52nd Rencontres de Moriond EW 2017
The 52nd Rencontres de Moriond session devoted to ELECTROWEAK INTERACTIONS AND UNIFIED THEORIES will be held in La Thuile from Saturday March 18th to Saturday March 25th, 2017.
La Thuile is a pleasant winter sport resort located in the Italian Alps, at 1450 m alt., about 120 km from Geneva. The nearest international airport is Geneva (Switzerland).
Since its foundation in 1966 by Jean Tran Thanh Van, the Rencontres de Moriond bring together theorists and experimentalists for in-depth discussions on recent findings and new ideas in elementary particle physics in a pleasant, relaxed and intimate atmosphere.
The meeting is intended to promote fruitful collaboration between experimentalists and theorists and between various institutions by bringing together a limited number of physicists and astrophysicists in beautiful and inspiring surroundings.
This session is devoted to electroweak interactions and to unified theories.
The Rencontres de Moriond are sponsored by
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2nd and 3rd generation couplings with 13 TeV data 15mToward the observation of 2nd and 3rd generation BEH couplings with 13 TeV data. The data taken at 7 and 8 TeV at the LHC already significantly constrain many couplings of the newly discovered Higgs like boson. Up to now all observations are within uncertainties in agreement with the expectations from a SM Higgs boson. Within the SM this Higgs boson of the measured mass is expected to decay predominantly into a pair of bottom and anti-bottom quarks. However, this decay has not been observed yet, neither its expected coupling to 2nd and 1st generation fermions. This presentation will show the latest results of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations using 13 TeV data with regards to couplings to 2nd and 3rd generation fermions.Orateur: Dr Götz Gaycken (Bonn University)
- 09:25
Search and prospects for HH production 15mThe production of pairs of Higgs bosons (HH) provides a direct handle on the structure of the scalar Higgs field potential and on the value of the Higgs boson trilinear coupling. Although the HH production within the standard model (SM) is very small and out of the experimental reach with the current data, several beyond the SM theories predict and enhancement of the HH cross section or the existence of new resonances decaying into HH. These theories can be probed with the data collected so far at the LHC at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV. The status and the latest results of the searches performed by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations and the prospects for future measurements of HH production will be presented.Orateur: M. Luca Cadamuro (LLR)
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Search for non-standard Higgs states with 13 TeV data 15mThis presentation will review the status of searches for beyond the standard model Higgs boson decays in the ATLAS and CMS experiments. The topics covered include: Higgs boson decays to new scalar resonances, searches for long lived decays, flavor violating decays, and invisible signatures.Orateur: Verena Martinez Outschoorn (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Top quark properties measurements at the LHC 15mThe top quark is the heaviest known fundamental particle. As it is the only quark that decays before it hadronizes, it gives a unique opportunity to probe the properties of bare quarks. This talk will focus on a few recent precision measurements by the ATLAS & CMS Collaborations of the properties of the top quark, including measurements sensitive to the Wtb coupling, the top-Z coupling and measurements of the top quark mass.Orateur: Dr Mark Owen (The University of Glasgow)
Standard Model measurements
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Electroweak precise measurements at the Tevatron 15mThe talk will present the latest D0 Z-->mumu forward-backward asymmetry and sin2thetaW measurement, and the W mass, the weak mixing angle and the top mass results of Tevatron.Orateur: Dr Liang HAN (University of Science and Technology of China (USTC))
Electroweak precision measurements with Z and W bosons at the LHC 15mWe report on the status of the precision measurements of electroweak parameters with W and Z bosons at the LHC. The effective electroweak mixing angle sin^{2}_{\theta} is extracted by measuring the forward-backward asymmetry in di-lepton events near the Z boson mass region. Measurements of differential W and Z boson production cross-sections and their ratios are also reported. These measurements can be used to further constrain the existing parton distribution functions.Orateur: Dr Aram Apyan (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
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How bright is the proton? 15mThe photon distribution inside the proton affects a wide variety of LHC processes. In the past couple of years it emerged that our limited understanding of this distribution was the dominant uncertainty in a number of searches and certain precision Higgs predictions, notably Higgs boson production in association with a $W$ boson. This talk shows how the photon distribution can be related to electron-proton ($ep$) scattering. Normally one views $ep$ scattering as involving an electron that emits a photon, with that photon then probing the proton. However the same process can equally well be interpreted as an electron scattering off the photon field of the proton. Thanks to a wealth of existing high-precision $ep$ data, it turns out that the photon distribution can be constrained at the level of $1{-}2\%$ accuracy, almost two orders of magnitude better than in earlier model-independent determinations.Orateur: Dr Gavin Salam (CERN)
The proton radius from CREMA 15mWe have measured several 2S-2P transitions in muonic hydrogen ($\mu$p), muonic deuterium ($\mu$d) and muonic helium ions ($\mu^3$He, $\mu^4$He). From muonic hydrogen we extracted a proton charge radius 20 times more precise than obtained from electron-proton scattering and hydrogen high-precision laser spectroscopy but at a variance of $7\sigma$ from these values. This discrepancy is nowadays referred to as the ``proton radius puzzle''. New insight has been recently provided by the first determination of the deuteron charge radius from laser spectroscopy of $\mu$d. The status of the proton charge radius puzzle including the new insights obtained from $\mu$d spectroscopy will be discussed.Orateur: Dr Aldo Antognini (Paul Scherrer Insitute)
WW production cross section at 13 TeV 5mPrecise measurement of $W^{+}W^{-}$ production process empowers our understanding of Standard Model and also probes new physics phenomena at higher energies. This talk presents the total and fiducial cross section measurement of $W^{+}W^{-}$ process at a centre-of-energy $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with the data collected by the ATLAS detector in 2015. The events are selected in the leptonic decay channel i.e both W decaying into two leptons (electrons, muons) and associated missing transverse momentum.Orateur: Mlle Baishali Dutta (DESY Zeuthen)
