- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The 1st OSCARS Annual General Meeting (AGM), will take place face-to-face in Rome (NH Collection Roma Centro, Via dei Gracchi, 324), on 3–4 March, 2025.
OSCARS consortium members and funded projects are invited to join us to reflect on the achievements from the first year of OSCARS and outline the roadmap for the next year.
Have a closer look at the successful projects of the 1st OSCARS Open Call for Open Science projects and services and use the opportunity to discuss common challenges with the OSCARS consortium members and representatives of the funded projects.
The venue will accommodate up to 120 attendees, specifically OSCARS members, and representatives of the funded projects from the Open Call.
Up to one representative per project will have the opportunity to attend and present the challenges, solutions, and the potential scientific impact of their initiatives and work with the wider community.
From the OSCARS consortium we would expect about 3 representatives per beneficiary or affiliated entity. Depending on numbers we will invite additional guests individually.
The meeting is planned as F2F only to enable as much direct contact between all participants as possible. Presentations are kept to an absolute minimum and are meant to deliver mainly the background information to enable meaningful discussions in the interactive World Café sessions.
We will start with the OSCARS WPs giving a short overview of activities in the first year, next steps planned and the input needed from the consortium and the funded projects.
This will be followed by the presentations of the funded projects (4 sessions) and 3 World Café and their reporting back sessions.
Projects will be assigned to one session based on the main challenge they are addressing, not the cluster they are related to. World Café sessions will allow all participants to work together on addressing common challenges that will help to shape future activities in the WPs and the clusters. It will also help to align and support the work in the funded projects, enhancing the chances for the sustainability of the results after funding ends.
Community building through F2F interaction
Between members of the OSCARS consortium
Between OSCARS consortium members and funded projects’ representatives
Among funded projects’ representatives
Aligning expectations and activities between
OSCARS WPs and Science Clusters
OSCARS WPs, Science Clusters and funded projects
Funded projects
Identifying gaps/needs
What else is needed/missing? (tools, resources, anything else anyone may think of)
To get an overview of the activities carried out in the first year of OSCARS implementation;
To outline next steps and collect the input needed from consortium and funded projects to keep up with OSCARS implementation;
OSCARS members
For any further question about the programme, or any other organisational aspect, please contact communication@oscars-project.eu
OSCARS is a four-year EU-funded project that strives to foster the uptake of Open Science in Europe by consolidating the achievements of world-class European research infrastructures in the ESFRI roadmap and beyond into lasting interdisciplinary FAIR data services and working practices. The project aims to strengthen the role of the Science Clusters in the ERA by developing domain-based Competence Centres and by fostering the implementation of Open Science projects funded through a cascading grant mechanism.