The purpose of this joint meeting of the working groups GT4 "Quel est l’apport de la physique nucléaire à la compréhension de l’astrophysique ?" of the GDR- RESANET, and "Étoiles à neutrons, supernovas et synthèse des éléments lourds" of the GDR "Ondes gravitationnelles" is to bring together the communities from nuclear physics, astrophysics and gravitational waves to find synergies between the different fields.
Confirmed speakers include
The idea of these talks is to trigger the discussions between all communities. Note that additional talks are open to those who want to present their work in this meeting.
The number of participants is limited to 50.
The organizers, Anthea Fantina (GANIL, Caen), Faïrouz Hammache (IPN-Orsay), Jérôme Novak & Micaela Oertel (Observatoire de Paris)