LunchBuilding 80, 1st floor, personnel side (University restaurant)
Building 80, 1st floor, personnel side
University restaurant
Starter and dessert, waiting for you at the table, on the tray.
One main dish out of the 3 choices of the day to be picked in the queue (at least 1 vegan meal proposed).
Water, coffee, wine, next the tables.
Please bring back your tray at the end of lunch to the exit rails.
Within side room, called extension 1st floor, on the personnel side.
WelcomeAmphithéâtre Grünewald (bât. 25)
Amphithéâtre Grünewald (bât. 25)
23 rue du loess 67037 Strasbourg
Carlos MUNOZ CAMACHO(IJCLab), Cyrille Marquet(CPHT - Ecole Polytechnique), Michael Winn(DPhN/IRFU/DRF/CEA Paris-Saclay)