2nd Rencontre PhyNuBE: Clustering and Symmetries in nuclear physics

Amel Korichi (IJCLab)

The kickoff meeting of Resanet will take place at the CNRS center in the mountain village of Aussois from March 26th (arrival) to March 31st (departure). We propose to address two scientific topics that are clustering and symmetries

The former topic covers aspects of clustering related to the physics of open quantum systems and the formation of quasi-molecular states, nuclear astrophysics, equation of state of nuclear matter, and cluster radioactivities. The second topic will address the vast domain of symmetries, such as the ones of the standard model, or those more related to the atomic nuclei such as isospin, shapes, and seniority. 
The meeting will be composed of review talks to introduce the scientific topics, history, successes, questions, and remaining challenges, as well as shorter talks showing new experimental results or theoretical developments, that likely define directions for future research. A large amount of time will be dedicated to discussions and debates, as well as outdoor activities. 
Students are strongly encouraged to participate. Their full board accommodation will be covered. 


Important information: a shuttle from Aussois to Lyon Train station  is organized with a departure at 1 pm from Aussois conference center to facilitate the participants' return.  

The meeting is organized by Amel Korich (local organization) and the Board of Resanet:
Marlène Assie, Jérémie Dudouet, Thomas Duguet, Jean-Paul Ebran,  Diego Gruyer, Fairouz Hammache, Jurado Beatriz, Denis Lacroix, Antoine Lemasson, Araceli Lopez-Martens, Olivier Sorlin and Marine Vandebrouck 

PhyNuBE 2023: Ecole thématique  at Centre Paul Langevin d'Aussois

Poll about the PhyNuBe meeting