Precision Higgs boson mass measurement using the H->ZZ*->4l decay mode 5mH->ZZ*->4l decays give rise to a narrow four-lepton mass peak and provide means for precision Higgs boson mass measurements. The accuracy of the measurement is enhanced by using per-event four-lepton mass uncertainties, the mostly on-shell Z-boson mass line shape, and ME-based kinematic discriminant used to separate signal and background.Orateur: M. Hualin Mei (University of Florida)
- 19:59
Jet Particology - Studying the Structure of Jets with the CMS Particle Flow Algorithm 5mPrecision measurements of jets is becoming more and more important in high-energy physics as jets are ubiquitous in LHC collision events. Jet energy corrections are one of the dominant sources of systematic uncertainties and improvements in jet calibration directly improve the accuracy of the bulk of CMS physics analyses. By the virtue of the Particle Flow (PF) event reconstruction algorithm we are able to distinguish different particle types in the collisions and thus can study also jets in the particle level. Studying the particle composition of jets gives a tool for improving jet calibration in sub-detector level and can also be used for testing the validity of QCD Monte Carlo (MC) simulations by direct data-to-MC comparisons. We present the latest results from CMS jet energy composition studies and show the remarkable agreement between LHC collision data and Pythia+Geant4 simulation.Orateur: M. Juska Pekkanen (University of Helsinki)
SM measurements (cont)
- 08:30
Determination of alpha(mZ) -- ALPHA collaboration 15mWe review the ALPHA collaboration strategy for obtaining the QCD coupling at the electroweak scale via Lattice QCD simulations. In the three-flavor effective theory we compute non-perturbatively the running of the strong coupling from hadronic scales to the electroweak scale. The result for the Lambda parameter in the three-flavor effective theory is used to obtain an accurate value of the strong coupling by means of (high order) perturbative relations between the effective theory couplings at the charm and beauty quark ``thresholds''.Orateur: Dr Alberto Ramos (CERN)
EW precision data and the 1-loop Z decay width in the SM effective theory 15mWe discuss the interpretation of some electroweak precision data in the SMEFT. Constraints and results for partial one loop results for the Z decay width, and related observables, in the SMEFT are shown.Orateur: michael trott (NBI)
W mass measurement 15mA first measurement of the W-boson mass at the LHC is presented based on about 4.6 fb^-1 of proton–proton collision data recorded in 2011 at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The measured value is 80370±19 MeV, consistent with the Standard Model prediction, with the combined values measured at the LEP and Tevatron colliders, and with the world average. The ATLAS result equals in precision the previous best measurement of the W mass, performed by the CDF collaboration. The CMS results for the W-like measurement of the Z boson mass using dimuon events are also shown. An overview of the analyses is shown with a special emphasis on the evaluation of the experimental systematic uncertainties, as well as on the uncertainties due to the modelling of the vector boson production and decay.Orateur: Dr Nansi Andari (Universite de Birmingham)
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PDF determination and the W mass 20mI summarize the state of the art in the determination of parton distribution functions (PDFs). I specifically discuss the determination of the W mass as a test case for the study the impact of the knowledge of PDFs and their uncertainties on precision physics at the LHC. I present prospects of improvement thanks to LHC data in the coming years and I discuss the theoretical, experimental and phenomelogical challenges related to their analysis.Orateur: Prof. Stefano Forte (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano)
- 10:40
- 11:00
Beyond SM
- 17:00
Progress with electroweakino searches with 13 TeV data 15mRecent results from searches for production of supersymmetric partner of electroweak bosons are presented, using 13 to 36 fb-1 13 TeV data sets collected by the ATLAS and CMS experiments in 2016. The various results are interpreted in simplified SUSY models.Orateur: Matthieu Marionneau (ETHZ)
- 17:40
One Loop Effective Lagrangian After Matching 15mIn the absense of a direct discovery of new physics at the LHC, Effective Lagrangians provide a unique tool to extract the maximum amount of information from experimental data in a model-independent fashion. The use of such information to infere properties of new physics models requires matching of these models to the effective Lagrangian. We describe the new computer code Match Maker, which computes in a fully automated way the matching of arbitrary UV completions of the Standard Model (SM) to the dimension 6 SM effective Lagrangian. This matching is performed both at the tree and one-loop levels.Orateur: Dr Jose Santiago (Universidad de Granada)
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A clockwork WIMP 15mI will discuss a thermal dark matter (DM) candidate within the clockwork framework. The clockwork mechanism, which is a natural way to generate small numbers starting from order-one couplings, allows to stabilize the DM particle over cosmological time by suppressing its decay into Standard Model particles. At the same time, pair annihilations are unsuppressed, so that the relic density is set by the usual freeze-out of the DM particle from the thermal bath, i.e. the clockwork DM candidate, although *unstable*, is a WIMP. The slow decay of the DM candidate is induced by "clockwork" particles that can be quite light and could be searched for at current or future colliders. I will also briefly comment on how this setup can minimally emerge from the deconstruction of an extra dimension in flat spacetime and argue that the clockwork mechanism that we consider could induce Majorana neutrino masses, with a seesaw scale of order TeV or less and Yukawa couplings of order unity.Orateur: Dr Daniele Teresi (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Scalar Production in Association with a Z Boson at LHC and ILC: the Mixed BEH-Radion Case of Warped Models 5mBesides Kaluza-Klein (KK) partners, the warped extra-dimensional/Randall-Sundrum (RS) models predict the existence of a scalar particle, the radion, which arises as a fluctuation of the fifth compomnent of the 5D metric. The radion is typically lighter than the KK states, thus being possibly the lightest new particle predicted by the RS models. In this talk, I will briefly discuss how the radion could be searched for at LHC and ILC via its associated production with a Z boson.Orateur: M. Andrei Angelescu (CNRS)
Search for Z-photon resonances with the ATLAS detector 5mAn overview of the search for $Z\gamma$ resonances using proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector is presented. A search for evidence of an SM Higgs boson undergoing the decay $H \rightarrow Z\gamma, Z\rightarrow \ell \ell$, where $\ell = e$ or $\mu$, has been performed, and a brief summary of the most recent public results is given. A search for exotic high mass resonances decaying to a $Z\gamma$ final state has been performed using proton-proton collision data recorded at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV. Leptonic decays of the $Z$ boson ($Z\rightarrow \ell \ell$, where $\ell = e$ or $\mu$) have been investigated, together with hadronic decay modes ($Z\rightarrow q\bar{q}$). An overview of the most recent public results is presented.Orateur: Dr Nathan Readioff (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique & Cosmologie)
