5th France China Particle Physics Laboratory (FCPPL) Workshop

<a href="http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/">LAL</a> Centre Scientifique d'Orsay Bât 200, B.P. 34 91898 Orsay Cedex, France <a href="http://irfu.cea.fr/">IRFU</a> CEA - Saclay Bât 141 F-91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France
Achille Stocchi, Didier Vilanova

Welcome to the 5th workshop of the France China Particle Physics Laboratory, organised jointly by LAL-Orsay and Irfu-Saclay
The meeting will be followed by The FCPPL steering Comittee.

The France-China Particle Physics Laboratory is an International Associated Laboratory
(LIA) involving a network of French IN2P3 laboratories and universities, the French Commission for Atomic Energy (CEA), a network of institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese universities. It is supported by funding agencies and the French Embassy in China. It is mainly devoted to reinforce the collaborations in particle physics, with a focus on LHC and ILC activities, including computing development and deployment, as well as accelerator studies. The support and development of existing or new collaborations in other particle physics domains and in astroparticle, both in experimental physics or theory, are also an intrinsic part of this project.

The workshop will take place at the Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL-IN2P3) in Orsay
and at the Institute de Recherche sur les lois Fondamentales de l'Univers (IRFU-CEA / CNRS), 
in Saclay (France).

  • Annick Lleres
  • Audi Georges
  • Baldisseri Alberto
  • Bertrand Cordier
  • bo li
  • Cai-Dian Lu
  • Cedric Lorce
  • Chengguang Zhu
  • Christophe DE LA TAILLE
  • Chunbin Yang
  • Daicui Zhou
  • Damien VENACTER
  • Defu Hou
  • Didier Vilanova
  • Dominique Boutigny
  • Emi Kou
  • Emilie CHANCRIN
  • Emmanuel Monnier
  • Eric KAJFASZ
  • Eric L
  • Esthere Garnier
  • Etienne AUGE
  • Fabio Hernandez
  • Fazhi QI
  • Feng LU
  • Francois Le Diberder
  • Fu-Sheng Yu
  • Gang Chen
  • Gilles Gerbier
  • Giovanni Marchiori
  • Gisele Martin-Chassard
  • Guoming Chen
  • Hesheng Chen
  • Hongbo Liao
  • Hongyan Yang
  • Huaqiao ZHANG
  • Imad Laktineh
  • Isabelle Lhenry-Yvon
  • Javier Castillo Castellanos
  • Jean-Christophe Hamilton
  • Jean-Marc Richard
  • Jean-Philippe Lansberg
  • Jianrong Deng
  • Jibo HE
  • John Carr
  • Junquan Tao
  • Laurent Serin
  • Lian-You SHAN
  • Liangliang WANG
  • Liming Chen
  • Liwen YAO
  • Liyong Liu
  • louis sgandurra
  • Lydia Roos
  • Marc WINTER
  • Marion MacCORMICK
  • MARTINEZ Gines
  • Meng Wang
  • Meng Wang
  • Michel Davier
  • Nicole BASTID
  • Olivier Bondu
  • Olivier Deligny
  • Olivier Martineau-Huynh
  • Patrick Pangaud
  • Patrick Robbe
  • Paul Colas
  • Philip Bambade
  • Philippe Crochet
  • Phu Anh Phi NGHIEM
  • Qing QIN
  • Qing Wang
  • Robert CHEHAB
  • Ruiguang Wang
  • Selma Conforti Di Lorenzo
  • Shan JIN
  • Shu LI
  • Thomas Saugrin
  • Tiina Suomijarvi
  • Tomasz Bulik
  • Wenbo Li
  • Wenxin Wang
  • Xiaoming JIANG
  • Xiaoming Zhang
  • Xifeng RUAN
  • Xiongbo YAN
  • Yanping Huang
  • Yifang Wang
  • Yuanning Gao
  • Zhen Cao
  • zheng yang
  • Zhiqing Zhang
    • Registration + Coffee at LAL LAL cafeteria (LAL-Orsay (building 200))

      LAL cafeteria

      LAL-Orsay (building 200)

    • Opening celebration L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann (LAL-Orsay (building 200))

      L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann

      LAL-Orsay (building 200)

      Welcome adress by officials from IN2P3, Irfu, Paris 11, Orsay...

