P2IO BSM-Nu first workshop
This is the first workshop of the BSM-Nu project (P2IO labex) and it will be fully remote/online
The aim of the BSM-Nu project is to address the neutrino physics in a comprehensive way in order to extract hints of new physics. The project federates the different teams of P2IO active on the subject in order to share and depeen our expertise and with the ambition of enlarging further our community.
The BSM-Nu project proposes to federate all the actors of neutrino physics inside the P2IO perimeter in order to meet the challenges, both in terms of critical mass and physics expertise, of the next generation of neutrino experiments. The project cover different laboratories and experiments, as well as, different communities (particle and nuclear physicists, phenomenologists, engineers).
The enterprise of characterizing the nature of neutrinos, a royal road to the search of BSM physics, requires a collective effort able to integrate the results from oscillation experiments, both at accelerators and reactors, from neutrino-less double-beta decay searches and from coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering.
These various experimental efforts share common issues related with the development of high-performing detectors and complex analysis techniques for the minimization and evaluation of backgrounds and systematic uncertainties. The BSM-Nu project will allow to share and deepen the expertise on these items, as well as, to enlarge the community through outreach and through the education of a new generation of physicists with a comprehensive view of the neutrino field.
More information at http://www.p2io-labex.fr/Phocea/Page/index.php?id=39
The BSM Nu project is financed by the P2IO Labex http://www.labex-p2io.fr/