diiP Summer School 2024 - dSDS

418C, Halle aux Farines (Paris)

418C, Halle aux Farines


75013 Paris
Themis Palpanas (LIPADE - Paris Descartes University), Yvonne Becherini (Université Paris Cité)


The Data Intelligence Institute of Paris (diiP) is an interdisciplinary initiative of Université Paris Cité. It is a laboratory that fosters and supports the emergence of interdisciplinary practices around data science and data intelligence. It gathers researchers from formal sciences, physical sciences, life sciences and social sciences.

The diiP organizes the 1st diiP Interdisciplinary Summer School on Data Science (dSDS), which will focus on Deep Learning Data Analytics Techniques, and will involve a set of invited keynote speakers and lecturers on these subjects. The dSDS will take place in Paris (France), at the Université Paris Cité, campus Grands Moulins.

The dSDS is addressed to early-stage researchers, such as graduate (MSc and PhD) students, postdocs, early-career faculty, and other academic and industrial researchers interested in the diverse field of Data Science. Advanced undergraduate students with the appropriate background will be considered as well.

The organization of the school is sponsored by diiP. This sponsorship covers all lectures, accommodation for participants living far from Paris (4 nights), coffee breaks and lunches, social activities and a social dinner. Any other expenses will be the responsibility of the participants and of their institutions.

All interested participants need to apply through the Registration form by uploading a 1-page CV. Applications are received until April 15, 2024. 

Applications will be reviewed, and accepted participants will be contacted for a confirmation of their participation.

Campus Grand Moulin

  • Adrien Petralia
  • Aleksei Makogon
  • Alessio Spagnoletti
  • Brahim BOUBAKER
  • Christos Panourgias
  • Florent Magaud
  • Hassan OUKHOUYA
  • Jiachen ZHANG
  • Julie Chabourlin
  • Lingchen wang
  • Louis Closson
  • Mohamed Bouadi
  • Ngoc Thanh Nguyen
  • Pranjupriya Goswami
  • Salil Verma
  • Sandrine Vinatier
  • Warda BARIZ
  • Wenjing Wei
  • Zeki Topçu
  • Ziqi Zhou
  • +29
    • 08:00 13:00
      Travel to venue 5h 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch 1h 30m 712B-Cafétéria_7ème (Condorcet)



      10 Rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75013 Paris
    • 14:30 16:00
      AI for Research 1h 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateurs: Themis Palpanas (LIPADE - Paris Descartes University), Yvonne Becherini (Université Paris Cité)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee break 30m 418C (Halle aux Farines)


      Halle aux Farines

      26 Rue Françoise Dolto, 75013 Paris
    • 16:30 18:00
      Large Language Models (LLMs) 1h 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris

      Large language models have become ubiquitous. This lecture introduces to language modelling and large language models. We will discover what they are, where they come from and the primary motivations behind their design. We then provide an overview of the properties of these models when trained at the current scale of very large language models.
      If time remains, we introduce the problematic of explaining their behaviour.

      Orateur: Prof. Benoît Crabbé (Université Paris Cité)
    • 18:00 18:30
      Networking/Free time 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
    • 19:00 21:00
      Social Dinner - Bouillon Racine 2h Bouillon Racine

      Bouillon Racine


      Bouillon Racine, 3 Rue Racine, 75006 Paris https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bouillon+Racine/@48.850176,2.342022,489m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x47e6712adf3efaa1:0x8464164a9b530ea!8m2!3d48.850176!4d2.342022!16s%2Fg%2F11pdxny4fb?entry=ttu
    • 09:00 10:30
      Supervised Learning 1h 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateur: Prof. Alexandros Iosifidis (Aarhus University)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break 30m 418C (Halle aux Farines)


      Halle aux Farines

      26 Rue Françoise Dolto, 75013 Paris
    • 11:00 12:00
      Supervised Learning, Hands-on session 1h 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateur: Prof. Alexandros Iosifidis (Aarhus University)
    • 12:00 13:00
      AI in Medicine/Biology 1h 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateur: Prof. Guillaume Assié (Institut Cochin, Inserm CNRS Université de Paris Cité)
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch 1h 30m 712B-Cafétéria_7ème (Condorcet)



      10 Rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75013 Paris
    • 14:30 16:00
      Representation Learning 1h 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateur: Dr Jenni Raitoharju (University of Jyväskylä)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee break 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
    • 16:30 17:30
      Representation Learning - Hands-on session 1h 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateur: Dr Jenni Raitoharju (University of Jyväskylä)
    • 17:30 20:00
      Networking/Free time 2h 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
    • 09:00 10:30
      Knowledge-guided Data Science 1h 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris

      This lecture presents an overview of knowledge-guided data science, a rising methodology in machine learning which fuses data with domain knowledge. We will present numerous case studies on this methodology to showcase how to unleash its potential in real-world data science applications.

