Eurostrings 2022, Lyon
Amphithéâtre Mérieux (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)
Amphithéâtre Mérieux
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Campus Jacques Monod
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The Eurostrings 2022 conference will take place at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon, from April 25 to April 29, 2022. It is part of a cycle of yearly conferences gathering researchers from all over Europe and elsewhere, working in the areas of quantum field theory, string theory, quantum gravity and related topics. The last in-person conferences in this cycle took place in 2018 in London, in 2017 in Milano and 2015 in Cambridge. After a long interruption due to the pandemic, we hope that this conference will be an opportunity for catching up through in-person discussions and fostering new collaborations.
Registration is now closed.
Review talks:
- Francesco Benini (SISSA)
- Clay Cordova (Chicago)
- Andrea Puhm (Palaiseau)
- Julian Sonner (Geneva)
- Sasha Zhiboedov (CERN)
Invited talks:
- Ofer Aharony (Weizmann)
- Roberto Emparan (ICREA)
- Iñaki Garcia-Etxebarria (Durham)
- Victor Gorbenko (EPFL)
- Magdalena Larfors (Uppsala)
- Dario Martelli (Torino)
- Thomas Mertens (Ghent)
- Nikita Nekrasov (Stony Brook)
- Niels Obers (NBI, NORDITA)
- Volker Schomerus (DESY)
- Evgeny Skvortsov (Mons)
- Alessandro Tomasiello (Milano)
- Irene Valenzuela (Madrid, Harvard, CERN)
- Dan Waldram (Imperial)
Contributed talks:
- Sergei Alexandrov (Montpellier)
- Murad Alim (Hamburg)
- Bruno Balthazar (Chicago)
- Alexandre Belin (CERN)
- Lakshya Bhardwaj (Oxford)
- Antoine Bourget (Paris)
- Andrea Cavaglia (King's)
- Niccolò Cribiori (München)
- Marc Henneaux (Paris, Brussels)
- Yolanda Lozano (Oviedo)
- Emanuel Malek (Berlin)
- René Meyer (Würzburg)
- Valentin Reys (Leuven)
- ChiaraToldo (Amsterdam)
- Christoph Uhlemann (Michigan)
- Wilke Van der Schee (CERN)
- Pierre Vanhove (Saclay)
- Jakub Vosmera (ETH)
International Advisory Committee:
- Oren Bergman (Technion)
- Alejandra Castro (Amsterdam)
- James Drummond (Southampton)
- Johanna Erdmenger (Würzburg)
- Matthias Gaberdiel (Zürich)
- Jerome Gauntlett (Imperial College London)
- Thomas Grimm (Utrecht)
- Fernando Marchesano (Madrid)
- Sara Pasquetti (Milano)
- Elli Pomoni (DESY Hamburg)
- Sakura Schafer-Nameki (Oxford)
- Julian Sonner (Geneva)
- Antoine Van Proeyen (Leuven)
- Balt van Rees (Paris)
- Alberto Zaffaroni (Milano)
- Konstantin Zarembo (Uppsala)
Conference secretary: