Soutenances de stage Master 1 Physique

Amphi Carnot (Faculté de Physique)

Amphi Carnot

Faculté de Physique

Eric CHABERT (IPHC/UDS), Jean-François DAYEN (Unistra)
Theres defenses concern the laboratory internships of the promotion 2023-2024 of the Master 1 of Physics (Faculty of Physics and Engineering - University of Strasbourg).
The labs where the internships have been done are:
  • ​ICS (UPR 22)
  • ICube (UMR 7357
  • IPCMS (UMR 7504)
  • IPHC (UMR 7178)
  • OBAS (UMR 7550)
  • ISIS (UMR 7006)