This event will take place at the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC), 23 rue du Loess, Strasbourg.
The meeting is composed of three events : GDR Neutrino (5-6 November 2018), EuroNuNet (7-9 November 2018 and ESSnuSB (7-9 November 2018).
All participants are welcome to attend "open sessions" of all three events.
GDR Neutrino is a Research Group which aim is to federate research teams of CEA and CNRS. Those teams investigate neutrino physics from the experimental or theoretical point of view. For the next four years, its goal will be to consolidate and increase the expertise of the French community in understanding neutrino properties.
EuroNuNet is a COST networking programme geared towards the study of a new approach to the experimental discovery of leptonic CP violation. Its two major goals are to aggregate the community of neutrino physics in Europe to study this concept in a spirit of inclusiveness and to impact the priority list of High Energy Physics policy makers and of funding agencies to this new approach. This COST Action is to study the possibility of producing a uniquely intense neutrino beam from a 5 MW proton beam generated with a linear, as opposed to circular, accelerator and to direct this neutrino beam to a Megaton size underground water Cherenkov neutrino detector.
ESSnuSB is a design study project financed by the European Commission. The goal of the ESSνSB project is to prepare the ground to discover and measure neutrino CPV with unprecedented sensitivity.