Workshop on Open-Source Software Lifecycles

Europe/Paris (ZOOM)



Software development is an integral part of modern science, gaining knowledge from data. All ESCAPE partners develop and maintain some software (from extensive frameworks to individual analysis scripts) for their respective experiments - along the full life cycle of software development.

The objective of this workshop is to bring together the scientists' communities of Astrophysics, Astroparticle Physics and Particle Physics who are leading the software development within their domain. Common and best practices in software development will be discussed and shared, enabling cross-fertilization across the domains. Those practices will then be taken into account in the upcoming ESCAPE school, training young scientists to build and maintain the expertise in the field

Core topics are:

  • Software Development Lifecycle Strategies
  • Development: coding styles, versioning, maintenance, documentation, software quality standards
  • Testing: test suites and code coverage
  • efficiency optimization and benchmarking: standards and ideas
  • platform integration and metadata
  • software licenses

Zoom Video-Conference Link

You can always enter the room at For further connection options see Communications.

Discussion platform

Discussions and gathering of knowledge are managed in an Gitlab project, the WOSSL discussion project. Add your knowledge to the wiki, browse through topics or engage in discussions in the projects issues!

Recordings of the sessions can be found at the FAU Video Platform.


  • Ajay Kumar Tiwari
  • Ajay KUMAR Tiwari
  • Andrea Valassi
  • Axel Donath
  • Bernardino Spisso
  • Bob Eldering
  • Carina Haupt
  • Carl Schaffer
  • Caterina Doglioni
  • Catherine Boisson
  • Christian Tacke
  • Christoph Welling
  • Cosimo Nigro
  • Cristiano Bozza
  • Daniel López Coto
  • Daniel Nieto
  • Dave Morris
  • Dominik Neise
  • Elena Cuoco
  • Eoin Clerkin
  • Filippo Quarenghi
  • Filippo Quarenghi
  • Frossie Economou
  • Gareth Hughes
  • Giuliano Taffoni
  • Giuseppe Greco
  • Graeme Andrew Stewart
  • Gyula I. G. Jozsa
  • Heike Prokoph
  • Hendrik Heinl
  • Igor Oya
  • Jannik Hofestaedt
  • Jason Watson
  • Javier Moldon
  • Jayesh WAGH
  • Johannes Schumann
  • Jonas Reubelt
  • Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez
  • Juande Santander-Vela
  • Julián Garrido-Sánchez
  • Jutta Schnabel
  • Kay Graf
  • Lukas Heinrich
  • Lukas Nickel
  • Maisam M. Dadkan
  • Marco Bartolini
  • Marco Molinaro
  • Marek Szuba
  • Margarida Castro Neves
  • Mark Kettenis
  • Martin Ritter
  • Mathieu Servillat
  • Matthias Bissinger
  • Matthias Fuessling
  • Meetu Verma
  • Mukharbek Organokov
  • Noah Biederbeck
  • Olga Sergijenko
  • Rasa Muller
  • Raymond Oonk
  • Riccardo Di Maria
  • Roberto Di Cosmo
  • Sara Bertocco
  • Sphesihle Makhathini
  • Stefan Reck
  • Stefano Alberto Russo
  • Steffen Hallmann
  • Susana Sánchez Expósito
  • Susanne Raab
  • Tamas Gal
  • Thomas Vuillaume
  • Tim Jenness
  • Valentin Pestel
  • Yan Grange
    • Introduction
      • 1

        Introduction to the ESCAPE, OSSR and WOSSL

        Orateurs: Jutta Schnabel (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Dr Kay Graf (ECAP - University of Erlangen)
    • Software development strategies: Software development and maintenance in the EOSC

      Core questions:
      - What is the role of software in a FAIR open science world?
      - What concepts of a software lifecycle management are employed, which guidelines should be followed?
      - How to integrate larger communities in the software development framework and workflow?

    • Software development strategies: Lifecycle strategies of the ESFRIs

      Core questions:
      - What is the role of software in a FAIR open science world?
      - What concepts of a software lifecycle management are employed, which guidelines should be followed?
      - How to integrate larger communities in the software development framework and workflow?

      • 3
        Lifecycle Strategy in CTA Array Control System

        VideoID: 76187

        Orateur: Igor Oya
      • 4
        SKA Software Development: Scaling agile software development processes around the world

        The Square Kilometre Array Organisation (SKAO) is in the process to start construction of what will be the largest research facility in the world, with two radio interferometers generating each one petabyte of data per day, which will be distributed by a network of SKA Regional Centres (SRCs). Construction is expected to start after the establishment of the SKA Observatory Inter-Governmental Organisation by mid 2021, and last for around 6 years after that. However, we are already prototyping the software development processes that will help us align the work of around 150 full-time equivalent people around the world. In this talk we will show what are the current agile software development processes at SKAO, how we are already leveraging the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®) to provide alignment across the world-wide community of developers and other contributors, and how we will be managing the full software lifecycle of it during construction and beyond.

        VideoID: 76184

        Orateur: Juande Santander-Vela (SKA Organisation)
      • 5
        Nothing Works: Lessons Learned from Leading and Maintaining the Open Source Project Gammapy

        VideoID: 76190

        Orateur: Axel Donath
    • 11:05
      Fluid Break
    • Software development strategies: Interoperability in Workflows

      Core questions:
      - What is the role of software in a FAIR open science world?
      - What concepts of a software lifecycle management are employed, which guidelines should be followed?
      - How to integrate larger communities in the software development framework and workflow?

