlskog Invariant, for CP to be conserved, and viceversa. Different assuptions on the flavor structure of the SMEFT operators lead to invariants with different relative importance. A consistent way to address this issue in our framework is presented.

        Orateur: Emanuele Gendy Abd El Sayed (DESY)
      • 17
        A Green's Basis for the Bosonic SMEFT to Dimension 8

        We present a basis of dimension-eight Green’s functions involving Standard Model (SM) bosonic fields, consisting of 86 new operators. Rather than using algebraic identities and integration by parts, we prove the independence of these interactions in momentum space, including a discussion on evanescent bosonic operators.
        Our results pave the way for renormalising the SM effective field theory (SMEFT), as well as for performing matching of ultraviolet models onto the SMEFT, to higher order. To demonstrate the potential of our construction, we have implemented our basis in matchmakereft and used it to integrate out a heavy singlet scalar and a heavy quadruplet scalar up to one loop. We provide the corresponding dimension-eight Wilson coefficients. Likewise, we show how our results can be easily used to simplify cumbersome redundant Lagrangians arising, for example, from integrating out heavy fields using the path-integral approach to matching.

        Orateur: Álvaro Díaz Carmona (Universidad de Granada)
      • 18
        Automatic generation of EFT operators

        Effective field theories (EFTs) are a powerful tool for the exploration
        of potential new physics in a model-independent way. At a time when
        there is a lack of clarity on how to extend the Standard Model, the
        Standard Model effective field theory (SMEFT) and related EFTs have been
        receiving an increasing amount of attention. For example, the number of
        SMEFT operators, up to high mass dimensions, has been counted with
        several techniques in the last few years. Building an explicit basis of
        operators is more complicated, but here too there has been notable
        progress. In this talk, I will go through my recent work on using the
        software packages GroupMath and Sym2Int to automatically build explicit
        bases of operators for EFTs, given their fields and symmetries.

        Orateur: Renato Fonseca (University of Granada)
      • 19
        Form Factor Effects in Higgs Couplings

        The unaddressed origin of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (EWSB) in the Standard Model (SM) motivates a closer inspection of the Higgs EW couplings. In models such as the composite Higgs, the Higgs couplings are generated by the interactions with a new heavier sector that triggers EWSB. These couplings of the Higgs have an associated momentum dependence that can be parameterized by form factors. The momentum dependence is assumed to decouple as the heavy states are integrated out. However, these effects can be important when there is significant off-shellness at collider experiments. In this presentation, we show several form factors induced by different beyond the SM physics, like mixings with vector-like fermions, gauge bosons, scalars and states of a new conformal sector. We present the most promising channels at the LHC to probe such momentum effects. Finally, we discuss the signal modifications induced in our models.

        Orateur: Pedro Bittar (University of São Paulo)
      • 20
        Multi-Higgs models with softly broken large discrete symmetry groups

        We develop methods to study the scalar sector of multi-Higgs models with large discrete symmetry groups that are softly broken. While in the exact symmetry limit, the model has very few parameters and can be studied analytically, proliferation of quadratic couplings in the most general softly broken case makes the analysis cumbersome. We identify two sets of soft breaking terms which play different roles: those which preserve the symmetric vacuum expectation value alignment, and the remaining terms which shift it. Focusing on alignment preserving terms, we check which structural features of the symmetric parent model are conserved and which are modified. We find remarkable examples of structural features which are inherited from the parent symmetric model and which persist even when no exact symmetry is left. The general procedure is illustrated with the example of the three-Higgs-doublet model with the softly broken symmetry group Σ(36), A4, and S4. In some special cases we find stable Dark Matter candidates.

        Orateur: Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas (CFTP, Instituto Superior Tecnico)
    • Parallel session 4: Neutrinos and Flavors L006


      Président de session: Sacha Davidson
      • 21
        Neutrino Electroweak Baryogenesis

        We investigate if the CP violation necessary for successful electroweak baryogenesis may be sourced by the neutrino Yukawa couplings. In particular, we consider an electroweak scale Seesaw realization with sizable Yukawas where the new neutrino singlets form (pseudo)-Dirac pairs, as in the linear or inverse Seesaw variants. We find that the baryon asymmetry obtained strongly depends on how the neutrino masses vary within the bubble walls. Moreover, we also find that flavour effects critically impact the final asymmetry obtained and that, taking them into account, the observed value may be obtained in some regions of the parameter space. This source of CP violation naturally avoids the strong constraints from electric dipole moments and links the origin of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe with the mechanism underlying neutrino masses. Interestingly, the mixing of the active and heavy neutrinos needs to be sizable and could be probed at the LHC or future collider experiments.

        Orateur: Salvador Rosauro
      • 22
        Leptogenesis from U(1) flavor symmetry

        We present a simple extension of the Standard Model with three right-handed neutrinos with an additional U(1) abelian flavor symmetry, with a non standard leptonic charge 𝐿𝑒−𝐿𝜇−𝐿𝜏 for lepton doublets and arbitrary right-handed charges. We present a see-saw realization of such a scenario. The baryon asymmetry of the Universe is generated via thermal leptogenesis through CP-violating decays of the heavy sterile neutrinos. We present a detailed numerical solution of the relevant Boltzmann equations in two different scenarios: three quasi-degenerate heavy Majorana neutrino masses and a hierarchical mass spectrum.

        Orateur: Simone Marciano (INFN - Università Roma Tre)
      • 23
        Origin of matter in a black hole cosmic string landscape

        I shall discuss a new spectrum of super heavy right handed neutrinos that can generate the observed Dark Matter relic and baryon asymmetry of the universe. Cosmological setting of the scenario is based on an universe filled with ultralight evaporating blackholes. I shall discuss how in this mechanism cosmic strings that come out as a consequence of dynamical generation of lepton number, produce gravitational waves with unique spectral features and gravitational waves originated by blackhole density fluctuations, make the scenario more robust.

        Orateur: Rome Samanta (Marie-Curie Post Doctoral fellow)
      • 24
        Neutrino mass and the early universe

        The long-existing problem of neutrino mass and mixing can be connected to cosmological phenomena, such as the leptogenesis and the existence of dark matter (DM). In the extension of the type I seesaw model with two right-handed (RH) neutrinos, the seesaw Yukawa can drive the DM production, even with the competition from gravitational effect and constraints from leptogenesis. However, the DM production driven by the seesaw Yukawa is not compatible with the testability of the traditional type I seesaw model, which motivates us to seek a variation. By considering two Higgs doublets, a new type Ib seesaw model is proposed, which can explain the neutrino mass, dark matter and leptogenesis simultaneously while keeping its testability. Moreover, the type Ib seesaw model allows a different approach to dark matter production and stability through a 𝑈(1)′ extension.

        Orateur: Bowen Fu (University of Southampton)
      • 25
        Constraining the electromagnetic multipoles of sterile neutrinos

        Sterile neutrinos with masses below the keV scale might interact with standard model leptons via electromagnetic multipoles. While the electromagnetic interactions of active neutrinos are, either predicted to be very small, or strongly constrained by observations, the electromagnetic interactions of sterile neutrinos are orders of magnitude less constrained, and the predictions are model dependent. In this work, we derive novel constraints on the diagonal anapole and magnetic moment of sterile neutrinos, from the non-observation of an excess of events due to solar sterile neutrinos scatterings with electrons at the XENON1T experiment. Furthermore, we discuss a model in which the sterile neutrinos acquire enhanced electromagnetic multipoles that can be testable with current and near future experiments.

        Orateur: Gonzalo Herrera (TUM, MPP)
    • 15:40
      Coffee break Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Ministry of research

      25 rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris
    • Parallel Session 1: Dark Matter Stourdzé


      Président de session: Mathias Pierre
      • 26
        Higgsino DM

        An almost pure Higgsino of 1.1 TeV of mass is still a viable candidate for thermal DM within the MSSM. I will show a couple of collider signatures at the LHC that could be the smoking gun of such a LSP.

        Orateur: Antonio Delgado (Notre Dame, IN)
      • 27
        Matching resummed endpoint and continuum gamma-ray spectra from dark-matter annihilation

        The annihilation of TeV electroweak dark matter is subject to large electroweak corrections due to the Sommerfeld effect. In addition, for indirect detection, large Sudakov logarithms of electroweak scale vs dark matter mass and energy resolution require resummation to obtain reliable results. Far away from the endpoint, the electroweak parton shower, such as PPPC4DM, provide a more accurate description of the photon spectrum. In this talk, I will discuss the logarithmic structure of the electroweak parton shower and Sudakov resummed result and demonstrate how both can be merged to obtain photon spectra for all photon energies. Furthermore, I will demonstrate how electroweak resummation significantly changes the shape of the photon-energy spectrum in a wide range of energy and hence the form of the so-called “line-signal”.

        Orateur: Kai URBAN (Technical University Munich)
      • 28
        Attenuation of Cosmic-Ray Up-Scattered Dark Matter

        GeV-scale dark matter particles with strong coupling to baryons evade the standard direct detection limits as they are efficiently stopped in the overburden and, consequently, are not able to
        reach the underground detectors. On the other hand, novel direct detection bounds were found when the flux of dark matter particles boosted by interactions with cosmic rays was taken into account. We revisit these bounds paying particular attention to interactions of the relativistic dark matter particles in the Earth’s crust. The effects of nuclear form factors, inelastic scattering and extra dependence of the cross sections on transferred momentum (e.g., due to presence of light mediators) were studied and were found to be crucial for answering the question as to whether the window for GeV-scale strongly interacting dark matter is closed or not.

        Orateur: Helena KOLESOVA (University of Stavanger)
      • 29
        Gravitational focusing of Wave Dark Matter

        A massive astrophysical object deforms the local distribution of dark matter, resulting in a local overdensity of dark matter. This phenomenon is often referred to as gravitational focusing. In
        the solar system, the gravitational focusing due to the Sun induces modulations of dark matter signals on terrestrial experiments. We consider the gravitational focusing of light bosonic dark matter with a mass of less than about 10 eV. The wave nature of such dark matter candidates leads to unique signatures in the local overdensity and in the spectrum, both of which can be experimentally relevant. We provide a formalism that captures both the gravitational focusing and the stochasticity of wave dark matter, paying particular attention to the similarity and difference to particle dark matter. Distinctive patterns in the density contrast and spectrum are observed
        when the de Broglie wavelength of dark matter becomes comparable or less than the size of the system and/or when the velocity dispersion of dark matter is sufficiently small. While gravitational focusing effects generally remain at a few percent level for a relaxed halo dark matter component, they could be much larger for dark matter substructures. With a few well-motivated dark matter substructures, we investigate how each substructure responds to the gravitational potential of the
        Sun. The limit at which wave dark matter behaves similar to particle dark matter is also discussed.