      • 1
        Welcome adress
        Orateur: Prof. Achile Stocchi (LAL director)
      • 2
        Paris 11 adress
        Orateur: Prof. Jacques Bittoun (Paris 11 vice president for research)
      • 3
        Irfu adress
        Orateur: Dr Philippe Chomaz (Irfu director)
      • 4
        IN2P3 address
        Orateur: Etienne Augé, deputy director
      • 5
        Chinese Embassy address
        Orateur: Han Jun, Minister-Counselor of Technology Section
    • Highlight talks L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann (Universe)

      L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann


      • 6
        First results of Daya Bay
        Orateur: Yifang Wang (IHEP)
      • 7
        Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Status and future plan
        Orateur: Xiaofeng Jiang (IHEP)
      • 8
        Higgs search @ LHC
        Orateur: Marumi Kado (LAL-Orsay)
    • 12:10
      Lunch break + Coffee @ LAL
    • ATLAS session L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann (LAL-Orsay (building 200))

      L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann

      LAL-Orsay (building 200)

      Présidents de session: Dr Emmanuel Monnier (CPPM), Prof. Guoming Chen (IHEP), Prof. Meng Wang (SDU)
      • 9
        Introduction of ATLAS cooperation
        Orateur: Emmanuel Monnier (CPPM)
      • 10
        Photon identification efficiency studies
        Orateur: Giovanni Marchiori (LPNHE)
      • 11
        Photon calibration studies
        Orateur: Liwen Yao (IHEP & LPNHE)
      • 12
        Higgs searches studies in the H to WW channel
        Orateur: Xifeng Ruan (IHEP & LAL)
      • 13
        Standard Model WW->lnulnu cross section measurement
        Orateur: Shu Li (USTC & CPPM)
      • 14
        W and top polarization studies in ttbar events
        Orateur: LianYou Shan (IHEP)
      • 15
        Single top studies
        Orateur: Annick Lleres (LPC Grenoble)
      • 16
        ATLAS activities at Saclay
        Orateur: Dr Eric Lançon (Irfu)
      • 17
        Muon Final State radiation in Drell-Yann process
        Orateur: Meng Xiao (IHEP)
    • 15:20
      Coffee break
    • CMS session L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann (LAL-Orsay (building 200))

      L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann

      LAL-Orsay (building 200)

      Présidents de session: Prof. Guoming Chen (IHEP), Prof. Suzanne Gason (IPNL)
      • 18
        IPNL-IHEP collaboration activities on CMS
        Orateur: Junquan TAO (IHEP)
      • 19
        High rate large GRPC detector using new generation electronics
        Orateur: Imad Laktineh (IPNL)
    • Theory session L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann (LAL-Orsay (building 200))

      L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann

      LAL-Orsay (building 200)

      Présidents de session: Dr Jean-Philippe Lansberg (IPNO), Prof. Qing Wang (Tsinghua)
      • 20
        An example of rare decay of psi(3770)
        Orateur: Jean-Marc Richard (IPNL)
      • 21
        Quarkonium production at the LHC and beyond
        Orateur: JP Lansberg (IPNO)
      • 22
        New physics at the LHC
        Orateur: Qing Wang (Tsinghua)
    • 18:00
      Welcome coktail LAL cafeteria (LAL-Orsay (building 200))

      LAL cafeteria

      LAL-Orsay (building 200)

    • Flavour Physics L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann (LAL-Orsay (building 200))

      L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann

      LAL-Orsay (building 200)

      Présidents de session: Dr Emi Kou (LAL), Prof. Yuanning Gao (Tsinghua)
      • 23
        Highlights of BES3 results and IHEP-LAL collaboration
        Orateur: Liang Liang WANG (IHEP)
      • 24
        Bc studies at LHCb
        Orateur: Jibo HE (LAL-Orsay)
      • 25
        Branching ratios and direct CP asymmetries in D decays
        Orateur: Fusheng YU (LAL-Orsay & IHEP)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • Computing session L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann (Universe)

      L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann


      Présidents de session: Dr Eric Lançon (Irfu), Prof. Gang Chen (IHEP)
      • 26
        LCG and LHC computing
        Orateur: Chen Gang (IHEP) & Eric Lancon (Irfu)
      • 27
        Computing technologies
        Orateur: Fabio Hernandez (IHEP) & Ghita Rahal (CC - IN2P3)
      • 28
        GRIF T2
        Orateur: Jean Pierre Meyer (irfu)
    • 11:50
      Lunch break
    • Visit of Orsay scientific parc (IPNO OR LAL)
    • Astroparticle and Cosmology L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann (LAL-Orsay (building 200))

      L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann

      LAL-Orsay (building 200)

      Présidents de session: Dr Gilles Gerbier (Irfu), Dr Thomas Saugrin (NAOC)
      • 29
        Type Ia supernovae spectral analysis with the SNfactory spectrophotometric data sample
        Orateur: M. nicolas Chotard (Institut de physique nucléaire de Lyon)
      • 30
        " Physics in underground laboratories
        Orateur: Dr Gilles Gerbier (Irfu)
      • 31
        Exploring the primordial Universe with QUBIC, the QU Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology
        Orateur: Dr Jean-Christophe Hamilton (APC)
    • 16:30
      Coffee Break
    • Astroparticle and Cosmology L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann (LAL-Orsay (building 200))

