Research talks
- Gaëtan Borot : Nesting in the O(n) loop model on random maps of arbitrary topology
- Luigi Cantini : Inhomogenous Multispecies TASEP on a ring [slides]
- Dmitry Chelkak : Convergence of correlations in the 2D Ising model: primary fields and the stress-energy tensor [slides]
- Sylvie Corteel : Combinatorics of orthogonal polynomials: how to build Koornwinder polynomials at q=t from moments of Askey Wilson polynomials
- François David : Planar maps, circle patterns and 2D gravity
- Benjamin Doyon : Aspects of conformal field theory from random loops [slides]
- Jérôme Dubail : Correlation and entanglement in non-uniform one-dimensional quantum systems: the free fermion case [slides]
- Steven Flores : Solution spaces of BPZ equations and monodromy-invariant CFT correlation functions [slides]
- Christophe Garban : On the backbone exponent [slides]
- Vadim Gorin : Universal local limits for lozenge tilings and noncolliding random walks [slides]
- Nikolai Kitanine : Spin chains with generic boundaries, separation of variables and determinant representations
- Karol Kozlowski : Microscopic origin of the c=1 universality class [slides]
- Pierre Le Doussal : Replica Bethe Ansatz and KPZ: Catching the devil by the tail
- Pascal Maillard : The nesting cascade of the loops in the O(n) model on random planar maps [slides]
- Kirone Mallick : Matrix Product Ansatz for the Exclusion Processes [slides]
- Raoul Santachiara : Conformal bootstrap approach to critical percolation [slides]
- Lauren Williams : Exclusion processes, combinatorics, and orthogonal polynomials [notes]
- Hao Wu : Schramm Loewner Evolution, Conformal Loop Ensemble and Gaussian Free Field [slides]