        Orateur: Alessandro LENOCI (DESY, T (Cosmology))
      • 30
        Dark Matter from Exponential Growth

        We propose a novel mechanism for the production of dark matter (DM) from a thermal bath, based on the idea that DM particles   can transform heat bath particles :   !   . For a small initial abundance of   this leads to an exponential growth of the DM number density, in close analogy to other familiar exponential growth processes in nature. We demonstrate that this mechanism complements freeze-in and freeze-out production in a generic way, opening new parameter space
        to explain the observed DM abundance. Finally, we discuss possible model realizations in the contexts of Higgs portal couplings as well as sterile neutrinos, and investigate observational prospects for such scenarios.

        Orateur: Paul Frederik DEPTA (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
    • Parallel session 2: Cosmology Amphithéatre Poincaré

      Amphithéatre Poincaré

      Président de session: Camille Bonvin (Université de Genève)
      • 31
        Interplay between dark matter and gravitational wave signal from conformal symmetry breaking

        In this talk I will present a classically scale-invariant model in the context of a phase transition in the early Universe. The model consists of a scale-invariant version of the Standard Model augmented by a new SU(2) gauge group and a scalar eld which is a doublet under the new SU(2) group and a singlet of the Standard Model. Due to large supercooling, during the electroweak phase transition large amount of latent heat is released resulting in an observable gravitational wave signal. At the same time, gauge bosons of the new SU(2) group acquire mass and become good dark ma er candidates. e properties of the phase transition influence both the gravitational wave signal, and the dark ma er abundance. In this talk I will present phenomenological predictions for these observables and discuss interconnections between them. Moreover, I will review some theoretical aspects of the analysis, such as dependence on the renormalisation scale.

        Orateur: Bogumila Swiezewska (University of Warsaw)
      • 32
        Phase transition and Gravitational Waves signal from conformal symmetry breaking

        In our work we study the cosmological phase transition (PT) in a conformal extension of the Standard Model (SM). The model considered is called SU(2)cSM, it extends the SM gauge group by an additional hidden $SU(2)_X$ gauge group, and a scalar doublet (whilst singlet under SM gauge group).
        Due to the large supercooling – a general feature of the conformal models – a strong gravitational waves (GWs) signal can be generated during the PT.
        We carefully investigate the PT, taking into account recent developments in order to improve existing results and provide meaningful information for the forthcoming LISA searches.
        We pay attention to accurate computation of phase transition parameters, in particular the time scale of the transition, distinguish between percolation and nucleation temperature of the bubbles, consider different GWs sources such as the bubble collisions and sound waves, discuss the hydrodynamics, i.e possible runaway, and present resulting GW spectra.

        Orateur: Maciej Kierkla (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
      • 33
        Gravitational wave induced baryon acoustic oscillations

        Particle models beyond the Standard Model are o en accompanied by the spontaneous breaking of a new symmetry and thus by a phase transition. Arguably, the most interesting among them are first order phase transitions, in which bubbles of the low-temperature phase form and collide, leading to the generation of gravitational waves (GWs). These might be measurable as stochastic GW background today and thus constitute a potential probe of new physics. Consequently, analyzing models for their potential GW signal has gained much interest with the first measurements of GWs from astrophysical sources.
        However, one has to ensure that these events do not interfere with other cosmological processes. In this talk we discuss the impact that GWs originating from a post BBN first order phase tra sition can have on structure formation. We will show in which way the GW density affects the primordial density perturbations and derive a modi ed linear ma er power spectrum that allows us to set limits on the strength and duration of such a late first order phase transition.

        Orateur: Christian Döring (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
      • 34
        Gravitational wave echo of relaxion trapping

        To solve the hierarchy problem, the relaxion must remain trapped in the correct minimum, even if the electroweak symmetry is restored a er reheating. In this scenario, the relaxion starts rolling again until the backreaction potential, with its set of local minima, reappears. Depending on the time of barrier reappearance, Hubble friction alone may be insuffcient to retrap the relaxion in a large portion of the parameter space. us, an additional source of friction is required, which might be provided by coupling to a dark photon. e dark photon experiences a tachyonic instability as the relaxion rolls, which slows down the relaxion by backreacting to its motion, and effciently creates anisotropies in the dark photon energy-momentum tensor, sourcing gravitational waves. We calculate the spectrum of the resulting gravitational wave background from this new mechanism, and evaluate its observability by current and future experiments. We further investigate the possibility that the coherently oscillating relaxion constitutes dark ma er and present the corresponding constraints from gravitational waves

        Orateur: Eric Madge (Weizmann Institute of Science)
      • 35
        Sharp turns in axion monodromy: primordial black holes and gravitational waves

        Large and sharp turns in multi field inflation are attractive from the phenomenological point of view, but are difficult to obtain in supergravity and typically require a large field space curvature. In this talk, I will show that multiple sharp turns, aka, strong geodesic departures in the field space, are naturally realised due to transient violations of slow-roll without the requirement of large field space curvature in supergravity inflation.
        Such large turning rates can strongly source the adiabatic fluctuations so that the scalar power spectrum can have an enhanced profile with large peak amplitude. If such enhancement in the scalar power spectrum occurs at suitably small scales, it can lead to abundant production of primordial black holes and large spectra of gravitational waves sourced by the scalar fluctuations.
        I will show that this mechanism occurs naturally in a model of supergravity axion monodromy. For suitable choices of the model parameters, in ation can sustain for ~55-65 e-folds satisfying the CMB constraints at large scales, while leading to a reasonable production of very light primordial black holes and large gravitational wave spectra for a wide range of frequencies. These GW spectra can be large and wide enough to be potentially detected and probed by multiple upcoming surveys (e.g. with LISA, DECIGO etc.) and therefore can be constrained at small scales.

        Orateur: Sukannya Bhattacharya (Department of Physics and Astronomy "G.Galilei", University of Padova)
    • Parallel session 3: BSM phenomenology L005


      Président de session: Pietro Slavich (LPTHE-Jussieu)
      • 36
        Fake GUT based on SU(5) × SU(3)

        It is remarkable that the matter fields in the Standard Model (SM)
        are apparently unified into the SU(5) representations.
        A straightforward explanation of this fact is to embed all the SM gauge group into a simple group containing SU(5).
        Recently, however, a new framework ``fake GUT" has been proposed.
        In this new framework,
        the apparent matter unification can be explained by a chiral gauge group 𝐺, 𝐺⊃SU(5).
        We emphasize that the SM matter fields are not necessarily embedded into the chiral representations to explain the apparent unification.
        In the previous work,
        a concrete model based on a non-simple group, SU(5)×U(2), has been studied.
        In this paper, we extend the model to the one based on a semi-simple group, SU(5)×SU(3).
        With this extension, we can successfully explain the charge quantization, avoiding the Landau pole problem in the original model.

        Orateur: Keiichi Watanabe (The University of Tokyo, ICRR)
      • 37
        SU(6) gauge-Higgs grand unification

        In this proposed talk, we present a gauge-Higgs grand unification setup that employs 5D warped space with a SU(6) bulk gauge field that includes both a SU(5) grand unified theory (GUT) and a Higgs sector as a scalar component of the 5D vector field, solving the hierarchy problem. By appropriately breaking the gauge symmetry on the boundaries of the extra dimension the issue of light exotic new states, appearing generically in such models, is eliminated and the SM fermion spectrum is naturally reproduced. The Higgs potential is computed at one-loop, finding straightforward solutions with a realistic 𝑚ℎ=125 GeV. Some of the exotic particles in the model include a scalar leptoquark, a scalar singlet and the usual X and Y gauge bosons from SU(5) GUTs. Although the latter are very light, and are expected to mediate proton decay, this issue is solved by showing baryon number to be a hidden symmetry of the model. The flavor constraints coming from FCNCs in the quark and lepton sectors are discussed.

        Orateur: Andreas Bally (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)
      • 38
        Composite fermions in the Veneziano limit via holography

        A strongly-coupled gauge theory with a large number of colours can be conveniently studied using holography. We focus on composite fermionic operators in the limit of a large number of flavours, suitable to realise partial compositeness of the Standard Model fermions. We compute the fermion mass spectrum holographically, and identify regions in parameter space where a composite fermion can become light. One motivation is to achieve light top-quark partners in the composite Higgs framework.
        Based on

        Orateur: Michele Frigerio (Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, CNRS)
      • 39
        SU(5) aGUT: a minimal asymptotic unification model

        We discuss a new paradigm, where gauge couplings do not need to be equal at any give scale, instead they run towards the same fixed point in the deep ultraviolet. We provide a concrete example based on SU(5) with one compact extra space dimension. By construction, fermions are embedded in different SU(5) bulk fields, hence baryon number is conserved and proton decay is forbidden. The lightest Kaluza-Klein tier consists of new states that cannot decay into standard model ones. The lightest massive state can play the role of Dark Matter, produced via baryogenesis, for a Kaluza-Klein mass of about 2.4 TeV. The model also has an interesting and predictive flavour structure.

        Orateur: Aldo Deandrea (IP2I - Université Lyon 1)
      • 40
    • Parallel session 4: Neutrinos and Flavors L006


      Président de session: Sandra Robles (King's College London)
      • 41
        Sterile neutrino portals to Majorana dark matter

        In this talk we will discuss the possibility of communicating between the visible and dark sectors via right-handed sterile neutrinos, which generate active neutrino masses. We will focus on the case of Majorana dark matter, with its relic abundance set by thermal freeze-out through annihilations into sterile neutrinos. We consider both an effective field theory approach and some simplified models. In some cases, there is an interesting connection with the Dirac/Majorana character of active neutrinos. Finally, we analyse the phenomenology of a particular model in which the Majorana mass of the sterile neutrinos is radiatively generated.

        Orateur: Juan Herrero Garcia (IFIC, UV/CSIC)
      • 42
        Searches for heavy neutral leptons: beyond simplified scenarios

        Sterile neutrinos are often present as building blocks of several neutrino mass generation mechanisms. Experimental searches depend on their masses and mixings with active neutrinos, and exclusion regions in the plane (|𝑈𝛼𝑁]2,𝑀𝑁) resulting form such searches rely in most of the time on the assumption of the existence of one HNL which mixes (dominantly) with only one lepton flavour.
        In the talk I will discuss how to reinterpret the limits from collider searches relaxing the single flavour mixing approximation, and also taking into account possible interference effect when at least two heavy neutral lepton close in mass are coupled to the active sector.

        Orateur: Gioacchino Piazza
      • 43
        Sterile neutrino dark matter in the super-weak model

        The super-weak model is a particle physics model which extends the Standard Model (SM) by a new U(1) gauge symmetry. In addition to the new mediator 𝑍′, a scalar particle 𝜒 is added to deal with the meta-stability of the SM vacuum, and right-handed neutrinos are introduced to account for the non-vanishing neutrino masses. In this talk, we investigate the cosmological implications of such an extension with our main focus being on dark matter production. We find that a light -- mass of (10) MeV -- sterile neutrino can play the role of dark matter with a non-vanishing parameter space. We investigate present experimental bounds on the model parameters, both from particle physics experiments as well as from astrophysical observations.

        Orateur: Károly Seller (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University)
      • 44
        Dark matter and neutrino physics with CEvNS

        In this talk I will discuss the effect of Coherent Elastic neutrino Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS) observations on dark matter (DM) models mediated by a Z' boson. In these models a U(1)' gauge symmetry is introduced under which SM particles and dark sector fermions are charged. Several anomaly-free models are presented and we analyze the effect of the U(1)' interaction between quarks and lepton in CEvNS, collider, beam dump and oscillation experiments. The Z' mediated interaction of DM with leptons drives the freeze-out process, while the interaction with quarks leads to direct detection (DD) of DM. We comment on the prospect of detection in next generation DD experiments, particularly in the Scintillating Bubble Chamber collaboration.

        Orateur: Leon Manuel Garcia de la Vega (Instituto de Fisica, UNAM)
      • 45
        Neutrino Portal to FIMP Dark Matter with an Early Matter Era

        In this talk, I will discuss the freeze-in production of Feebly Interacting Massive Particle (FIMP) dark matter candidates through a neutrino portal, in the case where an early matter-dominated era took place for some period between inflation and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. In this model, we consider a hidden sector comprised of a fermion and a complex scalar, with the lightest one regarded as a FIMP candidate, and three heavy neutrinos, responsible for mediating the interactions between the Standard Model and the dark matter sectors and for generating the masses of the Standard Model neutrinos. I will present the dynamics of the dark matter candidate throughout
        the modified cosmic history, evaluate the relevant constraints of the model, and discuss the consequences of the duration of the early matter-dominated era for dark matter production. Finally,
        I will show that, under some circumstances, this scenario becomes testable through indirect detection searches.

        Orateur: Catarina COSME
    • 18:00
      Welcome drink Hall de la poule

      Hall de la poule

      Ministry of research

    • Plenary Session Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Président de session: Emilian Dudas
      • 46
        Prospects for physics at the LHC
        Orateur: Marie-Helene Genest (LPSC-Grenoble, CNRS/UGA (FR))
      • 47
        Cosmological Selection of the Weak Scale and the QCD Theta Angle
        Orateur: Raffaele DAgnolo
    • 10:00
      Coffee break Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Ministry of research

      25 rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris
    • Plenary Session Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Président de session: Danièle Steer
      • 48
        Listening to the Universe through gravitational waves: recent results from the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration
        Orateur: Viola Sordini (IP2I Lyon)
      • 49
        Black Hole Perturbations in Scalar-Tensor theories
        Orateur: Karim Noui (LMPT Tours)
      • 50
        5D perspectives on the QCD axion
        Orateur: Tony Gherghetta (University of Minnesota)
    • 12:00
      Lunch buffet Hall de la poule

      Hall de la poule

    • Plenary Session Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Président de session: Yann Mambrini
    • 15:30
      Coffee break Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Ministry of research

      25 rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris
    • Plenary Session Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Président de session: Karim Benakli (CNRS)
    • 10:00
      Coffee break Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Ministry of research

      25 rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris
    • Plenary Session Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Président de session: Stéphane Lavignac (IPhT Saclay)
      • 56
        Flavor physics: hints of new physics and new BSM ideas
        Orateur: Gino Isidori (University of Zurich)
      • 57
        Axion-Like-Particle Dark Matter from Kinetic Fragmentation
        Orateur: Geraldine Servant (CERN)
      • 58
        bottom-up EFT for mu to e
        Orateur: Sacha Davidson (IN2P3/CNRS)
    • 12:00
      Lunch break (No buffet today) (Paris)

      (No buffet today)


    • Parallel Session 1: Dark Matter L005


      Président de session: Seung J. Lee
      • 59
        Connection between Dark Matter and flavor anomalies

        I will illustrate a series of simple and minimal models aiming at providing an interpretation of observed anomalies in flavor physics, in particular g-2 and anomalies in decays of the B-mesons, and, at the same time, viable Dark Matter candidates achieving the correct relic density via the freeze-out paradigm.

        Orateur: Giorgio ARCADI (University of Messina)
      • 60
        SUSY explanation of the muon g-2 anomaly with and without stable neutralino

        Supersymmetry is an attractive new physics candidate that may explain the observed muon g-2 anomaly. MSSM can give large enough contribution to the muon g-2 only if there is (a) a large
        higgsino-gaugino mixing, or (b) a large L-R mixing in the Bino-like LSP scenario. Both cases are strongly constrained by the dark matter constraint. For example, the former case is severely constrained by the direct detection measurements, while the latter case suffers from overproduction of the Bino-like neutralino. We will first show how those constrains restrict the parameter space favoured by the muon g-2 assuming the neutralino is stable. In the second part of the talk, we
        study two scenarios where the neutralino is unstable and the dark matter constraints do not apply; (1) RPV and (2) GMSB with the gravitino LSP. We re-analyse the collider constraints on these scenarios and show how they open up (or close down) the muon g-2 parameter regions compared to the MSSM scenario with the stable neutralino. The talk is based on the recent paper 2202.12928.

        Orateur: Kazuki SAKURAI (University of Warsaw)
      • 61
        Cosmological Constraints on MeV-scale New Mediators

        Recently, many people have researched extensively dark matter models having dark sectors. Especially, MeV-scale dark matter can evade severe constraints from direct detections and is worth
        considering its phenomenology. Those dark sector models often contain new light mediators. The mediators are produced in the early universe by the portal interactions and inject energy into the SM sector when decaying. Precise cosmological observations, therefore, can be sensitive to them. In this talk, we discuss cosmological constraints on the MeV-scale mediators, among which we pay particular attention to the dark photon and dark scalar. The dark photon and dark scalar are produced
        from the thermal bath by the renormalizable couplings induced by kinetic and mass mixing, respectively. We estimate the energy injection into the SM plasma and provide the constraints
        from the CMB Neff by solving the Boltzmann equations of the dark photon/scalar and SM sector. The out of equilibrium decay has a significant impact on the cosmological constraints, and therefore we treat the momentum dependence of the Boltzmann equations for the dark sector mediators. In addition, we find the production of the dark photon and dark scalar has quite different nature. The dark photon couples to the SM fermions universally, and its production is the conventional freeze-in type. Therefore we can put robust constraints from the CMB Neff and other observations. The dark scalar interacts with the SM fermions via the Yukawa couplings. Hence the contribution from heavy particles is significant and makes the thermal evolution very complicated. In particular, the resultant constraints depend strongly on the reheating temperature, even if the underlying
        Lagrangian is renormalizable. We obtain the most conservative cosmological constraints on the dark photon/scalar, complementary to accelerator experiments and astrophysical observations.

        Orateur: Yuhei NAKAYAMA (The University of Tokyo)
      • 62
        Thermal regularization of t-channel singularities in cosmology

        A t-channel singularity appears when the mediator of a given t-channel process is kinematically allowed to be on its mass-shell. If, moreover, the mediator is massive and stable, the singularity cannot be regularized within the standard Breit-Wigner approach or using known methods of IR-divergences regularization. Although that issue may affect processes both beyond and within the Standard Model, it has been rarely considered in literature. In particular, for the cosmological case (i.e., for singular processes occuring in the early Universe, especially those involving hypothetical dark particles), no satisfactory solution has been proposed so far. In my talk I will formulate precise conditions for the t-channel singularity to appear in the cosmological context and provide SM and BSM examples of singular processes. Then, I will present a solution, based on interactions of the mediator with the surrounding gas of particles (described within so-called Keldysh-Schwinger formalism), that leads to finite results.

        Orateur: Michał IGLICKI (Faculty of Physics)
      • 63
        Sommerfeld Effect and Bound State Formation in Simplified Dark Matter Models

        The existence of a dark matter (DM) model with a rich dark sector could be the reason why WIMP DM has evaded its detection so far. For instance, colored co-annihilation naturally leads to the prediction of heavier DM masses. Moreover, non-perturbative effects such as Sommerfeld corrections and bound state formation must be considered in order to accurately predict the DM relic abundance. In the context of simplified t-channel DM models with a colored mediator, we demonstrate the importance of correctly considering these non-perturbative effects for inferring the viable model parameters in an accurate manner. We find that parts of the parameter space thought to be excluded by direct detection experiments and LHC searches remain still viable. Additionally, we illustrate that long-lived particle searches and searches for bound-state resonances at the LHC can play a crucial role in probing such a model.
        Finally, we demonstrate how future direct detection experiments will be able to close almost all of the remaining windows for DM produced via the freeze-out mechanism, making it a highly
        testable scenario.

        Orateur: Emanuele COPELLO (TUM)
    • Parallel session 2: Cosmology Stourdzé


      Président de session: Eleonora Di Valentino (University of Sheffield)
      • 64
        Is new physics hidden in our expansion history? : an Update

        Given the current discrepancy between early- and late- time measurements of the Hubble parameter (currently at around the 5sigma level) new models deviating from LambdaCDM have been proposed in the literature to address this so-called Hubble tension. Among the plethora of models out there, we focus particularly in the case of New Early Dark Energy (NEDE) (M Sloth and F. Niedermann) which consists of the inclusion of a new energy component which decays slightly before the time of recombination and so reduces the tension. A two- eld model first-order phase transition is proposed that explains how the distribution of energy changes around that time and reduces the sound horizon; thus increasing the Hubble parameter. e model has been able to reduce the tension to 2.5 sigma when using some of the available cosmological likelihoods. In this work in progress, we perform ts and and an MCMC analysis of the first version of NEDE (2020), using the most recent datasets combining and updating not only the previous datasets: BAO, SN, Planck 2018 and SH0ES but also including SPT and ACT data.

        Orateur: Juan S. Cruz (University of Southern Denmark (SDU))
      • 65
        Charting new particle physics with primordial GWs

        Particle physics beyond the Standard Model can generate non-standard expansion histories which leave signatures in primordial stochastic backgrounds of gravitational waves (GW).
        e detection of GW from cosmic strings in the next decades would tell about the presence of an early ma er-dominated era induced by a heavy unstable relic, about the presence of an early vacuum-dominated era induced by a supercooled first-order phase transition, or about the presence of a kination-dominated era induced by spinning axion dynamics. e later case is particularly interesting since it generates a smoking-gun GW peak which enhances the detectability of primordial inflation and local/global cosmic strings.

        Orateur: Yann Gouttenoire (Tel Aviv University)
      • 66
        Free-streaming and Coupled Dark Radiation Isocurvature Perturbations: Constraints and Application to the Hubble Tension

        Dark radiation (DR) appears as a new physics candidate in various scenarios beyond the Standard Model. While it is often assumed that perturbations in DR are adiabatic, they can easily have an isocurvature component if more than one eld was present during inflation, and whose decay products did not all thermalize with each other. In this talk, I will discuss the constraints on both uncorrelated and correlated DR density isocurvature perturbations from the full Planck 2018 data alone, and also in combination with other cosmological data sets. Our work on free-streaming DR (FDR) updates and generalizes the existing bound on neutrino density isocurvature perturbations by including a varying number of relativistic degrees of freedom. In the case of coupled DR (CDR) isocurvature, we derive the first bound. I will also discuss that for isocurvature IC, FDR gives rise to larger CMB anisotropies compared to CDR – contrary to the adiabatic case. More generally, we find that a blue-tilt of DR isocurvature spectrum is preferred from the cosmological data. is gives rise to a larger value of the Hubble constant 0 compared to the standard ΛCDM + ∆Neff cosmology with adiabatic spectra and relaxes the Hubble tension.

