3rd ECFA workshop on e+e- Higgs/EW/Top Factories, Paris, 9-11 Oct. 24

Amphi Farabeuf (Campus des Cordeliers, Paris, Metro Odeon)

Amphi Farabeuf

Campus des Cordeliers, Paris, Metro Odeon

15 Rue de l'Ecole de Mรฉdecine, 75006, Paris
Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris), Gregorio Bernardi (APC Paris CNRS/IN2P3), Nicolas Morange (IJCLab)

Dear Colleagues,

The third 3rd ECFA workshop on e+e- Higgs, Electroweak and Top Factories will take place in the center ofย Paris in an in-person mode.

Theย Workshop will last from Wednesday, October 9th, 2024, 09:00 to Friday, October 11th, 16:00.

Registration is now opened.

The scientific program will continue developing in the coming months, according to the draft block schedule given in the timetable and following the call for abstracts which has started.

This workshop will be the last of the series of workshops on the physics, experiment and detectors for future e+e- factories before the start of the process of the next updated of the European Strategy on Particle Physics. It thus provides a crucial opportunity for the community working on the future e+e- factories to gather together and discuss the latest results and developments on these actitivies in view of the submission of a report as input to the next strategy update.

The central entry point of the ECFA study is accessible through this link

Previous editions:





ECFA workshop registration
  • Aidan Robson
  • Aleandro Nisati
  • Aleksander Filip Zarnecki
  • Alexis VALLIER
  • Annapaola de Cosa
  • Antoine Laudrain
  • Catherine Biscarat
  • Celso Martรญnez Rivero
  • Didier Contardo
  • Fares DJAMA
  • Frรฉdรฉric Dรฉliot
  • Giovanni Marchiori
  • Giulia Hull
  • Gregorio Bernardi
  • Gรฉrald Grenier
  • Jean-Baptiste de Vivie
  • Jean-Claude Brient
  • Jeremy Andrea
  • Krzysztof Mekala
  • Lata Panwar
  • Laurent Serin
  • Marcel Vos
  • Marco Zito
  • Markus Klute
  • Nicolas Morange
  • Paris Sphicas
  • Paul Colas
  • Roy Aleksan
  • Sofia Giappichini
  • Stephane Monteil
  • Toshinori Mori
  • Vincent BOUDRY
  • Ziad EL BITAR
  • +9
    • 1
    • Plenary
      • 2
        News from the local organizers
      • 3
        Welcome from IN2P3 and IRFU
      • 4
        ESPPU process and timeline; goals of the workshop
      • 5
        The need for a Higgs, Electroweak, and Top factory
      • 6
        Software for future colliders
    • coffee break
    • Parallel - WG1-PREC
      Conveners: Adrian Irles (IFIC (CSIC/UV) Valencia), Fabio Maltoni Maltoni (UCL), JORGE DE BLAS (University of Granada), Jenny List (DESY), Patrick Koppenburg (Nikhef)
    • Parallel - WG2
      Conveners: Dirk ZERWAS (DMLab and IJCLab), Fulvio Piccinini, Patrizia Azzi (INFN)
    • Parallel - WG3
      Conveners: Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron), Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris), Dr Mary-Cruz Fouz (CIEMAT)
    • lunch break
    • Parallel - WG1-HTE
      Conveners: Chris Hays (Oxford University), Fabio Maltoni Maltoni (UCL), JORGE DE BLAS (University of Granada), Jenny List (DESY), Karsten Kรถneke (University of Freiburg), Patrick Koppenburg (Nikhef)
    • Parallel - WG2
      Conveners: Dirk ZERWAS (DMLab and IJCLab), Fulvio Piccinini, Patrizia Azzi (INFN)
    • Parallel - WG3
      Conveners: Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron), Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris), Dr Mary-Cruz Fouz (CIEMAT)
    • coffee break
    • Plenary
      • 7
        Focus Topic 1
      • 8
        Focus Topic 2
      • 9
        Focus Topic 3
      • 10
        Focus Topic 4
      • 11
        Focus Topic 5
      • 12
        Focus Topic 6
    • Poster Session
    • Welcome Reception / Poster Session
    • Plenary
      • 13
        FCC: recent updates and goals/plans for contribution to ESPPU
      • 14
        Linear Colliders: recent updates and goals/plans for contribution to ESPPU
      • 15
        Higgs factories in the US P5 process
      • 16
        CEPC: status of the proposal, and plans
    • coffee break: Workshop Photo
    • Parallel - WG1-GLOB
      Conveners: Alexander Grohsjean (CEA Saclay Irfu/SPP), Fabio Maltoni Maltoni (UCL), JORGE DE BLAS (University of Granada), Jenny List (DESY), Marcel vos (IFIC - centro mixto U. Valencia/CSIC, Valencia, Spain), Patrick Koppenburg (Nikhef), Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA (CSIC-UC, Santander))
    • Parallel - WG2
      Conveners: Dirk ZERWAS (DMLab and IJCLab), Fulvio Piccinini, Patrizia Azzi (INFN)
    • Parallel - WG3
      Conveners: Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron), Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris), Dr Mary-Cruz Fouz (CIEMAT)
    • lunch break
    • Parallel - WG1-FLAV
      Conveners: Fabio Maltoni Maltoni (UCL), JORGE DE BLAS (University of Granada), Jenny List (DESY), Patrick Koppenburg (Nikhef), Stephane Monteil (Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont - UCA/IN2P3)
    • Parallel - WG1-SRCH
      Conveners: Prof. Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw), Fabio Maltoni Maltoni (UCL), JORGE DE BLAS (University of Granada), Jenny List (DESY), Patrick Koppenburg (Nikhef), Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Uppsala University (SE)), Roberto Franceschini (CERN)
    • Parallel - WG3
      Conveners: Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron), Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris), Dr Mary-Cruz Fouz (CIEMAT)
    • coffee break
    • Plenary
      • 17
        The Higgs/EWK/top factory challenge for detectors
      • 18
        Simulation of HET factory detectors
      • 19
        Reconstruction for HET factory experiments
    • Conference Dinner
    • Plenary
      • 20
        Generators and Theory developments needed for HET physics
      • 21
        Towards detectors for HET factories / tracking and vertexing systems
      • 22
        Towards detectors for HET factories / calorimeter and PID systems
      • 23
        Towards detectors for HET factories / electronics, mechanics, integration
    • coffee break
    • Plenary
      • 24
        WG1 (physics potential):Subgroup-1 report/plans
      • 25
        WG1 (physics potential):Subgroup-2 report/plans
      • 26
        WG1 (physics potential):Subgroup-3 report/plans
      • 27
        WG1 (physics potential):Subgroup-4 report/plans
      • 28
        WG1 (physics potential):Subgroup-5 report/plans
      • 29
        Poster prizes and 10min talks by two winning posters
    • lunch break
    • Plenary
      • 30
        ECFA Report: plans from WG1; discussion
      • 31
        ECFA Report: plans from WG2; discussion
      • 32
        ECFA Report: plans from WG3; discussion
      • 33
        Next steps and timelines for ECFA Report; approval process
      • 34
        Discussion: what is missing; how to engage in ESPPU process
      • 35