      L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann

      LAL-Orsay (building 200)

      Présidents de session: Dr Gilles Gerbier (Irfu), Dr Thomas Saugrin (NAOC)
      • 32
        IPN-Orsay contribution to LHAASO
        Orateurs: Dr Olivier Deligny (IPNO), Prof. Zhen CAO (IHEP)
      • 33
        Status of the TREND experiment
        Orateur: Dr Thomas Saugrin (NAOC)
      • 34
        "Influence of the earth on the background of the SVOM instruments. Simulations results." and "Development of a CdZnTe detector prototype in the framework of the future XFA mission."
        Orateur: Dr Bertrand Cordier (Irfu)
    • CMS session L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann (Universe)

      L'auditorium Pierre Lehmann


      Présidents de session: Prof. Guoming CHEN (IHEP), Prof. Suzanne Gascon (IPNL)
      • 35
        Selection of certified photon events from the process Z-->mu mu gamma and their use for the extraction of the CMS photon energy scale
        Orateur: M. Olivier Bondu (IPNL)
    • 18:45
      Workshop banquet
    • Welcome to Irfu/CEA Saclay CEA - Orme les merisiers

      CEA - Orme les merisiers

      • 36
        Welcome address
        Orateur: Ph. Chomaz
    • Heavy ions session
      Présidents de session: Dr Crochet Philippe (LPC Clermont-Ferrand), Prof. Daicui Zhou (Wuhan)
      • 37
        "Heavy ion collisions (review talk)" CEA - Orme les merisiers

        CEA - Orme les merisiers

        Orateur: M. Gines Martinez (SUBATECH)
      • 38
        "ALICE in FCPPL (2011 report and 2012 proposal)" CEA - Orme les merisiers

        CEA - Orme les merisiers

        Orateur: Prof. Daicui Zhou (Wuhan)
      • 39
        "Muons from heavy flavours in ALICE" CEA - Orme les merisiers

        CEA - Orme les merisiers

        Orateur: M. Xiaomong Zhang (LPC Clermont - Wuhan)
      • 40
        "Atomic Mass Evaluation" Orme les merisiers

        Orme les merisiers

        Orateur: Prof. Meng Wang (Lanzhou)
    • 10:50
      Coffee breack CEA - Orme les merisers

      CEA - Orme les merisers

    • Visit of SOLEIL
    • 12:30
      Lunch break
    • Technical developments related to high energy physics. Organiser: F. Zomer (LAL). CEA - Orme les merisiers

      CEA - Orme les merisiers

      Présidents de session: Dr Philip Bambade (LAL), Prof. Yifang Wang (IHEP)
      • 41
        Status on ILC
        Orateur: Dr Roman Poeschl
      • 42
        High precision inner trackers based on CMOS pixel sensors
        Orateur: Prof. Marc Winter (IPHC)
      • 43
        TPC for ILC and application to Fast Neutron Imaging
        Orateur: M. Wenxing WANG (Irfu - Lanzhou)
      • 44
        R&D on ATLAS pixel detectors
        Orateur: M. Patrick Pangaud (CPPM)
      • 45
        Collaboration between IHEP and LAL/OMEGA in microelectronics
        Orateur: Dr Gisèle Martin-Chassard (LAL)
    • 15:40
      Coffee Break
    • Technical developments related to high energy physics. Organiser: F. Zomer (LAL). CEA - Orme les merisiers

      CEA - Orme les merisiers

      Présidents de session: Dr Philip Bambade (LAL), Prof. Yifang Wang (IHEP)
      • 46
        The R&D of the accelerator of Beijing Advanced Photon Source
        Orateur: Prof. Qing Qin (IHEP)
      • 47
        Statuts on ATF-2
        Orateur: Dr Philip Bambade (LAL)
      • 48
        Positron source for linear colliders: an hybrid source for ILC
        Orateur: Dr Robert Chehab (IPNL)
      • 49
        Positron source for linear colliders
        Orateur: Dr F Labaye (LAL)
      • 50
        Using Step Field Magnets for beam uniformization at target in high intensity accelerators
        Orateur: M. Zheng Yang (Iru)
    • Concluding remarks CEA - Orme les merisiers

      CEA - Orme les merisiers

    • 19:00
      Dinner @ La ferme du bout du pré
    • Steering committee Relais des Chartreux

      Relais des Chartreux