        Orateur: Subhajit Ghosh (University of Notre Dame, USA)
      • 67
        Phase Transitions from Stars

        We consider ma er density effects in theories with a false ground state. Large and dense systems, such as stars, can destabilize a metastable minimum and allow for the formation of bubbles of the true minimum. Interestingly these bubbles are not necessarily con ned to the dense region, but can escape to infinity. is leads to a phase transition in the universe a er the formation of stars, and therefore has significant impact on e.g. solutions to the electroweak hierarchy problem based on dynamical selection of the electroweak vacuum. We work out the phenomenological consequences of such density triggered late phase transitions and put new constraints on the parameter space of some benchmark relaxion models.

        Orateur: Stefan Stelzl (TUM Munich)
      • 68
        Heavy Stars from Light Scalars

        e size and shape of stellar remnants are surprisingly sensitive to new light particles. We find large effects on the mass and radius of these astrophysical objects. In particular, we study light scalar fields coupled to SM ma er in spherically symmetric compact objects. Focusing on one baryon (the neutron) we show that a sourced scalar eld can induce a phase transition in nuclear ma er, leading to strong modi cations of the stellar structure. e scalar eld can induce a new ground state of nuclear ma er, similarly to strange quark matter. Significantly smaller than stars, so called nuggets can also exist, which are not held together by gravity but due to the force induced by the new ground state. e mass and radius of neutron stars can be very different, in particular the formation of neutron stars with maximal masses above 2 solar masses is easily possible. is new mechanism to stiffen the equation of state can balance the generic softening expected in high density nuclear matter, which seems to be in tension with the most massive neutron stars observed.

        Orateur: Konstantin Springmann (TUM)
    • Parallel session 3: BSM phenomenology Amphithéatre Poincaré

      Amphithéatre Poincaré

      Président de session: Michelle Frigerio
      • 69
        Chirally enhanced contributions to muon g-2 and related observables

        Among the simplest new physics explanations of the muon g-2 anomaly are scenarios with chirally enhanced contributions. The new particles can be very heavy, even beyond the reach of future colliders, and thus the confirmation of such explanations might rely only on indirect evidence. I will discuss that these models generically predict correlations with related signatures that include possible modifications of muon couplings to Z and W bosons, correlations with the deviation of ℎ→μμ from the SM prediction and muon EDM, or large rates for di-Higgs and tri-Higgs signals at a muon collider. In specific models some of these correlations are parameter free, presenting unique signals that can be tested without directly producing new particles.

        Orateur: Radovan Dermisek (Indiana University)
      • 70
        Search for low-mass New Physics states at BABAR

        We present here the most recent BABAR results on searches for new particles with masses below the electroweak scale predicted by many extensions of the Standard Model (SM). The results are based on the full data set of about 500 fb−1 collected at the Υ(4𝑆) resonance by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II collider.
        We present, in particular, a search for a light dark-matter bound state (the darkonium Υ𝐷) produced in 𝑒+𝑒−→𝛾Υ𝐷, with Υ𝐷→𝐴′𝐴′𝐴′ and the dark photons 𝐴′ decaying to pair of leptons or pions, and a search for an Axion-Like Particle, 𝑎, produced in the Flavor-Changing Neutral-Current decay 𝐵→𝐾𝑎, with 𝑎→𝛾𝛾, which is expected to be competitive with the corresponding SM electroweak processes. We present also searches for prompt and long-lived leptonically decaying hidden scalars produced in association with tau leptons. This search is sensitive to viable models that could account for the muon 𝑔−2 excess. Finally, we show the results of a search for Heavy Neutral Leptons of masses between 100 MeV and 1.3 GeV in 𝑡𝑎𝑢 decays.

        Orateur: Xinchou Lou
      • 71
        The muon g-2 anomaly confronts new physics in 𝑒+ 𝑒− and 𝜇+ 𝜇− final states scattering

        The 4.2𝜎 discrepancy between the theoretical prediction for the muon g-2 and the experimental results is accompanied by other anomalies. Determinations of the hadronic cross section from KLOE and BaBar, a crucial input for the data-driven prediction, disagree by almost 3 𝜎. Furthermore, the data-driven result disagrees with the most precise lattice determination by 2.1 𝜎. In this talk I will discuss how all these discrepancies could be accounted for by a new boson produced resonantly around the KLOE centre of mass energy and decaying promptly in 𝑒+ 𝑒− or 𝜇+ 𝜇− pairs.

        Orateur: Giovanni Grilli di Cortona (INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)
      • 72
        Higgs-mass constraints on a supersymmetric solution of the muon g − 2 anomaly

        Explaining the muon (g-2) anomaly, reported by Fermilab in 2021, imposes constraints on various Beyond Standard Model theories. In our work with Pietro Slavich (arXiv 2109.15277), we focus on a supersymmetric extension to the SM with four Higgs doublets. We show how the interplay between a correct Higgs mass prediction - calculated in the EFT approach - and explaining the muon (g-2) anomaly constrains the parameter space of this model.

        Orateur: Wenqi KE (LPTHE)
      • 73
        Neutron Star Heating and the Muon g-2 Discrepancy

        The observed value of the muon magnetic dipole moment can be explained in models with weakly-interacting massive particles (WIMPs) coupled to muons. However, a considerable range of parameter space of such models will remain unexplored in future LHC experiments and dark matter (DM) direct searches. Here I will discuss the temperature observation of neutron stars (NSs) as a promising way to probe such models given that WIMPs are efficiently captured by NSs through DM-muon or spin-dependent DM-nucleon scattering. We consider two classes of representative models, where the DM couples or does not couple to the Higgs field at tree level, and show that the maximal DM heating is realized in both scenarios.

        Orateur: Maura Ramirez-Quezada (University of Tokyo)
    • Parallel session 4: Neutrinos and Flavors L006


      Président de session: Danny Marfatia (University of Hawaii)
      • 74
        Flavor hierarchies and anomalies from 5D

        The recent B-meson anomalies are coherently explained at the TeV scale by 4321 gauge models with hierarchical couplings reminiscent of the Standard Model Yukawas. We show that such models arise as the low-energy limit of a complete theory of flavor, based on a warped fifth dimension where each Standard Model family is quasi-localized in a different brane. The Higgs is identified as a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson emerging from the same dynamics responsible for 4321 symmetry breaking. This novel construction unifies quarks and leptons in a flavor non-universal manner, provides a natural description of flavor hierarchies, and addresses the electroweak hierarchy problem.

        Orateur: Javier Lizana (Zurich University)
      • 75
        Towards excluding a light Z′ explanation of 𝑏→𝑠ℓ+ℓ−

        The discrepancies between 𝑏→𝑠ℓ+ℓ− data and the corresponding Standard Model predictions constitute a very intriguing hint for new physics and many scenarios that can account for these anomalies have been proposed in the literature. However, only a single light new physics explanation, with a mass below the B meson scale, is possible: a light 𝑍′ boson.
        I will discuss this solution together with the impact on 𝐵→𝐾(∗)+invisible, Drell-Yan searches for muon pairs at LHC and 𝑒+𝑒−→𝜇+𝜇−+ invisible. I will point out that the forthcoming improved limits on these processes, including the experimental sensitivities required for a proper treatment of the necessarily sizeable 𝑍′ width, can rule out a 𝑍′ explanation of 𝑏→𝑠ℓ+ℓ− data with a mass below ~4 GeV.

        Orateur: Claudio Andrea Manzari (University of Zurich)
      • 76
        Dynamical Minimal Flavour Violating Inverse Seesaw

        In this work we discuss MFV in the context of the Inverse Seesaw. The suppression in certain entries required for this approximation is explained with an additional 𝑈(1). The Goldstone Boson generated appears as a Majoron that can at the same time be identified with the axion of the MFVA model. The model presents heavy neutrinos that can be as light as a few 𝑇𝑒𝑉 in some cases, together with predictions for LFV observables and natural Yukawas.

        Orateur: Fernando Arias Aragón (LPSC)
      • 77
        Probing 𝜏 flavour change with 𝜇→𝑒

        Exchanging a virtual 𝜏 between 𝜇→𝜏 and 𝜏→𝑒 flavour changing vertices results in 𝜇→𝑒. Upcoming 𝜇→𝑒 searches are expected to improve the branching ratios sensitivities
        up to several orders of magnitude and will probe exceptionally small
        contributions. In this talk, I will discuss the sensitivities of 𝜇→𝑒 observables to 𝜇→𝜏×𝜏→𝑒 interactions in the
        context of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory. I will show that
        the next generation of 𝜇→𝑒 experiments will probe parameter space
        beyond the reach of dedicated 𝜏 flavour violating searches,
        providing complementary information about 𝜏 flavour change.

        Orateur: Marco Ardu
      • 78
        Leptogenesis in a Singlet-Doublet Scotogenic Model

        We discuss leptogenesis in a specific scotogenic model, where the Standard Model is extended by scalar and fermionic singlets and doublets charged odd under a 𝑍2 parity. This model is phenomenologically attractive as it is designed to dynamically generate small neutrino masses, provide viable dark matter candidates and also account for the current value of the (𝑔𝜇−2) anomaly. In this talk, we discuss the production of the lepton asymmetry via the decays of the heavy fermionic singlets in this model, which is then converted into the observed baryon asymmetry through the sphaleron process. We identify regions of parameter space where successful leptogenesis is compatible with the (𝑔𝜇−2) anomaly, lepton-flavour violating decays, such as 𝜇→𝑒𝛾, and the relic density of dark matter.

        Orateur: Amitayus Banik (University of Würzburg)
    • 15:40
      Coffee break Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Ministry of research

      25 rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris
    • Parallel Session 1: Dark Matter L005


      Président de session: Donald Kpatcha
      • 79
        Hadronic Footprint of Light Vector Mediators

        Abelian U(1) gauge group extensions of the Standard Model represent one of the most minimal approaches to solve some of the most urgent particle physics questions and provide a rich phenomenology in various experimental searches. Baryophilic vector mediator decays into hadronic final states in the MeV-to-GeV mass range produce a challenging zoo of light hadronic resonances. Using only very little theoretical approximations, we rigorously follow the vector meson dominance theory in our calculations and present, for the first time, vector decays into almost arbitrary hadronic final states. We study the effect on the total and partial decay widths, the branching ratios, and not least on the present (future) limits (reach) for earth-based experiments on (for) the mass and couplings of light vector particles in different models. In the context of dark matter (DM),
        we update Herwig7 and the python package Hazma to study the photon and positron spectra from DM annihilations through a vector mediator.