Extending the LHC Reach for New Physics with Sub-Millimeter Displaced Vertices 5mMotivated by new metastable massive particles in a variety of extensions of the Standard Model (SM), I propose a new analysis based on Displaced Vertices (DVs) at the LHC. I show that, if metastable particles are pair-produced, two decay vertices can be distinguished with the performance of the LHC detectors if they are separated by $ \ge 100~\mu{\rm m}$. I discuss that the detailed study of the sub-millimeter DVs may greatly improve the discovery reach for metastable particles with $100~{\rm \mu m} \le c\tau \le 10$ mm, which have been regarded as promptly-decaying in previous analysis. It is also possible to measure the decay length of such particles, which provides important information to understand the nature of the new physics. As an illustration, I apply our method to the metastable gluino searches at the future LHC experiments. I find that the expected reach for the gluino mass can be extended by about $300$ GeV for $c\tau_{\tilde{g}} \sim 1$ mm. I also find a gluino with $c\tau_{\tilde{g}} \ge 200~{\rm \mu m}$ can be distinguished from a promptly-decaying one at a 5-$\sigma$ confidence level in the case a gluino with the mass of 2 TeV exists.Orateur: M. Hayato Ito (U.Tokyo)
Search for Exotic Phenomena using Events with Same Charge Dileptons + $b$-Jets at 13 TeV with ATLAS 5mA search is presented using events with $b$-jets, sizable missing transverse energy and total transverse momentum from leptons and jets ($H_{T}$), and at least two leptons with the same charge in the final state. The Standard Model processes that produce final states of this sort are relatively rare, so the SM backgrounds for this search are low. Several signal models are explored, which could produce an enhanced production rate for final states with same charge dileptons. The signal models explored here are Vector-Like Quark $B$, $T$, and $T_{5/3}$ via pair production, and several 4-top ($t\overline{t}t\overline{t}$) signatures: Standard Model production, contact interaction, and a model with two Universal Extra Dimension under the real projective plane geometry.Orateur: Sarah Jones (University of Arizona)
Beyond SM (cont)
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- 08:50
Relaxion phenomenology 15mThe relaxion framework, to ameliorate the Higgs fine tuning problem, is briefly introduced. Then, some of the relevant couplings to standard model fields are derived. Finally, the phenomenology of relaxion models is described and various search strategies in the various frontiers for new physics searches.Orateur: Prof. Gilad Perez (Weizmann)
Searches for other heavy resonances (boosted ttbar, vector-like quarks, etc.) with 13 TeV data 15mI will show new ATLAS and CMS results of (non-SUSY) searches with 3rd generation quarks, walking through the experimental challenges associated with the complex characteristics of these final states and the different approaches taken, namely, jet substructure techniques. I will highlight results with the full 2015+2016 dataset and will also show results with less data. A few motivating models with hypothetical vector-like quarks (VLQs) or models with new heavy gauge bosons will be in the focus of the presented searches.Orateur: Dr Noam Tal Hod (TRIUMF)
Searching for exotic BSM physics: Extrapolation Until the End of Run-3 15mThe prospects of looking for exotic beyond-the-SM physics with the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the LHC in the rest of Run-2 and in Run-3 will be discussed. What are the limiting factors in these searches? What gain in sensitivity can be achieved by accumulating more data? How do the actual limits compare to the predicted reach? How can the searches be improved?Orateur: Marie-Hélène Genest (LPSC)
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Prompt Signals and Displaced Vertices in Sparticle Searches 15mWe examine the phenomenology of a next-to-minimal gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking model which has attractive properties in the BEH sector: it can fit Higgs data with relative light (around 1 TeV or so) sparticle masses, resulting in less fine tuning. The model predicts displaced vertices. We demonstrate the the signal efficiency of a particular ATLAS displaced vertex analysis is poor for this model, but show how weakening the displaced cuts, but controlling backgrounds with cuts on concomitant prompt objects significantly increases the signal efficiency. We derive bounds from Run I and sensitivity for LHC Run II.Orateur: Prof. Benjamin Allanach (DAMTP University of Cambridge)
- 10:50
- 11:10
Searches for supersymmetry using the sum of masses of large radius jets 5mIn LHC searches for BSM physics in extreme final states, finding ways to pin background predictions to control samples in data is critical for establishing robust and credible analyses. The variable MJ, the sum of masses of large radius jets, has recently been applied to searches for supersymmetric particles to design data-driven estimates for difficult Standard Model backgrounds that arise due to high-order QCD effects or small tails beyond kinematic cutoffs. Two searches for gluino production in high multiplicity final states using the CMS detector are presented, highlighting their use of MJ to establish control regions in other discriminating variables that closely parallel the kinematics of the search regions. These searches focus on gluino pair production with both R-parity conserving and violating decays to final states with top quarks, with and without missing transverse momentum, many jets, many b-tagged jets, and 0 or 1 leptons. Exclusions on gluino masses in these models are significantly extended, with results presented from 36 fb-1 of pp collisions in the 2016 data sample in the case of the R-parity conserving search, and 2.7 fb-1 from the 2015 sample for the R-parity violating search.Orateur: M. Ryan Heller (UC Santa Barbara)
Epsilonprime and K to pi neutrino antineutrino correlations and new physics 5mRecent calculations have pointed to a 2.8 $\sigma$ tension between data on $\epsilon'$ and the SM prediction. Several new physics (NP) models can explain this discrepancy. It is known that such NP models are likely to predict deviations of the kaon rare decay branching ratios from the SM predictions, especially $B(K\to \pi \nu \bar{\nu})$ which can be probed well precisely in near future. We investigate a correlation between $\epsilon'$ and $B(K\to \pi \nu \bar{\nu})$ in two type NP scenarios: $Z$-penguin dominated scenario and the Trojan penguin dominated scenario. In the $Z$-penguin dominated scenario, we point out that interference effects between the SM and NP contributions to $\Delta$ S = 2 observables are overlooked in the literature, and it is found that they make experimental bounds significantly severer. On the other hand, in the Trojan penguin dominated scenario based on supersymmetry, different correlations are shown. This talk is based on arXiv:1604.07400, arXiv:1612.08839 and arXiv:1703.*****.Orateur: Dr Teppei Kitahara (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
