2nd MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves
Second MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves:
A new window to the Universe
MaNiTou summer school
The school is collaboratively organized by scientific communities involved in Gravitational Waves, from 3 French locations in Southern France, namely Marseille, Nice and Toulouse, thus the MaNiTou name for the school.
The school will take place in Nice this year, on the very pleasant Valrose Campus of Université de la Côte d'Azur (UCA) and at the Obervatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA).

The School activities will be held in English.
Goals of the school
The school will cover the emerging field of gravitational wave detection and of its scientific exploitation. Following their discovery by the LIGO/Virgo consortia, many other gravitational wave detections are expected at the existing and future gravitational antennas. They will open up a new window of exploration, sometimes unique and sometimes complementary to what other messengers such as electromagnetic radiation (radio, IR, visible, UV, X-rays, gamma rays) and neutrinos can reveal of the physics at work in our Universe. The objective of the school is to provide the students with a solid introduction to most aspects of this interdisciplinary field in accelerated expansion :-)
The school is open in priority to Master and PhD students, and also to young or not so young scientists who would like to get better acquainted with Gravitational Waves.
For attendees to fully benefit from the school programme, it is highly recommended that they have had at least an introductory exposure to General Relativity before. We also strongly suggest that prior to attending the school, the participants read some of the references that can be found here.
School Programme
GR and GW Theorie (7h) - Simone Speziale (CPT)
Panorama of possible GW sources (1h) - Joe Romano (TTU)
GW Data Analysis (3h) - Sylvain Marsat (L2IT)
GW Instruments (3h)
- On Ground (LIGO/Virgo, ET) - Walid Chaibi (OCA)
- In Space (LISA) - Hubert Halloin (APC)
Hands on data (3h) - Simone Mastrogiovanni (INFN - La Sapienza)
GW to study the Universe
- Astrophysics (1h30) - Astrid Lamberts (OCA)
- Cosmology (1h30) - Simone Mastrogiovanni (INFN - La Sapienza)
- Fundamental Physics (1h30) - Mairi Sakellariadou (King's College)
- Multi-Messager Astronomy (1h30) - Sarah Antier (OCA)
Advanced seminars
- GW and Nuclear Physics (1h30) - Jerome Margueron (I2P Lyon)
- Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTA):
- Science and Detection (1h30) - Gilles Theureau (LPC2E)
- SGWB Analysis (1h30) - Joe Romano (TTU)
- Deep Learning in GW physics (1h30) - Natalia Korsakova (APC)
School organization
In order to make the school efficient for the attendees in terms of knowledge transfer and training interaction with the scientists in charge of the different activities of the school, the attendance is limited to 40. No fee is requested to attend the School.
Coffee breaks and Lunches will be covered by the school for all the participants.
Diners and hotel costs will not be covered by the school.
For Master and PhD students who requested it, the cost of the room (for 6 nights, from Sunday to Saturday) and breakfast at the CROUS (residence Montebello) of the Valrose campus will be covered.
Apply to the school
To apply, please go to the Registration (Inscription) tab or directly follow the link here
Registration are closed
Organizing Committee
Sebastien GUILLOT (IRAP)
Sylvain MARSAT (L2IT)
Alejandro PEREZ (CPT/IPhU)