        Orateur: Peter REIMITZ (University of Sao Paulo)
      • 80
        Searching for dilaton fields in the Ly-alpha forest

        Dilatons (and moduli) couple to the masses and coupling constants of ordinary matter, and these quantities are fixed by the local value of the dilaton field. If, in addition, the dilaton with mass mϕ contributes to the cosmic dark matter density, then such quantities oscillate in time at the dilaton Compton frequency. We show how these oscillations lead to broadening and shifting of the Voigt profile of the Ly  forest, in a manner that is correlated with the local dark matter density. We further show how tomographic methods allow the effect to be reconstructed by observing the Ly  forest spectrum of distant quasars. We then simulate a large number of quasar lines of sight using the lognormal density field, and forecast the ability of future astronomical surveys to measure this effect. We find that in the ultra low mass range 10  32 eV   mϕ   10  28 eV
        upcoming observations can improve over existing limits to the dilaton electron mass and fine structure constant couplings set by fifth force searches by up to five orders of magnitude. Our
        projected limits apply assuming that the ultralight dilaton makes up a few percent of the dark matter density, consistent with upper limits set by the cosmic microwave background anisotropies.

        Orateur: Louis HAMAIDE (King’s College London)
      • 81
      • 82
    • Parallel session 2: Cosmology Schwartz


      Président de session: Eleonora Di Valentino (University of Sheffield)
      • 83
        Cosmological constraints on the decay of heavy relics into neutrinos

        A massive particle decaying into neutrinos in the early Universe is known to be less constrained than if it was decaying into other standard model particles. However, even if the decay proceeds into neutrinos, the la er still inevitably emit secondary particles undergoing electromagnetic inter- actions that can be probed. We analyse in details how sensitive various cosmological probes are to such secondary particles, namely CMB anisotropies, CMB spectral distortions, and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. For relics whose lifetime is shorter than the age of the Universe, this leads to original and stringent bounds on the particle’s lifetime as a function of its abundance and mass.

        Orateur: Marco Hufnagel (ULB)
      • 84
        Heavy warm dark matter from supercooling

        We point out that dark matter which is produced non-adiabatically in a supercooled phase transition receives a boost in velocity which leads to long free-streaming lengths. We find that this could be observed via the suppressed matter power spectrum for dark ma er masses around ∼ 10^8 − 10^9 GeV. We thus offer novel physics goals for galaxy surveys, Lyman-α, and weak lensing observations, and connect these to the gravitational waves from such phase transitions.

        Orateur: Iason Baldes (Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
      • 85
        The role of fluctuations in the cosmological relaxation dynamics of the weak scale

        Cosmological relaxation of the electroweak scale provides an elegant solution to the Higgs mass hierarchy problem. In the simplest model, the Higgs mass is scanned during inflation by another scalar field, the relaxion, whose slow-roll dynamics selects a naturally small Higgs vev. In this work we investigate the mechanism in a less conventional regime where the relaxion is subject to large fluctuations during its dynamics. We identify modified stopping conditions for such dynamics of the relaxion and find the new parameter space. In a certain region of the parameter space, the relaxion can naturally account for the observed dark ma er density in the universe.

        Orateur: Aleksandr Chatrchyan (DESY)
      • 86
        Coleman-Weinberg Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen strings

        We study properties of Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen (ANO) cosmic strings with the Coleman-Weinberg (CW) potential, which we call CW-ANO strings. While the scale-invariant scalar potential has a topologically trivial vacuum admitting no strings at the classical level, quantum correction allows topologically nontrivial vacua and stable string solutions. We find that the system of two CW-ANO strings develops an energy barrier between them at intermediate (microphysical) distances, implying that the string with winding number n>1 can constitute a metastable bound state. We also discuss implications to high-energy physics and cosmology. This talk is based on arXiv 2205.04394.

        Orateur: Ryusuke Jinno (Instituto de Física Teórica)
    • Parallel session 3: BSM phenomenology Amphithéatre Poincaré

      Amphithéatre Poincaré

      Président de session: Keisuke Harigaya
      • 87
        Generating the Weak Scale by Vector-like Quark Condensation

        In this work we discuss that vector-like quarks in the fundamental or higher-dimensional representation of QCD generally break chiral symmetry by dynamically generated condensates. The numerical solution of the Dyson-Schwinger equation shows that this can generate considerable scales, because the vacuum expectation value of the condensate increases with the hard vector-like mass. Transferring such a scale to the Standard Model by a conformally invariant scalar sector can
        dynamically generate the electroweak scale without a naturalness problem, since the hard vector-like fermion masses are protected by chiral symmetry. We present a minimal setup which requires a new scalar singlet with sub-TeV mass, as well as a VL quark at the (multi-)TeV scale, both of which are attractive targets for experimental searches at the LHC and future colliders.

        Orateur: Sophie Klett (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik Heidelberg)
      • 88
        Gap-equations of radiative symmetry breaking in classically scale invariant models

        Motivated by addressing the hierarchy problem via the conformal standard model (cSM), we present a general formalism to analyze the generation of non-trivial minima in the one-loop effective potential using a set of exact criticality equations which, in analogy to the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, may be understood as gap-equations. Given the intuitive nature of these equations, we are able to systematically analyze the radiative spontaneous symmetry breaking (RSSB) in classically scale invariant multiscalar models. Using our approach reveals qualitatively new scenarios of RSSB compared to the Gildener-Weinberg approximation and allows for an intuitive investigation of fundamental properties of scale generation without making further assumptions with regard to classical scale-invariance. We also comment on the hierarchies of scales that are generated at one-loop level.

        Orateur: Philipp Saake (Max Planck Institut for Nuclear Physics)
      • 89
        Massless Preheating and Electroweak Vacuum Metastability

        Current measurements of Standard Model parameters suggest that the electroweak vacuum is metastable. This metastability has important cosmological implications because large fluctuations in the Higgs field could trigger vacuum decay in the early universe. For the false vacuum to survive, interactions which stabilize the Higgs during inflation---e.g., inflaton-Higgs interactions or non-minimal couplings to gravity---are typically necessary. However, the post-inflationary preheating dynamics of these same interactions could also trigger vacuum decay, thereby recreating the problem we sought to avoid. This dynamics is often assumed catastrophic for models exhibiting scale invariance since these generically allow for unimpeded growth of fluctuations. In this talk, we examine the dynamics of such "massless preheating" scenarios and show that the competing threats to metastability can nonetheless be balanced to ensure viability. We find that fully accounting for both the backreaction from particle production and the effects of perturbative decays reveals a large number of disjoint "islands of (meta)stability" over the parameter space of couplings. Ultimately, the interplay among Higgs-stabilizing interactions plays a significant role, leading to a sequence of dynamical phases that effectively extend the metastable regions to large Higgs-curvature couplings.

        Orateur: Jeff Kost
      • 90
        Naturalness and Hierarchy. Wilsonian and dimensional renormalization

        Fundamental unsolved questions urge us to find the way beyond the SM. Among them, the problems of “Naturalness” and “Hierarchy”. Several popular attempts towards the solution have been put forward, including scale invariant BSM models, where it is assumed that dimensional regularization is endowed with special physical properties. In this talk, these attempts will be carefully confronted with the Wilsonian Effective Field Theory approach to renormalization, and a pattern towards a truly physical resolution of the naturalness/hierarchy problem will emerge.

        Orateur: Filippo Contino (University of Catania)
    • Parallel session 4: Neutrinos and Flavors L006


      Président de session: Juan Herrero Garcia (University of Valencia, IFIC)
      • 91
        Earth as a baseline for measuring CP violating phase in neutrino oscillations in matter

        Neutrino oscillations are among the most promising sources of information on leptonic CP
        violating phase, which can be obtained from the measurement of oscillation probabilities.
        Matter can both suppress and enhance those probabilities and therefore affect the prospects
        for successful measurement of this quantity. In my talk, I'll summarize results of a recent
        study (2005.07719) in which we analyzed oscillations of neutrinos traversing an arbitrary number of Earth layers of variable density before hitting the detector. As a result, we were able to derive very
        accurate and compact analytic expressions for averaged oscillation probabilities in terms of
        only two analytically calculable effective parameters, which then allowed us to estimate the
        magnitude of CP violating effects in our setup and to propose an observable optimized for
        such measurement

        Orateur: Michał Ryczkowski (University of Warsaw)
      • 92
        Exploring the New Physics at the Neutrino facilities of European Spallation Source

        European Spallation source (ESS) is a highly ambitious and promising multi-disciplinary research facility based on the World's most powerful pulsed neutrons. It will also generate the high intensity neutrino fluxes from very low to high energies suitable for the studies of both the neutrino oscillation as well as Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CE𝜈NS) at different baselines. Based on arXiv: 2111.08673 and work in progress, in the first part of the talk, I will discuss the impact of the non-unitarity of the lepton mixing matrix on the measurements of the standard CP-sensitivities at the various setups based on the ESS neutrino super-beam (ESS𝜈SB) experiment. We also examine its potential in constraining the associated new physics parameters. In the second part, I will talk about the exciting possibilities of exploring the non-standard interactions (NSI) of neutrinos in the context of Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering using various detector technologies.

        Orateur: Sabya Sachi Chatterjee (IPhT Saclay)
      • 93
        Sterile neutrino from D-brane SM-like models
        Orateur: Christos Kokorelis
      • 94
        Disentangling Sub-GeV DM from the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background using Hyper-Kamiokande

        The Hyper-Kamiokande (HyperK) experiment, currently under construction, is expected to conduct precise measurements of the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background (DSNB). This requires all backgrounds to be well understood. A possible source of background that has not been considered
        so far is that from sub-GeV dark matter (DM) which annihilates into neutrinos. We conduct dedicated simulations of the HyperK detector and quantify the extent to which this can happen.
        We find that the presence of DM could alter the extraction of the correct values of the parameters of interest for DSNB physics. Since the DSNB is an isotropic signal, and DM originates primarily from the Galactic Centre, we show how this effect can be mitigated against with an on-off analysis.

        Orateur: Sandra ROBLES (King’s College London)
    • Plenary Session Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Président de session: Mariana Grana (CEA/Saclay)
      • 95
        Universes as Big Data: Geometry, Strings and Machine-Learning
        Orateur: Yang-Hui He (University of London)
      • 96
        Dark Energy and the Cosmological Constant in String Theory - a status report
        Orateur: Susha Parameswaran (University of Liverpool)
      • 97
        On supersymmetry, inflation and vacuum energy
        Orateur: Fernando Quevedo (University of Cambridge)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Ministry of research

      25 rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris
    • Plenary Session Amphithéatre Poincaré

      Amphithéatre Poincaré

      Président de session: Igniatios Antoniadis (Ecole Polytechnique Centre de Physique Theorique (CPHT))
      • 98
        Unraveling the Hubble constant tension
        Orateur: Eleonora Di Valentino (University of Sheffield)
      • 99
        Quantum diffusion during cosmic inflation
        Orateur: Vincent Vennin (APC Paris)
      • 100
        Two-body gravitational scattering in effective field theory
        Orateur: Pierre Vanhove (IPhT CEA-Saclay)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Hall de la poule

      Hall de la poule

      Ministry of research

    • Parallel Session 1: Dark Matter Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Président de session: Alexander Kusenko
      • 101
        Cosmological signatures of early dark matter production

        In this talk, I will discuss possibilities of producing dark matter in the early universe. By describing the transition between an inflationary epoch to a late time cosmology, I will emphasize how
        the dynamics of the universe can affect dark matter production and leave a cosmological imprint, allowing some of these scenarios to be constrained.