The Sommerfeld Enhancement in the Scotogenic Model with Large Electroweak Scalar Multiplets 5mWe investigate the Sommerfeld enhancement (SE) in the generalized scotogenic model with large electroweak multiplets. We focus on scalar dark matter (DM) candidate of the model and compare DM annihilation cross sections to WW, ZZ, $\gamma\gamma$ and $\gamma Z$ at present day in the galactic halo for scalar doublet and its immediate generalization, the quartet in their respective viable regions of parameter space. We find that larger multiplet has sizable Sommerfeld enhanced annihilation cross section compared to the doublet and because of that it is more likely to be constrained by the current H.E.S.S. results and future CTA sensitivity limits.Orateur: Dr Talal Ahmed Chowdhury (University of Dhaka)
Leptoquark models for anomalies in B decays 5mEven though the LHC searches so far did not unveil the new physics particles, the B-physics experiments at LHCb, BaBar and Belle hint towards deviations from Lepton Flavor Universality in both the tree-level and loop-induced B meson semileptonic decays. I will briefly review the leptoquark models that can address these puzzles, propose one new model and discuss the main predictions that can be tested at LHCb and/or Belle-II.Orateur: M. Olcyr Sumensari (LPT - Orsay)
Neutrino interactions in MicroBooNE 5mMicroBooNE is a liquid-argon-based neutrino experiment, which began collecting data in Fermilab’s Booster neutrino beam in October 2015. Physics goals of the experiment include probing the source of the anomalous excess of electron-like events in MiniBooNE. In addition to this, MicroBooNE is carrying out an extensive cross section physics program that will help to probe current theories on neutrino-nucleon interactions and nuclear effects. This talk will summarize the latest results of MicroBooNE’s cross section analyses.Orateur: M. Marco Del Tutto (University of Oxford)
Heavy Flavours
Status of New Physics searches with b→sll transitions @ LHCb 12mRare electroweak penguin processes provide a rich platform to search for new physics. Some deviations have recently been found between the rate and angular distribution of these processes measured by the LHCb experiment and theoretical predictions. In addition, LHCb has seen hints of lepton universality breaking in these rare processes. This talk will review these measurements and put them in the context of search for new physics.Orateur: M. Simone Bifani (University of Birmingham)
- 08:45
b -> s l+l- anomalies: NP & uncertainties 15mAssuming Nature violates universality of lepton flavour interactions we explore different observables using the channel B->K*mumu that can provide specific information on the way this violation is implemented. Three different categories of observables are discussed: Qi observables (recently measured by Belle), Bi observables and M observables. We make particular emphasis on the capacity to distinguish different New Physics scenarios and on the lack of uncertainties. We discuss new ideas on these observables developed in collaboration with Belle and LHCb experimentalists.Orateur: Prof. Joaquim Matias (Universitat Autonoma Barcelona)
Rare B and strange decays 15mIn my talk I will discuss the latest LHCb results and implications from the rare B and strange decays. Run1 of LHC has finished. The first results from Run 2 are announced every month. No definitive evidence has been found for New Physics at the TeV scale despite the compelling theoretical arguments. But the situation is far from dull - not all the anomalies have vanished with the additional data and there are several serious tensions in the B-decays that remain to be understood and should not be taken lightly. I will focus on the tensions driven by the exclusive and inclusive $b\rightarrow s l^+l^-(\gamma) $ modes. I will address one of the possible scenarios where the tensions are treated as underestimated Standard Model resonance effects and present results from a new LHCb $B^+ \rightarrow K^+ \mu^+ \mu^- $ measurement including these resonance effects. I will also show the very fresh Run 2 results from the fully leptonic B decays and discuss their implications on the (pseudo)scalar Wilson coefficients.Orateur: Dr Siim Tolk (University of Cambridge)
b->c tau nu anomalies: NP & uncertainties 15mAlthough no new heavy particles have been identified in the high-energy frontier yet, there are tantalizing tensions with the SM in B-meson decays measured at the LHCb and B factories. In particular, the b→ c τ ν transitions have been measured through the ratios RD( * ). The average of the measurements is enhanced with respect to the SM and it would correspond to the tree-level exchange of a charged particle with mass Λ ~ 1 TeV and coupled selectively to τ leptons. In this talk I will provide a short theory review of these decays, discussing the extent up to which the SM predictions are understood, the type of new physics one would need to explain the tensions and the complementarity with other observables such as the lifetime of the Bc meson or the angular analyses based on the final visible products resulting from the cascade decay of the tau.Orateur: M. Jorge Martin Camalich (CERN)
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Charm physics with LHCb 15mAn overview of the latest LHCb’s measurements in the charm physics sector is presented. This includes measurements of direct and indirect CP-violating observables and precise determination of mixing parameters in two-body $D^0$ decays, measurements of CP-violating observables in multi-body charm decays and searches of rare charm decays.Orateur: Dr Michael Joseph Morello (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN Pisa)
Electroweak charm decays at BESIII 15mThe BESIII experiment at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII) accumulated the world's largest data sample of $e^+e^-$ collisions at 3.773, 4.009, 4.18 and 4.6 GeV. Based on analyses of leponic and semileptonic decays of $D_{(s)}^+$ mesons, we measured CKM matrix elements $|V_{cs(d)}|$, the $D_{(s)}^+$ decay constants and the form factors of semi-leptonic $D$ decays. These are important to calibrate the LQCD calculations of decay constant and form factors and to test the CKM unitarity. Using the quantum entangled production of $D^0\bar{D}^0$, we determined the strong phase difference and parameters of $D^0\bar{D}^0$ mixing.Orateur: Peter Weidenkaff (University Mainz)
A Natural extra-dimensional origin for the LHCb anomalies 15mThe anomalies recently found by the LHCb collaboration in B-meson decays seem to point towards the existence of new physics coupled non-universally to muons and electrons. A beyond-the-Standard-Model dynamics with these features can naturally arise in models with a warped extra-dimension that aim to solve the electroweak Hierarchy Problem. The attractiveness of this set-up is the fact that the dynamics responsible for generating the flavor anomalies is automatically present, being provided by the massive vector resonances. The flavor anomalies can be easily reproduced by assuming that the bottom and muon fields have a sizable amount of compositeness, while the electron is almost elementary. This framework correlates the flavor anomalies to a pattern of corrections in the electroweak observables and in flavor-changing processes.Orateur: Giuliano Panico (IFAE (Barcelona))
