AnLy Meeting in honor of Anamaria Font

Auditorium (LAPTh)




Prof. Anamaria Font (Central University of Venezuela) is a renowned string theorist whose career has recently been recognised thanks to the L’Oréal-UNESCO International Award "For Women in Science" (see here and here). At an early stage of her career (1987-1989), Anamaria has also been a postdoc in LAPTh, Annecy, France. It is thus our pleasure to celebrate Anamaria's award during a special two-days workshop, on the 10-11th April 2024, in LAPTh. We have a long tradition of scientific interactions with colleagues in Lyon, especially on string theory related topics, recently in the form of the AnLy activities. This workshop will then be a special AnLy Meeting, gathering both Lyon and international colleagues and friends of Anamaria for this award celebration.

Participation to this meeting is on invitation.


Registration: Please read the following information and have a look at the program before registering here. Please register only if you have been invited to. Registration is open between the 11th Dec. until the 09th Feb.


Accomodation: The hotel night (10-11th April) with breakfast can be booked and covered by us for Anamaria guests (not including AnLy or LAPTh members). Please indicate your interest when registering.

The place is Hôtel de Bonlieu, located here. It is located at 10 mins walking distance from the Annecy train and bus station. To reach LAPTh from there, the closest bus stop is Palais de Justice: you can take bus line 1 (direction Parc des Glaisins) and stop at Campus. More travel information is given below.


Lunches and dinner: Those are offered to all participants. Please indicate your interest when registering.

Lunches will be provided at LAPTh. Dinner will take place in Brasserie de l'Impérial. Some of us will reach the dinner restaurant as a group directly from LAPTh: to do so, we will catch the Bus 1 at Campus (19:06), stop at Montremont and walk along Avenue de France.


Travel information: Nearby airports are those of Geneva and Lyon. Annecy can also be reached by train (SNCF). 

From both Geneva airport and train station (Cornavin), you can reach Annecy by train or by bus (272). It takes between 1:30 to 2 hours, and booking can be done on the Swiss website. A faster option (45 mins), although traffic and border dependent, is by car. A last option is Flixbus.

From Lyon airport, you would have to take a fast tram to Lyon station (La Part Dieu). From that station, you can take a train to Annecy (between 1:30 to 2 hours). Other options from Lyon are by car (1:30 hour) or again Flixbus.

Once at Annecy train and bus station, LAPTh can easily be reached by bus (e.g. with line 1) following these instructions. It takes about 20 mins, and tickets can be bought with cash at the bus driver.

More travel information can also be found here. Travel expenses remain to be covered by participants.


DISCLAIMER: We have been informed that some registered participants have been contacted via phishing emails about "their booking" (accomodation or travel). Please be careful, this is a scam.


City walk: On the 11th April afternoon, a walk in the old city will be organised spontaneously.


Organisers: David Andriot, Anamaria Font


Funding: LAPTh, CPTGA, Owners of the Annales H. Poincaré (IHP, Swiss Physical Society)


Group picture: