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- Indico Weeks View
The first ESCAPE progress meeting will take place on 26-27 February 2020 at the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels. After the ESCAPE kickoff meeting in February 2019, this two-day progress meeting will bring together the H2020-ESCAPE consortium members, ESCAPE General Assembly members, ESCAPE external expert advisory board members as well as members from EOSC stakeholder projects.
Meeting Venue: Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium.
Meeting Dates: 26-27 February 2020
Remote connection:
Day 1: https://zoom.us/j/767574734
Day 2: https://zoom.us/j/517324759
Please make sure to execute the plug-in before connecting to the Zoom session.
Registration deadline: 14 February 2020
Objective of the meeting: In the first year of the project all the ESCAPE workpackages have finalized their workplans. The ESCAPE progress meeting will provide a platform to the project members to discuss and identify interfaces between various workpackages and set-up cross workpackage groups. Some of the topics that will be discussed during this meeting includes AAI, Software repository and catalogue, ESCAPE Data Lake and Science Platform as well as Virtual Observatory access. Workpackage leads can also use this occasion to plan for the upcoming six months in view of the mid-term review in September 2020.
In addition, this event will provide an opportunity to the ESCAPE general assembly members and external expert advisory board members to review the activities carried out in the first year of the project. Over the last year, ESCAPE has also actively participated and contributed to the EOSC Executive Board Architecture Group as well as important EOSC events and meetings. During the progress meeting, we will discuss the present updates on the EOSC EB working groups and define how ESCAPE can contribute to these working groups. The event will also discuss the networking and collaboration with other EOSC cluster projects.
Who should attend?
About ESCAPE: The European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures (H2020-ESCPAE) brings together the astronomy, astroparticle and particle physics communities. With this, ESCAPE puts together a cluster with ESFRI projects with aligned challenges of data-driven research, with demonstrated capabilities in addressing various stages of data workflow and concerned with fundamental research through complementary approaches.
Acknowledgment : ESCAPE - The European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle Physics ESFRI Research Infrastructures has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement n° 824064.
1/ The first year of WP6, Engagement and Communication (ECO) had many goals, including: to create and run a dissemination and exploitation plan; to create standard branding and public engagement materials for ESCAPE ; to create a project website and portal for internal coordination, and internal and external dissemination of ESCAPE results; to support attendance at high-level events and meetings where ESCAPE results can be showcased to external stakeholders; to create mass participation experiment online resources; and to perform internal dissemination of ESCAPE results and the promotion and engagement of the project within the community and beyond (https://www.dropbox.com/s/qksk5pg3m19z8xe/ESCAPE_20200226_WP6.pptx?dl=0)
2/ Hugh Dickinson will take participants through the functionalities of the Zooniverse platform, interactively. This demonstration would include classification and feature identification.
One of the main ESCAPE aims is the linking of the software and services, generated or linked to the activities in our community, to the EOSC portal.
The aim of this session is to define the requirements and answer questions of all partners how this can be established and the definition of a time line and decision points towards this goal.
This session is open to all work packages.
• expectations and requirements from all partners
• questions and answers
• Joint actions: definition of use cases and decision points
The main objective of AAI session is to clarify what are the key AAI
requirements and ongoing activities across ESCAPE WPs and identify the joint
actions and integration efforts needed to enable controlled access to data and
higher-level services for the ESCAPE cluster communities.
The session is open to all work packages.
This session will include an update on the WP4 and WP5 interactions on the topic of accessing VO data via platforms, and will also include the external perspectives from ESA.
Aux Armes de Bruxelles Restaurant
The ESCAPE Executive Board has released a Position Statement about EOSC.
This document summarizes the current views and expectations of astronomy and particle physics partners in ESCAPE about EOSC. It is written keeping in mind the various exchanges that are taking place with the EOSC secretariat, governance and working groups. It is also written to follow up the EC chaired EOSC stakeholders' concertation events aiming at gathering the scientific views on the implementation of EOSC.
The ESCAPE Test Science Projects concept could be key in supporting the involvement of research community in Open Science and in the EOSC implementation. This view is developed and discussed.
Presentation of a few cases: how researchers could work in the ESCAPE framework? Which could be the needs?
The apparent excess of "dark matter" in the universe remains one of the outstanding questions in science. It is clear that solving this puzzle requires combined expertise from a variety of fields (e.g. astroparticle physics, particle physics, and nuclear physics). It also requires mastering challenges related to data acquisition, selection and analysis, as well as making data and results available to the broader science communities, which are all ESCAPE drivers. This contribution presents the outcome of the first discussions towards creating a common Test Science Project on Dark Matter searches, and is aimed to stimulate the dialogue between dark matter researchers and ESCAPE members
Multi-messenger astronomy (MMA) opens new scenarios for the observation of the universe, new perspectives for investigations, but also new challenges for the way of extracting every information that these astrophysical events bring with them. The synergy between the information that only gravitational waves can provide and the concomitant observations through other detectors of the electromagnetic part or neutrinos can exponentially accelerate our knowledge of the universe.
It is clear that the multi-messenger astronomy opens up the needs of new paradigms for data analysis and new challenges for real-time analysis.
ESCAPE Test science case for MMA represents a transversal project crossing all the ESF/RI involved in the project as well as all the activities in the ESCAPE WPs
The EOSC Architecture WG was created in July 2019 and will work until December 2020.
The activities of the WG will be summarized with an emphasis on Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI) and Persistent IDentifiers PID).
The talk briefly summarises different recent and current activities related to FAIR data and policies, in particular those of the FAIR Working Group of the EOSC Executive Board; two contributions from the Research Data Alliance RDA, on Certification of data repositories, which led to the establishment of CoreTrustSeal, and the on-going work on the FAIR Data Maturity Model; the test of the FAIR criteria performed by Task 4.2; and liaison with FAIRsFAIR.