- 11:25
Heavy Falvours (cont)
$\bar{B} \rightarrow D^{(*)} \tau^- \bar{\nu}_\tau$ and Related Tauonic Topic at Belle 15mThe ratio of branching fractions $R(D^{(*)}) \equiv \mathit{BF}(\bar{B} \rightarrow D^{(*)} \tau^- \bar{\nu}_\tau) / \mathit{BF}(\bar{B} \rightarrow D^{(*)} \ell^- \bar{\nu}_\tau)$ (where $\ell^- = e^-, \mu^-$) from Belle, BaBar and LHCb showed about 4$\sigma$ deviation from the SM predictions as of 2015. In this talk, Belle's two measurements for the $\bar{B} \rightarrow D^{(*)} \tau^- \bar{\nu}_\tau$ decay in 2016 will be introduced. These measurements include the first application of the semileptonic tagging to the $R(D^*)$ measurement and the first measurement of the $\tau$ polarization using the hadronic tagging and the hadronic tau decays. Along with the results of the $\bar{B} \rightarrow \tau^- \bar{\nu}_\tau$ measurements, compatibility with the SM and the type-II Two-Higgs-Doublet Model will be discussed.Orateur: Shigeki Hirose (Nagoya University)
Search for Invisible Dark Photon Decays at BaBar & New CP Violation Results from Combined BaBar+Belle Measurements 15mThe BaBar experiment pioneered the low-energy, high-intensity collider search in various signatures of light dark matter and put stringent constraints on dark sector models. We present a new measurement, which focuses on the search for invisible decays of the dark photon. We present results of a new analysis campaign, which combines the final data samples collected by the B factory experiments BaBar and Belle in single physics analyses to achieve a unique sensitivity in time-dependent CP violation measurements. We present a measurement of $\sin(2\beta)$ and $\cos(2\beta)$ by a time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis of $B^{0} \to D^{(*)} h^{0}$ with $D \to K_{S}^{0} \pi^{+} \pi^{-}$ decays. A first evidence for $\cos(2\beta)>0$, the exclusion of trigonometric multifold solutions of the Unitarity Triangle and an observation of CP violation are reported.Orateur: Markus Roehrken (California Institute of Technology)
New Physics explanations of the b->s mu mu anomalies 15mIn this talk I discuss how the deviations from the SM predictions in b->s mumu transitions can be explained with New Physics models. After reviewing the possibilities which include leptoquarks and Z' models, I focus on two specific Z'models which have interesting correlations with direct LHC searches.Orateur: Andreas Crivellin (CERN)
Electroweak HF physics at ATLAS and CMS with 13 TeV data 15mThe Large Hadron Collider General Purpose Detectors, ATLAS and CMS, are well equipped to study heavy flavour physics. I present recent results in this area from ATLAS and CMS, including measurements made with 7, 8 and 13 TeV data.Orateur: Dr Adrian Bevan (Queen Mary University of London)
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- 19:25
Lattice and the K-unitarity triangle 15mAs shown in our PRL in 2015, after decades of efforts lattice methods are finally able to quantitatively tackle the outstanding challenges of K=> pi pi and the direct CP violation parameter. Indeed that 1st calculation showed a consistency of the Standard Model witb the experimental measurement at around 2 sigma. Since then efforts are underway to improving statistics by a factor of 4 and several of the important systematics. Moreover, in recent years lattice methods have been developed for tackling long distance parts of Delta m_K, indirect CP violation parameter epsilon and for rare K-decays such as K^+ => pi^+ nu nu. A precsion experimental measurement of this important rare K-decay is now underway at CERN by the NA-62 experiment. These developments now provide a way to construct the unitarity triangle using mainly input from Kaon physics opening up another avenue for stringent test of the SM and search for clues to new phenomena. [Talk is primarily based on paper with Christoph Lehner and Enrico Lunghi]Orateur: Amarjit Soni (BNL)
Dark Matter & Axions
Direct search for dark matter in the mono-X + MET final state with 13 TeV data 15mDark matter is the dominant component of matter in the universe, but to date there is no experimental evidence of its nongravitational interaction with the Standard Model. At particle colliders, dark matter particles may be produced via some unknown intermediate state. So-called Mono-X signatures, in which the presence of invisible particles can be inferred from their recoil against a visible particle, are studied by the ATLAS and CMS experiments to probe for Dark Matter production at the LHC. In this talk, the latest results from the analyses of proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV will be presented.Orateur: Alexander Madsen (DESY)
- 08:50
DAMIC results and future plans 15mDAMIC is a direct detection dark matter experiment using thick silicon CCDs as target and sensor. This technique is sensitive to nuclear recoil induced by the interaction of low mass WIMP on the target nucleus thanks to the silicon crystal characteristics and low noise readout capabilities. DAMIC is installed at SNOLAB and has set limits on WIMP-nucleon cross section between 1 and 20 Gev/$c^2$ with a detector of 9 grams cumulating an exposure of 0.6 kg.day. After explaining the functioning and the advantages of the technique we will review the performances and results of the DAMIC detector and the status of the current upgrade to DAMIC100. We will also focus on the challenges and the potential of a prospective versions of a kg scale detector.Orateur: M. Romain Gaior (LPNHE)
Table top searches for screened scalar interactions associated with dark energy 20mRecent proposals have suggested that dark energy could arise from interactions related to a new scalar particle. In models where such forces are "screened," existing laboratory constraints on fifth forces and solar system bounds can be avoided. We will present results from table top laboratory searches for new scalars that would be sensitive to certain classes of such screened interactions. Results from recent searches for new forces acting on both atoms and micron-sized silica spheres will be presented, and the future sensitivity of these techniques will be discussed.Orateur: David Moore (Yale University)
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Dark matter direct detection experiments with xenon in dual phase. 20mDual phase (liquid - gas) direct detection xenon experiments have recently demonstrated their exceptional capabilities for rare event detection. They examine the interaction of dark matter particles through their scatter off nuclei in the target. This technology currently achieves the most stringent limits on WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) searches: it is evolving rapidly since the last decade and is expected to continue leading the field. The most recents results from LUX, PandaX and XENON Collaborations will be reviewed, focused on dark matter sensitivity limits. The near future of the first ton-scale target mass experiments will be presented too.Orateur: Dr Julien Masbou (SUBATECH)
- 10:40
