Deconstructing the String Landscape (a.k.a. landscapia)
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Despite its uniqueness, string theory has a “landscape” of low-energy solutions with very different observable physics: different cosmological constants, matter content and interactions.
The goal of the conference is to bring together part of the community of researchers working on of string compactifications and their relation with a series of topics such as moduli stabilisation, non-supersymmetric vacua, de Sitter constructions, scale separation, non-geometric backgrounds and particle model building.
This event will be preceded by the String-Cosmo day, on the 28th of November at the APC, in central Paris.
Recordings and slides for the review and research talks can be found in the "detailed view" of the Timetable
Organizers: Mariana Graña, Alvaro Herraez and Nicolas Kovensky
Review talks:
Jim Halverson (machine learning for the landscape)
Severin Lüst (de Sitter vacua)
Miguel Montero (string universality and classification of string vacua)
Thomas Van Riet (moduli stabilisation, scale separation)
Discussion sessions:
Moduli stabilisation.
Moderators: Iosif Bena, Sven Krippendorf, Erik Plauschinn, Daniel Waldram
Scale separation and holography.
Moderators: Eric Perlmutter, Irene Valenzuela, Thomas Van Riet
Perspectives for Particle physics.
Moderators: Luis Ibáñez, Andre Lukas, Fernando Quevedo, Fabian Ruehle
De Sitter vacua and beyond.
Moderators: David Andriot, Ralph Blumenhagen, Gary Shiu, Radu Tatar
String universality and classification of string vacua.
Moderators: Anamaría Font, Jonathan Heckman, Alessandro Tomasiello, Timo Weigand
Non-geometric and non-supersymmetric backgrounds.
Moderators: Carlo Angelantonj, Emilian Dudas, Chris Hull, Ilarion Melnikov
Research talks:
Nathan Brady
José Calderón-Infante
Peng Cheng
Niccolò Cribiori
G. Bruno De Luca
Markus Dierigl
Dan Israel
Magdalena Larfors
Jakob Moritz
Susha Parameswaran
Héctor Parra De Freitas
Salvatore Raucci
Anindya Sengupta
Houri Christina Tarazi
Max Wiesner

Registration & Welcome Coffee Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Opening Remarks Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Review Talk: Moduli Stabilization, Scale Separation and Holography Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Thomas Van Riet- 10:00
:: De Sitter vacua at leading order Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Jakob Moritz-
De Sitter vacua at leading order 30m
In this talk I will present the first explicit examples of de Sitter vacua as envisioned by Kachru, Kallosh, Linde and Trivedi 20 years ago, in the tree level approximation in both the string loop and $\alpha’$ expansion. I will begin by summarizing the construction of all the relevant components, from Calabi-Yau orientifolds, and a mechanism to generate exponentially small superpotentials from quantized fluxes, to the explicit stabilization of hundreds K\”ahler moduli via non-perturbative D3-instantons on cycles that satisfy Witten’s rigidity conditions, and the construction of warped Randall-Sundrum throats that can host SUSY breaking uplifts. Genuinely $\mathcal{N}=1$ corrections in the $\alpha’$ and $g_s$ expansions are potentially important but are not fully known, and I will comment on robustness against these.
Orateur: Jakob Moritz
Coffee Break 30m Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Discussion Session: Moduli Stabilization Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Présidents de session: Dan Waldram, Erik Plauschinn, Iosif Bena, Sven Krippendorf-
Discussion Session: Moduli Stabilization 1h 15mOrateurs: Iosif Bena, Sven Krippendorf, Erik Plauschinn, Dan Waldram
Lunch Break 1h Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
:: Exploring the Interior of N=1 Field Spaces Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Max Wiesner-
Exploring the Interior of N=1 Field Spaces 30m
To study realistic vacua of string theory with minimal or no supersymmetry it is crucial to have a good understanding of the field space of such theories away from asymptotic boundaries where all supersymmetry breaking effects are diluted. In this talk I will focus on four-dimensional theories arising from F-theory compactifications on elliptically-fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds X4: T2 —> B3. In this case all supersymmetry breaking effects are diluted in the limit of large volume for B3 where the field space is well-described by the classical expressions inherited from theories with N=2 supersymmetry. I will study corrections to the field space geometry away from such limits. A particular focus lies on regimes in field space where curves intersected by the anti-canonical class of B3 become small for which I show that the structure of the field space is significantly altered from the naive N=2 expectation due to genuine N=1 effects. Furthermore I will show that the mixing between Kahler and complex structure moduli is generically expected to significantly affect the field space structure in asymptotic limits in the complex structure field space of X4 for any finite value of the volume of B3.
