Artifact preparation workshop



30 Rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris

This workshop targets the preparation of the next INFRA-2024-TECH-01-01.

Registration form
  • Amaia Villa
  • Andrew Kishor Mistry
  • Francis Osswald
  • Ibon Bustinduy
  • Joseph Wolfenden
  • Laurent Nadolski
  • Thomas Kachelhoffer
  • +63
Sabrina Lecerf

Dear all,

The first day of the ARTIFACT workshop has been a success, with many very interesting and constructive discussions. Recordings are accessible to everyone through this linl 
Secret code: =HV6*Si4


Il y a un compte-rendu associé à cet événement. Les afficher.
    • 17
      Special focus on Laser Plasma Accceleration

      (in person)

      Orateurs: Francesco Massimo, Francesco Massimo (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, CNRS)
    • Plenary session: Anomaly detection
      Président de session: Kevin CASSOU (IJClab - CNRS)
      • 18
        Enhanced quench detection at the EuXFEL through a machine learning-powered approach


        Orateur: Dr Lynda Boukela (DESY)
      • 19
        Exploration of ML algorithm towards anomaly detection for the Arronax accelerator operation


        Orateur: Freddy Poirier (CNRS/Arronax)
      • 20
        Beam distributions: signal denoising, contour reconstruction, and pattern recognition


        Orateur: Francis Osswald (IPHC)
      • 21
        Embedded harware for deep learning neural network: an optimization process.


        Orateur: Frederic Druillole (CNRS-LP2IB)
      • 22
    • 10:05
    • Plenary session: Control/Optimization
      Président de session: Kim Lefmann (NBI)
    • 12:10
      Lunch break
    • Plenary session: System modeling
      Président de session: Jean-Luc Revol (ESRF)
      • 30
        Surrogate model of the FLUTE linac


        Orateur: Chenran Xu (KIT)
      • 31
        LinacNet surrogate model for ThomX

        (in person)

        Orateurs: Hayg Guler (IJCLAB), Hayg Guler, hayg guler (LLR/CNRS)
      • 32
        Virtual diagnostics at UoL: complete system design

        Virtual diagnostics will be key components in all future accelerators. They provide the ability to indirectly measure a quantity, often at remote or inaccessible locations. Availability of sufficient data to train models to produce and operate VDs is critical. It cannot be assumed that this data will be available or produced in a way that can be used for online monitoring. Non-invasive, single-shot, instrumentation is therefore required for operational VD-enabled online monitoring. Two ongoing case studies will be presented: VD Transverse Emittance and VD Longitudinal Profile.

        Orateur: Joe Wolfenden
      • 33
        Advanced and AI techniques to mitigate linear and non-linear imperfections in Future Circular Colliders

        (in person)

        Orateurs: Quentin BRUANT, Quentin Bruant (Etudiant)
      • 34
    • 14:40
    • Plenary session: Industry
      Président de session: Ivan Podadera
      • 35
        Data platform of the HEAP European project

        (in person)

        Orateur: M. Lex Avstreikh (Hopswork)
      • 36
        Control, embedding and connections with astrophysics


        Orateur: Ziva Brglez
      • 37
        Radiasoft presentation

        (in person)

        Orateur: Mme Anne-Laure Lamure (Radiasoft)
      • 38
        Seldon presentation

        (in person)

        Orateur: M. Andy Austin (Seldon)
      • 39