WIMPS : How to hunt them and how to save them 15mThe non-observation of new physics at the LHC and in direct detection experiments puts significant pressure on the idea that dark matter consists of weakly-interacting massive particles (WIMPs) produced from thermal freeze-out. In light of these results I will discuss ways to extend the WIMP idea by introducing new mediators and/or additional states in the dark sector. Doing so affects the phenomenology of WIMP models in important ways, leading to additional constraints but also offering new ways to avoid thermal overproduction of dark matter. I will discuss how to constrain such models with the LHC and how to answer the question whether thermal dark matter can still be viable.Orateur: Dr Felix Kahlhoefer (DESY)
Dark Matter & Axions (cont)
Self-interacting dark matter for solving small scale problems 15mDark matter self-interactions are a well-motivated solution to the core-vs-cusp and the too-big-to-fail problems. They are commonly induced by means of a light mediator, that is also responsible for the dark matter freeze-out in the early universe. Motivated by the fact that such scenario is constrained to corners of the parameter space where the SM and the dark sector are decoupled, I will discuss the possibility that the relic density of a self-interacting dark matter candidate can proceed from the freeze-out of only annihilations into SM particles. I will argue that scalar and Majorana dark matter in the mass range of 10 − 500 MeV, coupled to a slightly heavier massive gauge boson, are the only candidates in agreement with multiple current experimental constraints. I will also discuss prospects of establishing or excluding these two scenarios in future experiments.Orateur: Dr Camilo Alfredo Garcia Cely (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- 17:20
Dark Matter Search Results from the PICO-60 C$_3$F$_8$ Bubble Chamber 15mThe PICO collaboration searches for dark matter particles using superheated fluid detectors, or bubble chambers. These detector can be made inherently insensitive to gamma and beta radiation, while the additional background suppression required to obtain sensitivity to the elusive dark matter signal is achieved with the acoustic signature of the bubble nucleation that allows the identification of alpha particles. In this talk I will present the most recent results obtained with the PICO-60 C$_3$F$_8$ bubble chamber at SNOLAB, in Sudbury, Canada, that set the most stringent constraints on the dark matter signal in the WIMP-proton spin-dependent interaction.Orateur: Dr Guillaume Giroux (Queen's University)
break 15m
- 18:20
Axion-like particles motivated by astrophysics 15mObservations of ensembles of distant gamma-ray sources suggest anomalous transparency of the intergalactic space for energetic gamma rays, which may be understood if the photons mix with an axion-like particle with well-constrained parameters. I briefly review these observations together with implications of the axion-like particle for physics, astrophysics and cosmology.Orateur: Prof. Sergey Troitsky (INR, Moscow)
- 19:00
Neutrinos & Astroparticles
New results on theta23 from NOνA 15mThe NOvA experiment is a long-baseline accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiment. It uses the upgraded NuMI beam from Fermilab and measures electron-neutrino appearance and muon-neutrino disappearance between its onsite near detector and the far detector in Ash River, Minnesota. The beam recently reached the 700kW power design benchmark. Goals of the experiment include measurements of theta13, mass hierarchy, theta23 cotant and the CP violating phase. This talk desrcibes the experiment and the status of its measurements and the lastest results on the theta23 angle are presented, based on the exposure equivalent to 6.05×10e20 POT.Orateur: Filip Jediny (Czech Technical University in Prague)
New results on CP from T2K 15mT2K (Tokai-to-Kamioka) is the accelerator-based long base-line neutrino experiment that measures the probabilities of flavor change of neutrino beam during 295km flight. The high intensity muon-neutrino beam that generated using J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) accelerator is detected by Super Kamiokande, 50 kt water Cherenkov detector that can distinguish electron-neutrinos and muon-neutrinos. T2K searches the CP violation phenomena in the lepton sector by measuring the electron-neutrino (anti-electron-neutrino) appearance using muon-neutrino beam and anti-muon-neutrino beam, respectively. We report the results of CP violation search and the precise measurements of muon-neutrino disappearance by analyzing the data produced by 1.5×1021 POT (Protons-on-target).Orateur: Prof. Takeshi Nakadaira (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK)
Electroweak baryogenesis from a hidden sector 15mElectroweak baryogenesis is ruled out (or nearly so) in the MSSM and two Higgs doublet models. We present a new, less constrained realization, where the Higgs sector is extended with a singlet scalar that strengthens the electroweak phase transition, and the CP asymmetry needed for baryogenesis is generated by dark matter interactions with the bubble walls. The CP asymmetry is communicated to the standard model by dark matter interacting with tau leptons and an inert Higgs doublet. This interaction controls the dark matter relic density and the baryon asymmetry. It is constrained by reinterpreting searches for MSSM staus decaying to taus and missing energy, which could be improved with data from Run 2 of the LHC.Orateur: Prof. James Cline (McGill University)
- 09:30
Background free search for neutrinoless double beta decay with GERDA Phase II 15mThe GERDA experiment searches for neutrinoless double beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay of $^{76}$Ge using high purity germanium (HPGe) detectors operated in liquid argon (LAr). The aim is to explore half-lives of the order of $10^{26}$\,yr. Therefore, GERDA relies on improved active background reduction techniques such as pulse shape discrimination (PSD) in which the time structure of the germanium signals is analyzed to discriminate signal- from background-like events. Phase II of the experiment includes a major upgrade: for further background rejection, the LAr cryostat is instrumented to detect argon scintillation light (LAr veto). In a first data release, a new limit on the half-life of $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay of $^{76}$Ge is set to T$_{1/2}^{0\nu}\,>\,5.3\,\cdot\,10^{25}$ yr at 90 % C.L., with a median sensitivity of $T_{1/2}^{0\nu}\,>\,4.0\,\cdot\,10^{25}$ yr at 90 % C.L. GERDA Phase II proved to be a high resolution experiment and background-free: together, PSD and LAr veto achieve a BI of the order of $10^{−3}$ $\frac{counts}{keV \cdot kg \cdot yr}$. With this unprecedented BI, less than one background event is expected until an exposure of 100 kg$\cdot$yr. The talk presents the current status of the experiment.Orateur: Victoria Wagner (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik)
break 15m
