Mar 21 – 23, 2023
IJCLab, Orsay, France
Europe/Paris timezone

This conference is dedicated to the memory of Peter Schuck, who was an outstanding personality not only in the field of nuclear theory, but in many-body physics in general. Thanks to his broad interests, he was able to initiate discussions between different communities with the aim to transfer methods from one field to another and to overcome barriers due to different terminologies. Following these ideas, the objective of this conference is to bring together experts from different fields of many-body physics and to discuss recent progress, methods and results covering the large spectrum of subjects in which Peter Schuck was interested, from nuclei and neutron stars to condensed-matter systems and theoretical chemistry. Examples of topics that will be discussed are:

  • clustering phenomena in nuclei,
  • quartet condensation in nuclear and condensed-matter systems,
  • equation of state and density-functional theory,
  • BCS-BEC crossover in ultracold Fermi gases,
  • pairing and superfluidity in nuclear systems and neutron stars,
  • RPA and its extensions in nuclear physics, solid-state physics, and theoretical chemistry,
  • semiclassical methods for many-body systems.

Confirmed invited speakers: M. Baldo (Catania), B. Borderie (IJCLab Orsay), L. Canet (Grenoble), G. Chanfray (IP2I Lyon), D. Delion (Bucharest), Y. Funaki (Yokohama), F. Gulminelli (LPC Caen), E. Litvinova (Western Michigan Univ.), U. Lombardo (Catania), A. Minguzzi (Grenoble), V. Olevano (Grenoble), P. Pieri (Bologna), V. Piselli (Camerino), C. Providência (Coimbra), A. Recati (Trento), P. Ring (Munich), C. Salomon (Paris), J. Toulouse (Paris), X. Viñas (Barcelona), B. Zhou (Shanghai)

Local Organizing committee: Guillaume Hupin, Denis Lacroix, Michael Urban (chair)

Scientific committee: Markus Holzmann (Grenoble), Elias Khan (Orsay), Gerd Röpke (Rostock), Giancarlo Strinati (Camerino)

Conference secretary: Émilie Bonnardel, Valérie Brouillard

IJCLab, Orsay, France
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.