Orateur: Max Wiesner
:: (De)Constructing Scale Separation with Weak Gravity and Anisotropies Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Niccolò Cribiori-
(De)Constructing Scale Separation with Weak Gravity and Anisotropies 30m
The existence of a separation of scales between the four observed spacetime dimensions and the unobserved additional ones is a minimal requirement for string phenomenology and an open problem therein. In the first part of the talk, I will present a general argument excluding scale separation in anti-de Sitter vacua of gauged supergravity with at least eight supercharges, as a consequence of the weak gravity conjecture. The argument is evaded by vacua with four or less supercharges and indeed examples of this kind are known in type IIA compactifications. In the second part, I will review one of these constructions and comment on some of its features, such as the fact that the internal manifold needs to be non-isotropic to get scale separation. This motivates the need to look for anisotropic setups more in general.
Orateur: Niccolò Cribiori
:: Tadpole and Moduli in Type IIB on the 1^9 Landau-Ginzburg Model Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Présidents de session: Nathan Brady, Anindya Sengupta-
Tadpole and Moduli in Type IIB on the 1^9 Landau-Ginzburg Model 30m
We report recent progress made on flux backgrounds of type IIB string theory on 4D Minkowski times a non-geometric internal manifold characterized by its worldsheet description in terms of the 1^9 Landau-Ginzburg model. We present a classification of solutions, the minimum flux tadpole attained by each class, and the number of massive complex structure moduli for the minimum-tadpole configurations. We also present a solution of the shortest vector problem in the lattice of supersymmetric flux backgrounds in this model.
Orateurs: Nathan Brady, Anindya Sengupta
Coffee Break 30m Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
:: HS Symmetry at Infinite Distances and its Stringy Origin Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: José Calderón-Infante-
HS Symmetry at Infinite Distances and its Stringy Origin 30m
In the first part of this talk, I will sketch a proof for the first part of the CFT Distance Conjecture, which states that higher-spin symmetry must always lie at infinite distance in the conformal manifold of any local CFT in more than two dimensions. In the second part, I will address the stringy origin of these HS symmetries. Among other things, I will discuss a remarkable connection between no scale separation and the Sharpened Distance Conjecture.
Orateur: José Calderón-Infante
Discussion Session: Scale Separation and Holography Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Présidents de session: Eric Perlmutter, Irene Valenzuela, Thomas Van Riet-
Discussion Session: Scale Separation and Holography 1h 15mOrateurs: Eric Perlmutter, Irene Valenzuela, Thomas Van Riet
Wine & Cheese Reception 1h
Welcome Coffee 30m Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Review Talk: Machine Learning for the Landscape Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Jim Halverson- 10:00
:: Machine-learning Calabi-Yau metrics Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Magdalena Larfors-
Machine-learning Calabi-Yau metrics 30m
Calabi Yau (CY) manifolds are used ubiquitously in research on string theory. Since decades, these spaces have provided the main avenue to connect string theory with observable physics. A stumbling block in these constructions is the lack of an analytical expression for the CY metrics. In this talk I will review recent work on obtaining numerical approximations of CY metrics using machine learning, and the prospects such metrics may have in furthering string theory research.
Orateur: Magdalena Larfors
Coffee Break 30m Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Discussion Session: Perspectives on Particle Physics Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Présidents de session: Luis Ibáñez, Andre Lukas, Fernando Quevedo, Fabian Ruehle-
Discussion Session: Perspectives on Particle Physics 1h 15mOrateurs: Luis Ibáñez, Andre Lukas, Fernando Quevedo, Fabian Ruehle
Lunch Break 1h Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Review Talk: De Sitter vacua and Beyond Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Severin Lüst- 14:15
:: A dS from higher dimensions Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: G. Bruno De Luca-
A dS from higher dimensions 30m
Constructing realistic vacua in UV-complete theories of gravity remains a challenging open problem.
In the context of gravity compactifications, quantum effects provide mechanisms to stabilize internal spaces with zero or negative curvature, thereby enlarging the set of geometries that can be employed to construct realistic physical models.
Specifically, I will describe how the inclusion of Casimir energy in the internal space evades general constraints and leads to scale-separated AdS and de Sitter vacua in M-theory.Orateur: G. Bruno De Luca
Coffee Break 30m Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
:: Transient de Sitter vacua via interacting Dark Sectors Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Susha Parameswaran-
Transient de Sitter vacua via interacting Dark Sectors 30m
I will discuss how interacting Dark Sectors can give rise to transient de Sitter vacua, starting from hilltop or runaway potentials, which are consistent with cosmological observations and the Swampland Conjectures.
Orateur: Susha Parameswaran
Discussion Session: De Sitter and Beyond Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Présidents de session: David Andriot, Ralph Blumenhagen, Gary Shiu, Radu Tatar-
Discussion Session: De Sitter and Beyond 1h 15mOrateurs: David Andriot, Ralph Blumenhagen, Gary Shiu, Radu Tatar
Workshop Dinner: Restaurant La Contre Allée 2h La Contre Allée, 83 Av. Denfert Rochereau, Paris. RER station: Denfert Rochereau
La Contre Allée, 83 Av. Denfert Rochereau, Paris. RER station: Denfert Rochereau
La Contre Allée
83 Av. Denfert Rochereau, Paris.
RER station: Denfert Rochereau
Welcome Coffee 30m Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Review Talk: String universality and classification of string vacua Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Miguel Montero- 10:00
:: String universality and mixed anomalies Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Markus Dierigl-
String universality and mixed anomalies 30m
In this talk I will summarize recent advances in string universality utilizing the absence of certain mixed anomalies. These anomalies in general contain contributions from the higher-from symmetries of the theory and impose severe consistency conditions on the gauge sectors, in particular the global form of the gauge group. Interestingly, many of these low-energy conditions allow for geometric interpretations and hint at the corresponding UV completion in string theory.
