GDR Terascale@Montpellier

amphi I.A.E, bldg 29 (Université Montpellier II)

amphi I.A.E, bldg 29

Université Montpellier II

Dirk Zerwas (LAL Orsay), Gilbert Moultaka (L2C Montpellier, UMR5221-UM2/INP/CNRS)
This is the first meeting of the GDR Terascale 2013-2016. Your contribution to the programme is welcome. Please contact the coordinators of the four sessions if you would like to give a talk.

Higgs: Sandrine Laplace, Christophe Ochando, Pietro Slavich

BSM: Marie-Helene Genest, Stephane Lavignac, Ana Teixeira, Patrice Verdier

Dark Universe: Emmanuel Moulin, Pasquale Serpico

Tools: Benjamin Fuks and Nikola Makovec

You can find their e-mail addresses on the Web-page of the GDR Terascale.

The GDR will offer the lunches on Tuesday and Wednesday as well as the dinner on Tuesday evening.

Local Organizing Committee:

Cyril Hugonie    (LUPM)            Emmanuelle Martinez (sec. LUPM)
Jean-Loic Kneur  (L2C)
Julien Lavalle   (LUPM)
Gilbert Moultaka (L2C)


  • Abdelhak Djouadi
  • Albert Villanova del Moral
  • Alexander pukhov
  • Alexandra Oliveira
  • Benoit Schmauch
  • Béranger DUMONT
  • Cedric Delaunay
  • Christophe Ochando
  • Christopher Smith
  • Colin Bernet
  • Cyril Hugonie
  • David Lopez-Val
  • Denis Wouters
  • Dirk Zerwas
  • Dorival Goncalves Netto
  • emmanuel monnier
  • Emmanuel Moulin
  • Emmanuel NEZRI
  • Federico Piazza piazza
  • Gaëlle Giesen
  • Genevieve Belanger
  • Giacomo Cacciapaglia
  • Gilbert Moultaka
  • Jean-Baptiste de Vivie
  • Jean-Baptiste Flament
  • Jean-Baptiste Sauvan
  • Jean-Francois Grivaz
  • Jean-Loic Kneur
  • Jose Ocariz
  • Julien Lavalle
  • Julien Maurer
  • Karim Benakli
  • Kirtimaan Mohan
  • Loïc VALERY
  • Marco Zaro
  • Marie-Hélène Genest
  • Michaël Ughetto
  • Michel Rausch de Traubenberg
  • Michele Frigerio
  • Mykhailo Dalchenko
  • Nikola Makovec
  • Pantelis Tziveloglou
  • Patrice Verdier
  • Philippe Calfayan
  • Remi Lafaye
  • Stefano Magni
  • Steve Muanza
  • Sébastien Brochet
  • Sébastien Renaux-Petel
  • Thomas Serre
  • Ulrich Goerlach
  • Yanwen LIU