      Orateur: Shen Liang
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
    • 11:00 13:00
      Knowledge-guided Data Science - Hands-on session (Basic) 2h 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateur: Shen Liang
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch 1h 30m 712B-Cafétéria_7ème (Condorcet)



      10 Rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75013 Paris
    • 14:30 16:00
      High-Dimensional Vector Similarity Search 1h 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris

      Very large amounts of high-dimensional data are now omnipresent
      (ranging from traditional multidimensional data to time series and deep
      embeddings), and the performance requirements (i.e., response-time and
      accuracy) of a variety of applications that need to process and analyze
      these data have become very stringent and demanding. In the past years, high-dimensional similarity search has been studied in its many
      flavors. Similarity search algorithms for exact and approximate, one-off
      and progressive query answering. Approximate algorithms with and without
      (deterministic or probabilistic) quality guarantees. Solutions for
      on-disk and in-memory data, static and streaming data. Approaches based
      on multidimensional space-partitioning and metric trees, random
      projections and locality-sensitive hashing (LSH), product quantization
      (PQ) and inverted files, k-nearest neighbor graphs and optimized linear
      scans. Surprisingly, the work on data-series (or time-series) similarity
      search has recently been shown to achieve the state-of-the-art
      performance for several variations of the problem, on both time-series
      and general high-dimensional vector data. In this talk, we will touch
      upon the different aspects of this interesting story, and present some of the state-of-the-art solutions.

      Orateur: Themis Palpanas (LIPADE - Paris Descartes University)
    • 16:00 18:00
      Networking/Free time 2h 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
    • 19:15 22:45
      Seine River Cruise and Social Dinner 3h 30m Bateaux-Mouches


    • 09:00 10:30
      An Overview of Anomaly Detection for Time Series 1h 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris

      Anomaly detection is an important problem in data analytics with applications in many domains. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in anomaly detection tasks applied to time series. In this talk, we take a holistic view of anomaly detection in time series, starting from the core definitions and taxonomies related to time series and anomaly types, to an extensive description of the anomaly detection methods proposed by different communities in the literature. We will then present new benchmarks capturing diverse domains and applications for the purpose of evaluating anomaly detection methods. We will then conclude on Ensembling and Model Selection for time series anomaly detection, discussing different strategies applicable to automatically selecting the appropriate methods for a specific time series.

      Orateur: Dr Paul Boniol (INRIA & ENS)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
    • 11:00 12:00
      Time Series Anomaly Detection in Practice - Hands-on session 1h 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateur: Dr Paul Boniol
    • 12:00 13:00
      AI in Industry 1h 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateur: Dr Paul Poncet (Engie)
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch 1h 30m 712B-Cafétéria_7ème (Condorcet)



      10 Rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75013 Paris
    • 14:30 16:00
      Graph Neural Networks 1h 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateur: Prof. Michalis Vazirgiannis
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee break 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
    • 16:30 18:00
      Graph Generative AI + Applications 1h 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateur: Prof. Michalis Vazirgiannis (École polytechnique, Palaiseau)
    • 18:00 20:00
      Networking/Free time 2h 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
    • 09:00 10:30
      Generative adversarial networks and Active Learning 1h 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateur: Prof. Amal Saadallah (TU Dortmund University)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break 30m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
    • 11:00 12:00
      Generative adversarial networks and Active Learning - Hands-on session 1h 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris
      Orateur: Prof. Amal Saadallah (TU Dortmund University)
    • 12:00 13:00
      AI in Particle Physics 1h 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris

      Particle physics deals with gigantic machines, large quantities of experimental data and computer simulations, complex and lengthy theoretical calculations. It is the perfect playground to take advantage of machine learning algorithms. After a short introduction to high energy physics, this lecture will show how one can speed up steps like event generation or detector simulation, better measure parameters, improve classification of events as signal or background, or discover anomalies in data taking, through various applications of machine learning in this field.

      Orateur: Dr Yann Coadou (CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3)
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch 1h 30m 712B-Cafétéria_7ème (Condorcet)



      10 Rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75013 Paris
    • 14:30 14:31
      End of the diiP School 1m 418C, Halle aux Farines

      418C, Halle aux Farines


      75013 Paris