Orateur: Markus Dierigl
Coffee Break 30m Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
:: Supersymmetric string vacua with flat backgrounds Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Peng Cheng-
Supersymmetric string vacua with flat backgrounds 30m
In this talk, we will focus on some examples to discuss the effects of flat backgrounds on supersymmetric string vacua with both 16 and 8 supercharges.
Orateur: Peng Cheng
Discussion Session: String universality and classification of string vacua Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Présidents de session: Alessandro Tomasiello, Anamaría Font, Jonathan Heckman, Timo Weigand-
Discussion Session: String universality and classification of string vacua 1hOrateurs: Anamaría Font, Jonathan Heckman, Alessandro Tomasiello, Timo Weigand
Lunch Break 1h Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
:: On the Exotic String Landscape Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Houri Christina Tarazi-
On the Exotic String Landscape 30m
Non geometric string constructions can give us a window into interesting corners of the quantum gravity landscape and enlarge the boundaries of our current understanding. I will firstly be discussing such constructions in 8 supercharges where the usual prominent compactifications arise from Calabi-Yau threefolds. Such compactifications always come with a dilation field controlling the volume of the threefold. However, using asymmetric orbifold constructions we will find theories with no hypermultiplets in 4 or 5 dimensions and no neutral hypers in 6d. We argue that these theories can also be obtained by going to strong coupling/small volume regions of geometric constructions where a new Coulomb branch opens up and moving in this direction freezes the volume/string coupling constant. Interestingly we find that the Kodaira condition encountered in geometric limits of F-theory compactifications to 6 dimensions is violated in these corners of the landscape due to strong quantum corrections.
I will then move on to more exotic orbifold constructions using symmetries of the string lattice that are not automorphisms of the target torus known as quasicrystalline compactifications.Orateur: Houri Christina Tarazi
:: Non-supersymmetric strings and rank reduction Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Héctor Parra De Freitas-
Non-supersymmetric strings and rank reduction 30m
The landscape of string vacua with 16 supercharges consists of various disconnected components which are nevertheless interrelated through maps taking on very different forms depending on the duality frame employed. These include asymmetric orbifolds on both the heterotic and type II sides, and frozen singularities in the F-theory and M-theory pictures. In this talk I will consider the non-supersymmetric cousins of the heterotic asymmetric orbifolds which are realized a la Scherk-Schwarz, i.e. by including (-1)^F factors in the orbifold. I will discuss their classification and on certain structures surviving supersymmetry breaking which involve their gauge symmetry enhancement. I will also comment on the problem of mapping the maximal rank component to those of reduced rank and certain associated puzzles which also involve non-supersymmetric compactifications of type II strings.
Orateur: Héctor Parra De Freitas
:: Deconstructing heterotic flux vacua Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Dan Israel-
Deconstructing heterotic flux vacua 30m
We investigate the interrelation between topology and Narain T-duality of heterotic flux vacua. We present evidence that all 5 and 4-dimensional Minkowski space heterotic flux backgrounds with 8 supercharges have a locus in the moduli space with a T-dual description in terms of a compactification on the product of a K3 surface with a circle or a torus. We examine the implications of these dualities for CHL-like orbifolds that reduce the rank of the gauge group, as well as those that lead to minimal supersymmetry in 4 dimensions. We also discuss properties of flux vacua that preserve minimal supersymmetry in 4 dimensions that cannot be related to conventional compactifications by Narain T-duality.
Orateur: Dan Israel
Coffee Break 30m Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
:: Charting the landscape of non-supersymmetric strings Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Président de session: Salvatore Raucci-
Charting the landscape of non-supersymmetric strings 30m
The landscape of non-supersymmetric string theories remains largely uncharted. Standard techniques from flux compactifications are lost, forcing us to fall back on the full string equations of motion. Despite this, non-supersymmetric strings are the simplest arena in which we can capture the effects of the absence of supersymmetry from complete UV descriptions. In this talk, I will discuss Freund-Rubin solutions of these models, based on R-R, NS-NS, and gauge fluxes, and examine why it is challenging to find more complex vacua with the available technology. I will show that the fake supersymmetry formalism could offer a way forward.
Orateur: Salvatore Raucci
Discussion Session: Non-geometric and non-supersymmetric backgrounds Amphitheater Claude Bloch
Amphitheater Claude Bloch
IPhT, CEA/Saclay, France
Présidents de session: Carlo Angelantonj, Emilian Dudas, Chris Hull, Ilarion Melnikov-
Discussion Session: Non-geometric and non-supersymmetric backgrounds 1hOrateurs: Carlo Angelantonj, Emilian Dudas, Chris Hull