New Constraints on Sterile Neutrinos with MINOS/MINOS+ and Daya Bay 20mWe will describe two new searches for sterile neutrino oscillations. The first search looked for evidence through muon-neutrino disappearance with data collected by the MINOS detectors exposed to the NuMI beam. The second search looked for evidence through electron-antineutrino disappearance with data collected by the Daya Bay detectors exposed to nuclear reactors. We will explain how the MINOS and Daya Bay searches were combined to produce constraints on the allowed phase space by LSND and MiniBooNE. Finally, we will present the status of the sterile neutrino search using data from MINOS+.Orateur: Tom Carroll (The University of Texas at Austin)
Multi-detector results from the Double Chooz experiment 15mThe Double Chooz experiment (DC) is a reactor neutrino oscillation experiment running at Chooz nuclear power plant (2 reactors) in France. In 2011, DC first reported indication of non-zero θ13 with the far detector (FD) located at the maximum of oscillation effects (i.e. disappearance), thus challenging the CHOOZ non-observation limit. A robust observation of θ13 followed in 2012 by the Daya Bay experiments with multiple detector configurations. Since 2015 DC runs in a multi-detector configuration strongly reducing the impact of several otherwise dominating systematics. DC’s unique almost "iso-flux" site, allows the near detector (ND) to become a direct accurate non-oscillation reference to the FD. Our first multi-detector results, presented at MORIOND-2016 based on the neutron capture on Gadolinium, were dominated by the statistical error. The combined observation of neutron capture on Gadolinium and Hydrogen allowed us to overcome this issue and reduce the statistical error by about 40%. In this talk the new results will be presented, showing that we are today dominated by the detection systematic and that a final sensitivity on sin2(2θ13) of better than 0.01 is within reach.Orateur: Dr Anselmo Meregaglia (IPHC Strasbourg)
- 11:15
Neutrinos & Astroparticles (cont)
Seaching for heavy sterile neutrinos in kaon decay 15mThe discovery of neutrino oscillations calls for an extension of the Standard Model that would generate neutrino masses and mixing. One of the simplest possibilities is the addition of fermionic gauge singlets or sterile neutrinos. Many experimental strategies have been proposed to search for heavy sterile neutrinos, depending on their mass. If their mass fall within the MeV-GeV range, they can be produced on-shell in kaon decays. There is an intense ongoing and planned experimental program dedicated to the study of these decays at CERN (NA62, NA64) or J-PARC (KOTO) for example. We will present new results on the impact of heavy neutrinos on kaon decays, highlighting the most promising observables.Orateur: Dr Cedric Weiland (IPPP Durham)
Recent results from IceCube on neutrino oscillations 15mThe IceCube Neutrino Observatory, located at the South Pole, is the world's largest neutrino detector. IceCube is well placed to probe the existence of sterile neutrinos of around 1 eV², which is a region of particularly interest for the various anomalies motivating the existence of sterile neutrinos, by looking for resonant-enhanced muon neutrino disappearance around 1 TeV. In addition to that, using data from a more densely instrumented region of the detector (DeepCore), IceCube can be used to precisely measure regular neutrino oscillations and, by looking at distortions on those oscillations, further probe the existence of sterile neutrinos. We will be reporting on recent results from neutrino oscillations using both IceCube (sterile neutrino searches) and DeepCore (muon neutrino disappearance and sterile neutrino searches) with a particular focus on the sterile neutrino searches.Orateur: Joao Pedro Athayde Marcondes de Andre (Michigan State University)
Search for sterile neutrinos at the DANSS and Neutrino-4 experiments 15mDANSS is a one cubic meter highly segmented solid scintillator detector. It consists of 2500 scintillator strips (100x4x1 cm3), covered with gadolinium loaded reflective paint and read out by SiPMs via wave length shifting fibers. Groups of 50 strips are also read out by conventional PMT. DANSS is placed under a 3 GW reactor at the Kalinin NPP (Russia) on a movable platform. The distance from the reactor core center can be changed from 10.7m to 12.7m. The core and other materials provide about 50 mwe shielding against cosmics, which reduces the background drastically. DANSS started data taking in April 2016. The first results based on 27 days of data taking demonstrated that DANSS detected about 5000 IBD events per day with the background from cosmic muons of about 5%. In June, the data taking was stopped, in order to repair a water leak. The data taking with regular movement of the detector was resumed in October. The results based on more than 4 months of data taking will be presented including reactor off periods. The Neutrino-4 experiment searches for sterile neutrinos at the SМ-3 nuclear reactor (Dimitrovgrad, Russia). This 100MW reactor has a very compact core of 35×42×42 сm3. The prototype of a multi-section neutrino detector with liquid scintillator volume of 350 l was installed in the middle of 2015. Measurements with the full-scale detector with liquid scintillator volume of 3 m3 (5x10 sections) were started in June, 2016. Detectors are movable inside the passive shielding within a range from 6 to 12 meters from the reactor core. Measurements of antineutrino flux at such short distances from the reactor core are carried out with a moveable detector for the first time. The main difficulties of the measurements are due to large cosmic background, which decreases the precision of measurements. Analysis of measurements at small distances together with the data obtained at long distances is performed in order to obtain parameters of sterile neutrino.Orateur: Prof. Mikhail Danilov (NRNU MEPhI and LPI (Moscow))
Oscillations Beyond Three-Neutrino Mixing 15mI review the experimental indications in favor of short-baseline neutrino oscillations. I discuss their interpretation in the framework of neutrino mixing schemes with one or more sterile neutrinos which have masses around the eV scale. I present arguments in favor of effective 3+1 neutrino mixing with one sterile neutrino at the eV scale. I present the results of the updated 3+1 global fit including the recent MINOS, IceCube and NEOS data. I discuss the implications for future neutrino oscillations experiments.Orateur: Dr Carlo Giunti (INFN)
break 15m
Latest results from the Pierre Auger Observatory 15mThe Pierre Auger Observatory, located near Malargue, Argentina, is the world largest Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Observatory. It has been operating since 2004 and its exposure reached almost 60 000 km2 sr yr, providing an unprecedented large and high quality data set that have dramatically advanced our understanding of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. The suppression of the flux around 5×10^19 eV is now confirmed without any doubt. Costraints on models of origin and propagation of cosmic rays have been placed from a combined fit of both flux and composition; moreover, “top-down” source processes were disfavoured by strong limits placed on photon and neutrino fluxes. From studies on the depth of shower maximum, a gradual shift to a heavier composition from 3×10^18 eV was observed. More information on the composition, on the fraction of primary protons, and on hadronic interactions at the highest energies would be crucial to discriminate among the model classes of origin and propagation of cosmic rays and to understand the cause of the observed flux suppression. The Observatory is starting a major upgrade, named AugerPrime, to address these goals: the upgrade will be presented and the expected performances will be discussed.Orateur: Mlle Roberta Colalillo (INFN Napoli)
