Charlotte Kristjansen - The Gaudin matrix and AdS/CFT slides
Balázs Pozsgay - Integrable spin chains with medium range interactions
Eldad Bettelheim - Exact Matrix Elements of the Field Operator in the Thermodynamic Limit of the Lieb-Liniger Model slides
Gregory Korchemsky - Symmetries of energy flow operators
Konstantin Zarembo - Integrable D-branes slides
Paul Ryan - Integrable deformations of AdS/CFT slides
Zoltán Bajnok - Finite volume form factors slides
Dmytro Volin - Flags, fusion, ODE/IM and Bethe algebra slides
Simon Ekhammar - SU(2|2) Quantum Spectral Curves from Monodromy Bootstrap slides
István Vona - Exact finite volume expectation values of conserved currents slides
Nicolò Primi - Boundary integrability for cusped Wilson Loops in N=4 SYM slides
Luke Corcoran - Combinatorial Solution of Non-diagonalisable Spin Chains slides
Nikolay Gromov - QSC for AdS3 & Bootstrability - new approach to correlation functions in AdS/CFT slides
Andrea Cavaglia - Separation of Variables in the fishnet CFT: the functional method slides
Shota Komatsu - Coulomb Branch and Large Charge