Beauty 2023 @ Clermont-Ferrand

Amphi 219 (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme)

Amphi 219

Maison des Sciences de l'Homme


The 20th International Conference on B-Physics at Frontier Machines, "BEAUTY 2023", will be held in Clermont-Ferrand, France, from the 3rd to the 7th July 2023. 

Initiated in Prague - 1993, the BEAUTY conference series is devoted to reviewing the latest theoretical and experimental advances in heavy flavour physics. 

The scientific programme will cover a wide range of topics, including CP violation, rare decays, spectroscopy, and production of heavy flavoured B and charmed hadrons. Prospects for upcoming B-physics experiments at frontier machines, and at the next generation of high-energy colliders will also be discussed. 

During the week, several social activities are scheduled (welcome reception, excursion, conference dinner), as well as an Outreach event (in french). Informal "Pints of Science" gatherings will also be organised.  


The conference fee will cover lunches throughout the week, breaks, as well as the conference dinner and social events. Check the "Registration" page for details (registration will open soon). 

Participants should book their accommodation at their earliest possible convenience (July 2023 being touristic high season in Clermont-Ferrand).



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