        Orateur: Mathias PIERRE (DESY)
      • 102
        Cosmological Stasis in the Early Universe

        One signature of an expanding universe is the time variation of the cosmological abundances of its different components. For example, a radiation-dominated universe inevitably gives way to a matter-dominated universe, and critical moments such as matter-radiation equality are fleeting. In this talk, I will stress that this lore is not always correct and that it is possible to obtain a form of “stasis” in which the cosmological abundances of the different components remain unchanged over extended cosmological epochs, even as the universe expands. For example, critical moments such as moments of matter-radiation equality can persist over an arbitrarily large number of efolds.
        Moreover, as I will demonstrate, such situations are not fine-tuned, but are actually global attractors within certain cosmological frameworks, with the universe naturally evolving towards such long-lasting periods of stasis for a wide variety of initial conditions. The existence of this kind of stasis, therefore, gives rise to a host of new theoretical possibilities across the entire cosmological timeline, ranging from potential implications for primordial density perturbations, dark-matter production, and structure formation all the way to early reheating, matter-dominated eras, and even the age of the universe.

        Orateur: Lucien HEURTIER (University of Durham (IPPP))
      • 103
        Higgs-boson induced reheating and ultraviolet freeze-in dark matter

        According to the standard model of cosmology, the Universe at its very beginning underwent a phase of rapid, exponential expansion, followed by a reheating period. During this epoch, the energy density, initially accumulated in the oscillations of the inflaton field, was injected into the visible sector, eventually setting the initial conditions for the hot big bang. In this talk, I will discuss the perturbative production of the Standard Model (SM) radiation and dark matter (DM) adopting a non-standard post-inflationary scenario with a generic equation-of-state w. In particular, I will study a class of models where reheating is achieved by the inflaton ϕ decay to the SM Higgs boson
        h through a cubic coupling of the form ϕjhj2. In the presence of such interaction, the Higgs doublet acquires a ϕ-dependent mass which generates a vacuum expectation value that oscillates in time and breaks the SM gauge symmetry. Moreover, the non-zero mass of the Higgs field leads to a
        time-dependent inflaton decay rate and generates a kinematical suppression of the SM radiation production. This, in turn, has non-trivial consequences for the dynamics of the reheating period, modifying the evolution of the radiation energy density and thus the UV freeze-in production of DM.

        Orateur: Anna SOCHA (University of Warsaw)
      • 104
        Gravitational portals in the early Universe

        Inflation is now very well motivated to solve many issues of the Big Bang scenario. Specific models of inflation potential can be tested by observations, most notably by the anisotropy spectrum of the CMB. In this talk, I propose to present some new results on gravitational matter production in the late time evolution of this inflationary field, during its coherent oscillation regime, usually called "reheating". We consider the production of matter and radiation during reheating after inflation, restricting our attention to gravitational interactions, including minimal and non-minimal coupling to gravity. In particular, we consider the gravitational production of dark matter and production of radiation from inflaton scattering. In the latter, we derive a lower bound on the maximal temperature reached by the thermal bath in the early Universe.

        Orateur: Simon Clery (IJCLab, Université Paris Saclay)
      • 105
        A model independent probe for dark sectors at neutrino experiments

        Present and upcoming neutrino experiments can have considerable sensitivity to dark sectors that interact feebly with the Standard Model. We consider light dark sectors (DS) interacting with the SM through well-motivated irrelevant portals. We derive bounds on such scenarios using decay of dark sector excitations inside the neutrino detector, placed downstream from the target. Our approach is model independent and applies to a wide range of dark sector models. In this approach, the dark sector is characterised by two energy scales ΛUV (mass scale of mediators generating the portals) and ΛIR (mass gap of the dark sector). At intermediate energies, far away from these scales, the theory is approximately scale invariant, and allows calculation of production rates independent of the threshold corrections. We look at various DS production processes such as meson decays, direct partonic production, and dark bremsstrahlung. Neutrino experiments are able to probe new regions of parameter space, inaccessible in high energy experiments and are comparable to fixed-target/beam-dump experiments. Future neutrino experiments will probe new parts of parameter space on a fairly shorter time scale, as compared to other proposed experiments, and provide an efficient probe of dark sectors.

        Orateur: Sonali Verma (Scuola Normale Superiore)
    • Parallel session 2: Cosmology Stourdzé


      Président de session: Pierre Vanhove (IPhT CEA-Saclay)
      • 106
        Hunting for axions in the solar basin

        A large flux of axion-like particles can be produced in the solar core. While the majority of these particles will have high velocities and escape the Sun’s gravitational pull, a small fraction of low- velocity particles will become trapped on bound orbits. Over time, an appreciable density of slow- moving axions can accumulate in this “solar basin.” Their subsequent decay to two photons provides a distinct observational signature. I will present a recent analysis using data taken by the NuSTAR X-ray telescope to search for the decay products of keV-scale axions trapped in the solar basin. Our results ultimately set limits on the axion-photon and axion-electron couplings well over an order of magnitude beyond current constraints and motivate the further exploration of stellar basins in other astrophysical systems.

        Orateur: William DeRocco (University of California, Santa Cruz)
      • 107
        QCD axion couplings at finite density

        The QCD axion is one of the best motivated particles for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) with a phenomenology mainly controlled by the unknown axion decay constant $f_a$ which determines its mass $m_a$ as well as its couplings to SM fields. The strongest bound on the mass of the axion is obtained by energy loss arguments from observation of the supernova SN1987A, where the dominant process of axion production is the one-pion-exchange (OPE). In the extreme environments found in SN and NS density corrections to this process play a significant role.
        In our study we systematically determine the density dependence of the N + N → N + N + a process in heavy baryon ChPT at finite density and calculate the axion-nucleon vertex corrections at one loop order. We show that the axion emission from SN and NS is significantly changed due to finite density effects and discuss the resulting implications including an updated bound on the axion mass $m_a$.

        Orateur: Michael Stadlbauer (TU Munich)
      • 108
        cosmological constraints on heavy QCD axion theories

        The explicit breaking of the PQ symmetry by higher dimensional operators can spoil the dynamical relaxation of the strong CP angle to its minimum of zero. One solution to this PQ “quality problem” is to introduce heavy QCD axions. While still solving the strong CP problem, such heavy axions acquire a mass from physics occurring far above the QCD scale. In this talk, I will discuss the cosmological constraints on heavy QCD axions in the early Universe from their interactions with the Standard Model thermal bath. In addition, I will discuss how including a mirror photon - common in heavy axion theories involving mirror QCD sectors - modifies this picture and can lead to dangerous amounts of dark radiation.

        Orateur: David Dunsky (UC Berkeley)
      • 109
        How special are black holes? Correspondence with objects saturating unitarity bounds in generic theories

        Black holes are considered exceptional due to their time evolution and information processing. However, these properties are generic for objects, the so-called saturons, that attain the maximal entropy permitted by unitarity. We discuss the correspondence between black holes and saturons within a renormalizable SU(N) invariant theory.
        The spectrum contains a tower of bubbles representing bound states of SU(N) Goldstones. We argue that a saturated bound state exhibits a striking resemblance with a black hole despite the absence of gravity. The Bekenstein-Hawking formula gives the saturon entropy. Semiclassically, saturons possess an information horizon. They evaporate at a thermal rate with a temperature proportional to their inverse radius. The information retrieval time is equal to Page’s time. Additionally, we examine the memory burden effect, which states that the quantum information contained within a system stabilizes it. We discuss the fundamental and observational implications of the black hole–saturon correspondence.

        Orateur: Juan Sebastián Valbuena-Bermúdez (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Max Planck Institute for Physics)
      • 110
        Gravity at the Tip of the Throat

        Warped throats have been used in countless works in the context of string theory compactifications, in particular for their ability to suppress high energy scales. The Klebanov-Strassler solution gives us an explicit description of the geometry of a warped throat which we can use to perform computations — my focus will be on the gravitational sector of the resulting 4d EFT, with its tower of Kaluza-Klein (KK) gravitons. By assuming that we live on a (3+1)-dimensional brane somewhere along the throat, we can study how the warping influences the effects of the tower on the brane. In particular, I will show how the tower corrects the Newtonian potential and discuss how gravitational experiments and observations may be used to test the possibility that our Universe corresponds to a brane living in a warped throat.

        Orateur: Bruno Bento (University of Liverpool)
    • Parallel session 3: BSM phenomenology L005


      Président de session: Marcin Badziak
      • 111
        No channel left behind: revisiting Vh production at LHC, HL-LHC and FCC-hh

        Diboson production processes constitute an interesting probe of New Physics related to the Higgs boson and the EW sector. We revisit the 𝑊ℎ and 𝑍ℎ production processes, with ℎ→𝑏𝑏¯ and leptonically decaying gauge bosons. For the first time, we include the neutrino decay channel of the Z boson and perform a scale-invariant b-tagging. We study these processes in the SMEFT framework and derive bounds on four dimension-6 operators at LHC Run 2, Run 3 and HL-LHC. We show how most of our sensitivity comes from the events with a boosted Higgs. We also present projections for the bounds from these channels at FCC-hh and compare with previous results obtained for the case of ℎ→𝛾𝛾.

        Orateur: Alejo Rossia (University of Manchester)
      • 112
        Four-top final states as a probe of Two-Higgs-Doublet models

        Using a CMS measurement of four top (𝑡𝑡¯𝑡𝑡¯) production in proton-proton collisions we constrain the parameter space of BSM scalar models. We study these effects for models with a generic scalar X with couplings to W-bosons and to top-quarks. We use Monte-Carlo simulators and fast detector simulations to recast the CMS analysis in order to obtain upper limits on the cross section times branching fraction for the production modes 𝑝𝑝→(𝑡𝑡¯,𝑡𝑊,𝑡)+𝑋 with 𝑋→𝑡𝑡¯, where 𝑋 is a new heavy Higgs 𝐻, a pseudoscalar 𝐴 or mixed CP-state. Furthermore we study the impact on Two-Higgs-Doublet models where four top production places constraints on the low 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽 region which is of special interest for Baryogenesis.

