Réunion du groupe de travail 3 du GdR RESANET

135 (Build. 703)


Build. 703

CEA/Saclay/DPhN, orme des merisiers
Thomas Duguet
    • Day 1: Morning
      • 1
        Status and perspectives in the modelling of nuclear interactions, H.-W. Hammer
      • 10:15
        coffee break
      • 2
        Recent progress and open questions in ab initio simulations of nuclei, V. Somà
      • 3
        Equation of state of nuclear matter: ab initio versus EDF approaches, D. Lacroix
      • 4
        Ultra-cold fermion gases: status and perspectives, C. Salomon
    • Lunch
    • Day 1: Afternoon
      • 5
        Cold bosonic few- and many-body systems, D. Petrov
      • 6
        Molecular systems: status and perspectives of ab initio calculations, E. Giner
      • 15:30
        Coffee break
      • 7
        Many-body calculations of condensed matter systems, L. Reining
    • day 2: Morning
      • 8
        Selected outcomes from ab initio methods for reactions and weakly-bound nuclei, G. Hupin
      • 9
        Relativistic range-separated density-functional theory, J. Paquier
      • 10:10
        Coffee break
      • 10
        Parametrizing the nuclear EDF: the troubles with and without density dependences, M. Bender
      • 11
        Few nucleons near unitarity, S. Koenig
      • 12
        Microscopic effective interactions for the sd shell from no-core shell model, N. Smirnova
    • Lunch
    • day 2: Afternoon
      • 13
        Microscopic optical potentials for nucleon-nucleus scattering, G. Blanchon
      • 14
        Role of electronic interactions on properties of actinides, B. Amadon
      • 15:10
        Coffee break
      • 15
        Discussion: Challenges in many-body theories