    • Software development strategies: Software Architecture

      Core questions:
      - What is the role of software in a FAIR open science world?
      - What concepts of a software lifecycle management are employed, which guidelines should be followed?
      - How to integrate larger communities in the software development framework and workflow?

      • 8
        Deployment automation as a key stage in the development lifecycle

        At Rubin Observatory we are several years into software development of services in preparation for the Legacy Survey of Space & Time (LSST). In this talk I will describe how adopting a service deployment model has enabled us to use integration testing as a core part of our development lifecycle. Key technologies referenced will be Kubernetes, ArgoCD, Vault, and Helm.

        VideoID: 76234

        Orateur: Frossie Economou (Rubin Observatory)
    • Software development: Best practices

      Core questions:
      What concepts of a software lifecycle management are employed, which guidelines should be followed?
      - development
      - testing and deployment
      - maintenance

    • 10:45
      Fluid Break
    • Software in the OSSR: Linking Catalogues and Repositories

      Core Questions:
      What are the user and provider requirements for a FAIR software repository?
      user requirements?
      provider requirements?
      interaction requirements?
      EOSC requirements?

    • Software in the OSSR: Status

      Core Questions:
      What are the user and provider requirements for a FAIR software repository?
      user requirements?
      provider requirements?
      interaction requirements?
      EOSC requirements?

    • Software Pitches: Pitches and Discussion

      What is the role of software in a FAIR open science world?

      • 19
        Web application prototypes for CTA
        Orateur: Mathieu Servillat (LUTH, Observatoire de Paris)
      • 20
        Web-based data visualization for the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland
        Orateur: Christoph Welling
      • 21
        OrcaNet: A training organizer for Deep Learning

        A training organizer for Deep Learning

        Orateur: Stefan Reck (ECAP - University of Erlangen)
      • 22
        agnpy: numerical modelling of AGN spectra in python

        Built on numpy and astropy, agnpy computes the spectral energy distribution (SED) produced by the synchrotron and inverse Compton radiation of relativistic electrons accelerated in the jets of Active Galactic Nuclei. The radiation field of several AGN components (e.g. Accretion Disk, Broad Line Region, Dust Torus) can be selected as target for the inverse Compton and the gamma-gamma pair-production opacity of the latter can be estimated. agnpy hopes to provide an important missing piece in the growing community of python-based astronomical software.

        Orateur: Cosimo Nigro (IFAE)
      • 23
        The joint-crab project: Towards open and reproducible multi-instrument analysis in gamma-ray astronomy

        The joint-crab project represents the first multi-instrument, fully-reproducible analysis in gamma-ray astronomy.
        A common data format proposed for high-level gamma-ray instruments data is implemented for a small set of Fermi-LAT, MAGIC, VERITAS, FACT, and H.E.S.S observations.
        The data were analysed with the open-source software gammapy to produce a joint maximum likelihood fit of the Crab nebula spectrum.
        All the results presented in this work are obtained using open-access on-line assets that allow for a long-term reproducibility of the results (Docker, zenodo).

        Orateur: Cosimo Nigro (IFAE)
      • 24
        gLike: likelihood maximization and profiling for astrophysical (and beyond) applications

        Based on ROOT, gLike is a framework for the numerical maximization of likelihood functions.
        The likelihood has one free parameter (named g) and as many nuisance parameters as wanted, which will be profiled in the maximization process. Multi-instrument likelihood can be created and jointly profiled by compounding together several likelihood terms. gLike has been and is being used for Dark Matter searches in gamma-ray astronomy and will ultimately enter the ESCAPE software collection.

        Orateur: Cosimo Nigro (IFAE)
      • 25
        AstroAnt: astronomical analyses of ANTARES neutrino telecsope data in python

        In astronomy it is a common task for a telescope/detector team to provide a software pipeline for

        • reducing data to a certain region on the sky,
        • applying the most recent calibration knowledge,
        • and estimating signal probabilities and signal background.

        Using this pipeline enables the astrophysicist to quickly start analyzing and interpreting the data in a scientific context. In particular she or he does not need to have an in-depth knowledge of the telescope and signal detection process.

        Neutrino astroparticle physics and astronomy are new and fast emerging fields. Currently, the work around prototype and neutrino telescopes being built concentrates on understanding, improving, and developing technologies. Thus, only limited software pipelines for astrophysical purposes as described above exist.

        I will present highlights of the software pipeline AstroAnt developed for the ANTARES neutrino telescope. This pipeline can serve as a prototype for the next-generation KM3NeT neutrino telescope currently being built, in order to kick off astronomical analyses in the next years.

        Orateur: Matthias Bissinger (ECAP - University of Erlangen)
      • 26
        Software from the ESCAPE Test Science Project: Dark Matter

        VideoID: 76470

        Orateur: Caterina Doglioni (University of Geneva)
      • 27
    • 11:00
      Fluid Break
    • Software development: Best Practices II

      Core questions:
      What concepts of a software lifecycle management are employed, which guidelines should be followed?
      - development
      - testing and deployment
      - maintenance

    • Software in the OSSR: Demonstration

      Core Questions:
      What are the user and provider requirements for a FAIR software repository?
      user requirements?
      provider requirements?
      interaction requirements?
      EOSC requirements?