        Orateur: Steven Paasch (DESY)
      • 113
        A 96 GeV Higgs Boson in the 2HDM plus Singlet

        We discuss a ∼3𝜎
        signal (local) in the light Higgs-boson search
        in the diphoton decay mode at ∼ 96 GeV as reported by
        CMS, together with a ∼2𝜎 excess (local)
        in the 𝑏𝑏¯ final state
        at LEP in the same mass range.
        We interpret this possible signal as a Higgs boson in the
        2~Higgs Doublet Model type~II with an additional Higgs singlet, which can be either complex (2HDMS) or real (N2HDM), where the 2HDMS so far has never been analyzed as an explanation of these excesses. An emphasis of our work are the differences between and the possible distinction of the two models in this context.
        We find that the lightest CP-even Higgs boson of the two models can
        equally yield a perfect fit to both excesses simultaneously, while the second lightest
        state is in full agreement with the Higgs-boson measurements at
        125 GeV, and the full Higgs-boson
        sector is in agreement with all Higgs exclusion
        bounds from LEP, the Tevatron and the LHC as well as other theoretical and
        experimental constraints.
        We derive bounds on the 2HDMS and N2HDM Higgs sectors from a fit to both excesses and describe how this signal can be further analyzed at
        future 𝑒+𝑒−~colliders, such as the ILC. We analyze in
        detail the anticipated precision of the coupling measurements of the
        96 GeV Higgs boson at the ILC. We find that these Higgs-boson measurements at the LHC and the ILC cannot distinguish between the two Higgs-sector realizations.

        Orateur: Cheng Li (DESY)
      • 114
        Multiply charged quasi-stable particles at Run-3 and High-Luminosity LHC. Prospects for the discovery.

        In recent years more attention was attracted by studies on long-lived charged particles predicted
        by some of BSM scenarios. We present a highly model independent study targeting colour-singlet
        and colour-triplet particles, with electric charges up to 8 times the elementary charge. In our work,
        we assess the possibility to detect such particles during Run-3 and at HL-LHC, by estimating the
        sensitivity of MoEDAL and ATLAS/CMS detectors. We present the expected upper mass
        limits on highly charged LLPs.

        Orateur: Rafał Masełek (University of Warsaw (PL), Institute of Theoretical Physics)
      • 115
        The Present and Future of Four Top Operators

        The production of four tops at particle colliders is one of the most important probes of the top sector and its connection to physics beyond the SM. In particular, four-top contact interactions give rise to the largest new physics effects at high energies in the case of a strongly interacting top quark. We demonstrate the capabilities of a 100 TeV proton-proton collider to test such non-standard interactions, focusing on the same-sign dilepton and trilepton channels to circumvent large SM backgrounds. Further, we investigate the sensitivity of future high-energy lepton colliders to deformations in top-quark pair production caused by four-top operators. We interpret our results in the context of composite Higgs models, finding the best sensitivity on the compositeness scale for both types of colliders under consideration. Finally, we address the possibility that recent excesses observed by ATLAS and CMS in final states containing multi-leptons and jets are due to new physics in the top sector.

        Orateur: Tobias Theil (TUM)
    • Parallel session 4: Formal aspects L006


      Président de session: Susha Parameswaran (Liverpool University)
      • 116
        The Tadpole Conjecture in the Asymptotic Limits of Moduli Space

        The Tadpole Conjecture puts sever constraints on the stabilization of a large number of moduli by claiming that in such settings the flux contribution to the tadpole grows at least linearly with the number of stabilized fields. In this talk we present the first conceptual argument that explains this linear scaling setting and clarifies why it sets in only for a large number of stabilized moduli. This is done in the strict asymptotic limits of moduli space, by using the tools of asymptotic Hodge theory, which make possible an explicit discussion of moduli stabilization and allow us to establish the relevant scaling constraints for the tadpole.

        Orateur: Alvaro Herraez (IPhT Saclay)
      • 117
        Dilatonic (A)dS Black Holes and the Weak Gravity Conjecture

        The Weak Gravity Conjecture (WGC) can be obtained in flat space-time from the condition of existence of horizons for Reissner-Nordström black holes. I plan to report on the conditions for the existence and location of horizons for some black hole solutions arising in Einstein-Maxwell dilaton theories with non-trivial dilaton potential, and comment on implications for the extension of the WGC to the corresponding theories.

        Orateur: Carlo Branchina (LPTHE)
      • 118
        Causality cuts off black hole hair

        Gravitational wave detection has motivated the study of effective field theories (EFTs) that describe deviations from General Relativity in the strong-field regime. One example is given by EFTs describing a shift-symmetric scalar field coupled to the graviton, which can lead to black hole hair if specific interactions are considered.
        We can constrain such interactions from the point of view of fundamental principles: can black holes have sizeable scalar hair in an EFT consistent with causality and unitarity?
        I will consider the requirement that the EFT produces no measurable time-advances in the propagation of scalar and graviton probes. This forces the UV cutoff to be very small, to a point that if black hole hair were close to the observational threshold, then new physics would alter the scalar-tensor description already at scales of order km.
        Further constraints may arise from unitarity and causality in the form of dispersion relations for S-matrix elements. I will discuss the interplay between these constraints and the requirement of macroscopic causality.

        Orateur: Francesco Serra (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
      • 119
        The Eikonal approximation and causality in gravity

        I will introduce the Eikonal approximation in gravity from the partial waves expansion, which allows us to extract quantities such as the time delay or the deflection angle from scattering amplitudes.
        Positivity of the time delay defines a notion of causality in gravity usually referred to as "asymptotic causality". I will discuss how asymptotic causality is satisfied at loop level, by presenting the case of the "photon self-stress" (2108.05896), where quantum corrections to the time delay of a photon are obtained considering 1-loop contributions to its coupling to gravity. I will also comment on another notion of causality, called "bulk causality".

        Orateur: Giulia Isabella (IJCLab)
      • 120
        Covariant Quantization of Quadratic Gravity: A New Perspective on the Ghost Problem

        We perform a quantization of globally scale-invariant quadratic gravity by means of the covariant operator formalism and arrive at a fresh perspective on the ghost problem in fourth order theories of gravity. After reducing the originally fourth order theory to second order in time derivatives via the introduction of an auxiliary tensor field, we identify the full Fock space of quantum states using the BRST construction. Next, using the Kugo-Ojima quartet mechanism, we identify the physical subspace of these states and find that the subspace containing the transverse spin-2 states comes equipped with an indefinite inner product metric and a one-particle Hamiltonian that possesses only a single eigenstate. We analyze this spin-2 subspace in detail and encounter a violation of energy conservation in scattering processes that arises from the presence of dipole wave functions when the S-matrix is constructed using the standard LSZ reduction formula. Finally, we speculate on a simple modification to the S-matrix that, if shown to be consistent, restores energy conservation and renders the quantum theory unitary.

        Orateur: Jeffrey Kuntz (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
    • 15:40
      Coffee break Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Ministry of research

      25 rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris
    • Parallel Session 1: Dark Matter Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Président de session: Giorgio Arcadi
      • 121
        Fingerprints of freeze-in dark matter in an early matter-dominated era

        We study the impact of an alternate cosmological history with an early matter-dominated epoch on the freeze-in production of dark matter. Such early matter domination is triggered by a metastable matter field dissipating into radiation. In general, the dissipation rate has a non-trivial temperature and scale factor dependence. Compared to the usual case of dark matter production via the freeze-in mechanism in a radiation-dominated universe, in this scenario, orders of magnitude larger coupling between the visible and the dark sector can be accommodated. Finally, as a proof of principle, we consider a specific model where the dark matter is produced by a sub-GeV dark photon having a kinetic mixing with the Standard Model photon. We point out that the parameter space of this model can be probed by the experiments in the presence of an early matter-dominated era.

        Orateur: Avik BANERJEE (Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden)
      • 122
        Impact of bound states on non-thermal dark matter production

        In this talk I will discuss the influence of non-perturbative effects,
        namely Sommerfeld enhancement and bound state formation, on the cosmological production of non-thermal dark matter (DM). For this purpose, I will focus on a class of simplified models with t-channel mediators. These naturally combine the requirements for large corrections in the early Universe, i.e. beyond the Standard Model states with long range interactions, with a sizable new physics production cross section at the LHC.
        I will show that the dark matter yield of the superWIMP mechanism is suppressed considerably due to the non-perturbative effects under consideration, which leads to a significant shift in the cosmologically preferred parameter space of non-thermal dark matter in these models. By revisiting the implications of LHC bounds on long-lived particles associated with non-thermal dark matter, I will conclude that testing this broad class of DM models at the LHC and its successors is a bigger challenge than previously anticipated.

        Orateur: Julian BOLLIG (University of Freiburg)
      • 123
        Sequential freeze-in of light dark matter and its possible probes

        We consider a light non-thermal dark matter (DM) model that interacts with the Standard Model (SM) through a light mediator. The observed relic abundance in the Universe is obtained through the sequential freeze-in mechanism, where DM is produced from pair annihilation of mediator particles which are themselves produced by thermal collisions of SM particles. The light mediator, having leptonic as well as hadronic couplings, can be probed by several low-energy experiments. We extend the previous analysis in this regard and focus on the complementarity between direct detection and new probes like atomic spectroscopy. The relevant present and future constraints are incorporated systematically in the analysis.

        Orateur: Sreemanti CHAKRABORTI (LAPTh, Annecy)
      • 124
        Continuum Dark Matter

        In this talk, I will present a new theory of DM, qualitatively different from any existing proposal. I will present a theory, in which DM is made up of a novel form of matter, called “gapped continuum”. While ordinary elementary particles have unique masses - for example, each proton in the universe weighs exactly the same - the mass of DM states in our theory is a continuous parameter. I will present a fully realistic model that describes this DM candidate and its interactions with
        ordinary particles. The continuum DM can give striking new experimental signatures in colliders, direct detection experiments, and cosmic microwave background measurements, while the strong suppression of direct detection signals reopens the possibility of a Z-mediated dark sector again.

        Orateur: Seung J. Lee (Korea University)
      • 125
    • Parallel session 2: Cosmology Stourdzé


      Président de session: Geraldine Servant (CERN)
      • 126
        Higgs Inflation and the Ambiguities of General Relativity

        General Relativity (GR) exists in different formulations. They are equivalent in pure gravity but lead to distinct predictions once matter is included. After a brief overview of various versions of GR, I will highlight metric-affine gravity, which avoids any assumption about the vanishing of curvature, torsion or non-metricity. Using the example of a scalar eld coupled non-minimally to GR, I will illustrate ambiguities that arise due to the choice of formulation. Among others, this has important implications for the proposal that inflation was driven by the Higgs field. Predictions are no longer unique, but I shall sketch possibilities for selecting preferred scenarios.

        Orateur: Sebastian Zell (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
      • 127
        Polynomial Inflation

        Monomial inflationary models have been ruled out by latest B-mode experiments. In this talk, I will show that a simple and well motivated polynomial of degree four can nevertheless fit comfortably well current CMB data. The model predicts a running of the spectral index α ∼ −$10^{−3}$, which is testable by next generation CMB experiments. A full model parameter space was obtained by considering BBN constraint on reheating temperature and radiative stability. The inflationary scale can be as low as Hinf ∼ 1 MeV, or as high as ∼ 10^{10} GeV. Similarly, the reheating temperature can lie between its lower bound of ∼ 4 MeV and about 4 × 10^8 (10^{11}) GeV for fermionic (bosonic) inflaton decays. The model is renormalizable and very simple, which can be easily extended for post-inflationary production of dark matter and leptogenesis.