New limits on neutrino magnetic moments 15mAn overview of the current bounds on neutrino magnetic moments will be given. The reactor, accelerator, and solar neutrino data will be used to obtain these constraints, and the interplay of these experiments will be remarked, especially in the case of the leptonic CP phases. The improvement of these limits in future experimental proposals will also be briefly discussed.Orateur: Dr Omar Miranda (Cinvestav)
Measurement of R(D*) with three-prong tau decays at LHCb 5mLepton Universality violation would represent a signal of physics beyond the Standard Model. Semileptonic decays of beauty mesons into leptons of the third generation are of particular interest, since some anomalies have been observed in the measurement of their Branching Ratios. In this talk I will illustrate the strategy and the perspectives of the measurement of $R(D^*) = \mathcal{B}(B^0 \to D^{*-}\tau^+\nu_\tau)/\mathcal{B}(B^0 \to D^{*-}\mu^{+}\nu_\mu)$, with $\tau \to 3\pi (\pi^0) \nu_\tau$, which is currently ongoing at the LHCb experiment.Orateur: Federico Betti (INFN Bologna)
Measurement of time-dependent $C\!P$ violation in $B_s^0 \to D_s^{\mp} K^{\pm}$ decays with LHCb 5mIn $B_s^0 \to D_s^{\mp} K^{\pm}$ decays $CP$ violation in the interference between direct decay and decay after mixing results in a time-dependent asymmetry of the decay rates. From a measurement of this asymmetry five $CP$ observables can be determined, which are themselves sensitive to the CKM angle $\gamma$. The talk presents the flavour-tagged analysis of the Run I dataset recorded by the LHCb experiment.Orateur: Ulrich Eitschberger (Technische Universität Dortmund)
$b\to s\ell\ell$ anomalies from dynamical Yukawas 5mThe LHCb and Belle collaborations have recently reported some hints for New Physics in $b\to s\ell\ell$ transitions that, taken at face value, point to a large violation of flavor universality in the lepton sector. Motivated by them, I will present a model able to accommodate the experimental anomalies and, at the same time, address the flavor problem of the SM. The model is based on the idea of dynamical Yukawa couplings, where it is assumed that they are generated from dynamical fields whose vacuum expectation values minimize a generic potential invariant under a large non-Abelian flavor symmetry. I will show that the proposed framework predicts striking collider signatures that will be tested in the near future.Orateur: M. Javier Fuentes-Martin (IFIC, University of Valencia - CSIC)
Status of the STEREO experiment, a search for sterile neutrino at ILL 5mAlthough our current understanding of neutrino physics succeeds to compile most of the data into a three neutrino mixing framework, there are still experimental anomalies that need to be explained. The Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly (RAA) was highlighted in 2011, when a new spectral prediction of reactor antineutrinos showed a 6% deficit in the counts of previous experiments. A possible explanation for this phenomenon consists in introducing a sterile neutrino at the ev² mass scale into which antineutrino would oscillate. The STEREO experiment is designed to probe the oscillation phase-space region indicated by the RAA, by placing a gadolinium-doped liquid scintillator neutrino target at a 9 meters distance from the core of the ILL research reactor facility, in Grenoble (France). An oscillation pattern – if any – will be measured both in energy and in distance thanks to a segmented detector consisting of six identical cells. The main challenge of such measurement arises from the experimental location (ground level and close to the reactor). Background measurements and shielding designs were performed consequently. The building of the detector was completed last year, and data from a full reactor cycle was already collected. In this talk, I will summarise the principle of the STEREO experiment, as well as the status of the ongoing analysis of first collected data.Orateur: Aurélie Bonhomme (SPhN/IRFU/CEA-Saclay)
The branching fraction and effective lifetime of B(s)->mumu at LHCb with Run 2 data 5mIn the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, the branching fraction (BF) and effective lifetime ($\tau$) of the decay $B_s^{0} \to \mu^+ \mu^-$ have been calculated with high precision. Both observables are very sensitive to the existence of new particles entering the decay diagram. As such, they are prime candidates to search for signs of New Physics (NP) in flavour. Since the 80’s, experiments have been searching for $B_s^{0} \to \mu^+ \mu^-$ decays. After the LHC Run I, CMS and LHCb combined their data, obtaining the first observation of the $B_s^{0} \to \mu^+ \mu^-$ decay at more than 5 sigma. One year ago ATLAS presented their Run I BF measurement as well. The effective $B_s^{0} \to \mu^+ \mu^-$ lifetime had not been measured by any experiment yet. In this talk, the world's first measurement of the effective lifetime, obtained using LHC Run II data acquired by the LHCb detector, will be presented along with the first observation of the $B_s^{0} \to \mu^+ \mu^-$ decay from a single experiment.Orateur: Mick Mulder (Nikhef)
Determination of Vub at Belle II 5mSemileptonic decays of $B$ mesons involving low-mass charged leptons $e$ or $\mu$ are expected to be free of non-Standard Model contributions and therefore play a critical role in determinations of $\vert V_{ub} \vert$ and $\vert V_{cb} \vert$. Of all the CKM matrix parameters, $\vert V_{ub} \vert$ is the least precise and in most need of additional studies in order to constrain the apex of the Unitarity Triangle even further. We focus on exclusive reconstruction of charmless semileptonic $B$ meson decay $B \to \pi \ell \nu$, and present prospects and estimates for $\vert V_{ub} \vert$ at Belle II with the full planned dataset of 50 ab$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity.Orateur: M. Matic Lubej (Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI))
- 20:12
0$\nu\beta\beta$ sensitivity of the SuperNEMO demonstrator 5mThe SuperNEMO demonstrator, which is the first module of the SuperNEMO experiment, is looking for the neutrinoless double beta decay 0$\nu\beta\beta$ in order to unveil the nature of the neutrino. Its unique design, combining both tracking and calorimetry techniques, provides essential topological information. Indeed, fully reconstructing the event kinematics gives access to a variety of event topologies which can be used to measure the different background contributions as well as look for new processes such as the double beta decays to the excited states of the daughter nuclei. Using a multivariate analysis to take advantage of these informations can improve the background discrimination and further increase the detector sensitivity. The commissioning of the demonstrator is ongoing and the data taking should start in the Summer of 2017.Orateur: M. Steven Calvez (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire CNRS)
- 09:00 → 11:30