20ème conférence Claude Itzykson - Random Surfaces and Random Geometry


Group picture

The Itzykson Conference is held every year at the Institut de Physique Théorique in Saclay to honour the memory of Claude Itzykson. The 20th edition of this conference, which took place on June 10-12 2015, was devoted to random surfaces and random geometry.

A first theme was the study of random maps, or discretized surfaces, which has recently seen major advances using tools from algebra and geometry (topological recursion, discrete integrability), combinatorics (unified bijections) and probability theory (rigorous construction of the Brownian map, the scaling limit of random maps, and of their local limits).

A second theme was the study of Liouville field theory, a continuous approach to quantum gravity, string theory and random surfaces initiated by Polyakov in 1981, whose mathematical understanding was recently sharpened. Unifying this approach with the discrete one via random maps is a hot topic of research.

A third theme concerned random geometries in higher dimension, in the context of quantum gravity (tensor models, random triangulations, etc) and string theories, which forms another very active area.

Finally, questions concerning random surfaces and random geometries in condensed matter, soft matter, biophysics (interfaces and membranes) and social sciences (complex networks) were also tackled.

Organizing committee: Jérémie Bouttier, François David, Bertrand Eynard and Laure Sauboy (secretary).
Sponsors and benefactors: IPhT (CEA and CNRS)DSM, LabEx LMH, LabEx PALM, ANR Cartaplus, ANR Graal, Fondation Daniel Iagolnitzer, Michael and Victoria Bershadsky



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  • Adrian Tanasa
  • Alessandro Codello
  • Angelo raffaele Fazio
  • Anne Itzykson
  • Anshuman Pal
  • Asaf Nachmias
  • Bernard Julia
  • Bertrand Duplantier
  • Bertrand Eynard
  • Bianca Dittrich
  • Calin Lazaroiu
  • Cecile Monthus
  • Chenlin GU
  • Christian H. Schmidt
  • Cédric Boutillier
  • Dario Benedetti
  • David García
  • David Turton
  • Denis BERNARD
  • Des Johnston
  • Dominique Poulalhon
  • Elena Mirela Babalic
  • Eleni Katifori
  • Emmanuel GUITTER
  • Eric Vernier
  • Florent Chevallier
  • François David
  • Gernot Akemann
  • Ghislaine Itzykson
  • Gilles Schaeffer
  • Giulia CARRA
  • Grégoire Misguich
  • Guillaume LE TREUT
  • Henk Hilhorst
  • Henri Orland
  • Iakov Kononov
  • Iosif Bena
  • Ivan Dornic
  • Jean-Bernard ZUBER
  • Jean-François LE GALL
  • Jean-Michel Drouffe
  • Jiaowen Yang
  • Jingzhou Sun
  • Johan Blåbäck
  • Jonas Kahn
  • Joonas Turunen
  • Jérémie Bouttier
  • Karen Vásquez
  • Kay Wiese
  • Konstantin Izyurov
  • Laure Dumaz
  • Laurent Menard
  • Leonid Chekhov
  • Linxiao Chen
  • Loïc Richier
  • Luca Lionni
  • Maciej Dołęga
  • Marc Barthelemy
  • Marie Albenque
  • Mark Bowick
  • Michael Kozdron
  • Michel Bauer
  • Michel Lapidus
  • Mireille Bousquet-Mélou
  • Nicolas Curien
  • Noam Zeilberger
  • Olivier Babelon
  • Olivier Golinelli
  • Philippe Di Francesco
  • Pierre Vanhove
  • Raphael Itzykson
  • Remi Cocou Avohou
  • Renate Loll
  • Richard Kenyon
  • Rinat Kedem
  • Ruben Minasian
  • Rémi Rhodes
  • Shigenori Seki
  • Steffen Rohde
  • Stéphane Dartois
  • Séverin Charbonnier
  • Thibault Delepouve
  • Thordur Jonsson
  • Timothy Budd
  • Valentin Bonzom
  • Vincent Pasquier
  • Vincent Rivasseau
  • Wenjie Fang
  • Zoryana Usatenko
  • Édouard Brézin
  • Édouard Maurel-Segala