        Orateur: Yong Xu (Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Universität Bonn)
      • 128
        Ending inflation with a bang: Higgs vacuum decay in R2 gravity

        According to the current experimental data, the SM Higgs vacuum appears to be metastable due to the development of a second, lower ground state in the Higgs potential. Consequently, vacuum decay would induce the nucleation of true vacuum bubbles with catastrophic consequences for our false vacuum Universe. Since such an event would render our Universe incompatible with measurements, we are motivated to study possible stabilising mechanisms in the early universe. In our current investigation, we study the experimentally motivated metastability of the electroweak vacuum in the context of the observationally favoured model of Starobinsky inflation. Following the motivation and techniques from our first study (2011.03763), we wish to obtain similar constraints the Higgs-curvature coupling ξ, while treating Starobinsky inflation more rigorously. us, we are embedding the SM on the modified gravity scenario R + R2 , that introduces Starobinsky inflation naturally, with significant repercussions for the effective Higgs potential in the form of additional negative terms that destabilize the vacuum. Another important aspect lies in the definition for the end of inflation as bubble nucleation is prominent during its very last moments. Our results dictate stronger lower ξ-bounds that are very sensitive to the final moments of inflation.

        Orateur: Andreas Mantziris (Imperial College London)
      • 129
        UV behaviour of Higgs inflation models

        We study the ultraviolet behaviour of Higgs inflation models above the apparent unitarity violation scale arising from the large non minimal coupling to gravity, by computing on-shell 4-point scattering amplitudes in an arbitrary inflaton background. The effective Einstein frame cutoff for large inflaton background turns out to be parametrically larger for the U(1) model, than for the realistic doublet Higgs model where the effective Einstein frame cutoff is found to be the standard Mp/sqrt(ξ) for both the Palatini and metric formulations. The same result also holds if an R^2 term is added to the action.

        Orateur: Anthony Guillen
    • Parallel session 3: BSM phenomenology L005


      Président de session: Aldo Deandrea
      • 130
        QCD Axion Search with ILC Beam Facility

        One of the most promising methods to search for axions is a light-shining-through-walls (LSW) experiment. In this talk, I will discuss the possibility of performing an LSW experiment at the ILC experiment, where photon beams are generated for positron production. The photon beam is energetic and intense; the energy is of order MeV and the number of photons is about 1024 per year. Due to the high energy and intensity, this LSW experiment can reveal the parameter region of the axion unexplored by previous ground-based experiments.

        Orateur: Satoshi Shirai (Kavli IPMU)
      • 131
        Natural axion model from flavour

        We explore a common symmetrical origin for two long standing problems in particle physics: the strong CP and the fermion mass hierarchy problems. The Peccei-Quinn mechanism solves the former one with an anomalous global 𝑈(1)𝑃𝑄​ symmetry. Here we investigate how this 𝑈(1)𝑃𝑄​ could at the same time explain the fermion mass hierarchy. We work in the context of a four-Higgs-doublet model which explains all quark and charged fermion masses with natural, i.e. order 1, Yukawa couplings. Moreover, the axion of the model constitutes a viable dark matter candidate and neutrino masses are incorporated via the standard type-I seesaw mechanism. A simple extension of the model allows for Dirac neutrinos.

        Orateur: Salvador Centelles Chuliá (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
      • 132
        LLPs from LSPs and the Muon g-2

        The minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model including three families of right-handed neutrino superfields can simultaneously solve the ν-problem by being able to reproduce the correct neutrino masses and mixing angles, and explain the higgs data. Due to the smallness of the neutrino Yukawa coupling in the model, the magnitude of the R-parity violating interactions is also very small, leading to the lightest supersymmetric particles (LSPs) that are long lived, and that can be probed at the current and upcoming accelerator experiments. I discuss some of the LSP scenarios, and show how the model can explain the muon g-2 data. Also, I discuss possible candidates for dark matter.

        Orateur: essodjolo kpatcha
      • 133
        Axion Decay and Chiral Anomalies

        Martinus Veltman was the first to point out the inconsistency of the experimental value for the decay rate of \pi^0\rightarrow\gamma\gammaπ
        →γγ and its calculation by J. Steinberger with the very successful concept of the pion as the (pseudo)Nambu-Goldstone boson of the spontaneously broken global axial symmetry of strong interactions. That inconsistency has been resolved by J. Bell and R. Jackiw in their famous paper on the chiral anomalies. We review the connection between the decay amplitudes of an axion into two gauge bosons in Abelian vector-like and chiral gauge theories. The axion is the Nambu-Goldstone boson of a spontaneously broken axial global symmetry of the theory. Similarly as for the vector-like gauge theory, also in the chiral one the axion decay amplitude is determined by the anomaly of the current of the axial symmetry in its non-linear realization. Certain subtlety in the calculation of the anomaly in chiral gauge theories is emphasised.

        Orateur: Priyanka Lamba (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)
      • 134
        Cosmology of Axion Rotation

        We will introduce new cosmological dynamics of the QCD axion, where the axion field rotates in field space. Axion dark matter may be produced from the kinetic energy of the rotation and the required axion decay constant is much below the prediction of the conventional evolutions. The angular momentum of the rotation is transferred into baryon asymmetry through baryon number violating interactions. We discuss the electroweak sphaleron process, Majorana neutrino mass, and R-parity violation and predictions on the parameters of each theory. In some of the parameter space the rotation dominates the energy density of the universe. The resultant kination-dominated era modifies primordial gravitational wave spectra.

        Orateur: Keisuke Harigaya (CERN)
    • Parallel session 4: Formal aspects L006


      Président de session: Susha Parameswaran (Liverpool University)
      • 135
        Exploring the dualities of massive gauge theories: Aμ vs. Bμν

        We compare the massive Kalb-Ramond and Proca fields with a quartic self-interaction and show that the same strong coupling scale is present in both theories. In the Proca theory, the longitudinal mode enters the strongly coupled regime beyond this scale, while the two transverse modes propagate further and survive in the massless limit. In contrast, in case of the massive Kalb-Ramond field, the two transverse modes become strongly coupled beyond the Vainshtein scale, while the pseudo-scalar mode remains in the weak coupling regime and survives in the massless limit. This indicates a contradiction with numerous claims in the literature which state that the massive Kalb-Ramond and Proca theories are dual to each other.

        Orateur: Anamaria Hell (LMU Munich)
      • 136
        Self-tuning of the cosmological constant in brane-worlds with Cuscuton bulk field

        In this talk, I revisit the idea of self-tuning the observed cosmological constant to a vanishing value and promote it to a selection criterion of brane-world models, in which our Universe is described by a 3-brane embedded in a 5d bulk. As a concrete setup, I consider a bulk scalar field φ described by a general Lagrangian $P(X,φ)$ with $X=-(∂φ)^2/2$. By requiring that the model enforces the 4d curvature of the maximally symmetric 3-brane world-volume to vanish independently of the 4d effective vacuum energy, only two possibilities remain: one with a canonical bulk kinetic term and the other with an unconventional bulk kinetic term similar to a Cuscuton field. Further demanding the absence of bulk singularity, the latter is selected as a unique possibility within the class of models. The solution can accommodate any warp factor profile free from bulk singularity and with a finite effective 4d Planck mass. In a cosmological context, our solution would describe our (almost) flat Universe at late times, with a bulk warp factor profile expected to be determined by the evolution of the Universe before dilution of the matter fields by cosmic expansion.

        Orateur: Osmin Lacombe
      • 137
        A new mechanism for symmetry breaking from nilmanifolds

        We present a method to obtain a scalar potential at tree level from a pure gauge theory on nilmanifolds, a class of negatively-curved compact spaces, and discuss the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism induced in the residual Minkowski space after compactification at low energy. We show that the scalar potential is completely determined by the gauge symmetries and the geometry of the compact manifold. In order to allow for simple analytic calculations we consider three extra space dimensions as the minimal example of a nilmanifold, therefore considering a pure Yang-Mills theory in seven dimensions. We further investigate the effective potential at one-loop and the spectrum when fermions are included.

        Orateur: Fabio Dogliotti (Institut de Physique des deux Infinis, UCBL)
      • 138
        Weak Nonlocality, Extra Dimensions & Fuzzy Branes

        During the last decade, superrenormalizable or UV-finite theories of pure gravity and gauge theories were proposed in the framework of weakly nonlocal quantum field theories, regardless of the number of spatial dimensions. They are inspired by the success of string theory to improve the UV-behavior of local quantum field theories. Furthermore, the nonlocal scale acts as a smooth Lorentz-invariant cutoff for the radiative corrections to the masses of elementary scalars, opening a new path to the technical naturalness problem of the Higgs boson mass, with possible experimental signals of nonlocality at the LHC. In this talk, I will revisit some historical models with extra dimensions and branes, which are of interest to solve the gauge hierarchy problem and the flavor puzzle. I will argue that the extra ingredient of weak nonlocality allows new model building issues to generate hierarchies in particle physics (gauge hierarchy problem, flavor hierarchy, etc).

        Orateur: Florian Nortier (IPhT (CEA Paris-Saclay))
      • 139
        To break or not to break: chiral symmetry breaking in QCD-like theories from anomaly matching and supersymmetry

        Gauge theories are central in describing the fundamental interactions of particles both within and beyond the Standard Model. However, our knowledge on the infrared phases (for instance the vacuum structure) is limited once the theory becomes strongly-coupled. In this talk, we will try to sketch a generic and rigorous proof of chiral symmetry breaking in the confining phase of QCD-like theories, by showing that there is no solution for 't Hooft anomaly matching and persistent mass conditions. Furthermore, we will discuss implications from supersymmetric QCD and briefly comment on potential applications to beyond-the-Standard-Model phenomenology.

        Orateur: Ling-Xiao Xu (University of Padova & INFN Padova)
    • Dinner at Train Bleu
    • IgnatiosFest: Welcome words Amphitheater Poincare

      Amphitheater Poincare

    • IgnatiosFest Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

    • 10:00
      coffee break Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Ministry of research

      25 rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris
    • IgnatiosFest Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      • 142
        Heteotic duals of a class of Nikulin compactifications of M theory
        Orateur: Kumar S. Narain (ICTP, Trieste)
      • 143
        Strings and Large Extra Dimensions
        Orateur: Dieter Luest (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet)
      • 144
        Continuum spectra from warped dimensions
        Orateur: Mariano Quiros (ICREA)
    • 12:00
      Lunch break
    • IgnatiosFest Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      • 145
        Flipping the Universe
        Orateur: John Ellis (King's College, London and CERN)
      • 146
        String loop corrections and de Sitter vacua
        Orateur: George Leontaris (University of Ioannina)
      • 147
        Ignatios, D=?, SUSY?, Superstrings?
        Orateur: Tomasz Taylor (Northeastern University)
    • 15:30
      Coffee break Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Ministry of research

      25 rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris
    • IgnatiosFest Amphithéâtre Poincaré

      Amphithéâtre Poincaré