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LIO international conference on Composite Models, Electroweak Physics and the LHC

Amphi Dirac (IPNL)

Amphi Dirac


Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
Aldo Deandrea (IPNL), Giacomo Cacciapaglia (IPNL - Univ. Lyon 1)

The LIO international conference aims at discussing the new preliminary Run 2 results from the Large Hadron Collider and explore new and emerging models of physics beyond the standard model . It will be dedicated to different aspects of physics beyond the Standard Model, including composite models for the electroweak scale, QCD and lattice techniques applied to electroweak physics, relation to dark matter particle candidates, impact of the Higgs physics precision measurements and new ideas in the understanding of strong dynamics in the Higgs sector and beyond.

How to reach Lyon: if you fly in the Lyon Exupery airport, you can easily reach Lyon by taking the express tram Rhonexpress to the central Lyon Part-Dieu train station.

How to reach the IPNL : take the tram T1 direction IUT Feyssine or T4 direction La Doua Gaston Berger and get off at the stop Universite Lyon 1. From there you can walk to the IPN: follow the tram track and turn on the first road on the left. The IPNL is down the road (click on the link below to see a map). Address: 4 rue Fermi, Villeurbanne

View Map IPNL

The "Amphi Dirac" is on the ground floor, the "Salle du Conseil" on the first floor.


Invited speakers include:

ATLAS and CMS Collaborations

Stefania De Curtis (INFN, Florence)

Thomas Flacke (Korea Univ.)

Diogo Franzosi (Göttingen Univ.)

Michele Frigerio (L2C, Montpellier)

Anna Hasenfratz (Boulder)

Michio Hashimoto (Chubu)

Nazila Mahmoudi (CRAL, Lyon)

Yann Mambrini (LPT, Orsay)

Steve Muanza (CPPM)

Luca Panizzi (Southampton)



  • Abhishek Iyer
  • Alberto Parolini
  • Aldo Deandrea
  • Alexander Belyaev
  • Alexandra Carvalho
  • Alexandre Arbey
  • Anna Hasenfratz
  • David Calvet
  • David Lin
  • Diogo Buarque Franzosi
  • Donini Julien
  • Emiliano Molinaro
  • Giacomo Cacciapaglia
  • Haiying CAI
  • Jayita Lahiri
  • Kamila Kowalska
  • Luca Panizzi
  • Luigi Del Debbio
  • Marc Osherson
  • Marco Nardecchia
  • Martin Gonzalez-Alonso
  • Martin Hansen
  • Michio Hashimoto
  • Mickael Lespinasse
  • Nazila Mahmoudi
  • Nicolas Deutschmann
  • Noureddine Mebarki
  • Oliver Witzel
  • Paul Jackson
  • Romain Madar
  • Sergey Senkin
  • Solene Le Corre
  • Stefania De Curtis
  • Steve Muanza
  • Thomas Flacke
  • Tommi Alanne
  • Yann Mambrini
    • 08:30 09:00
      Registration Salle du Conseil/Amphi Dirac

      Salle du Conseil/Amphi Dirac


    • 09:00 10:00
      Composite Dynamics Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      • 09:00
        Welcome words 15m
        Orateur: Dr Raphaël Tieulent (Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon)
      • 09:15
        Composite Higgs and Yukawa coupling in walking gauge theories 45m
        Composite models are still attractive as new physics scenarios. For example, once some excesses are reported by experiments, many authors propose composite models matched with data. In the SM, Yukawa couplings are mysterious. I discuss the Yukawa coupling in walking gauge theories.
        Orateur: Prof. Michio Hashimoto
    • 10:00 10:30
      Coffee Break 30m Salle du Conseil

      Salle du Conseil


    • 10:30 12:30
      Composite Dynamics Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      • 10:30
        Non-perturbative analysis of the spectrum of meson resonances in an ultraviolet-complete composite-Higgs model 1h
        Orateur: Dr Michele Frigerio
      • 11:30
        Asymptotic Safety Beyond the Standard Model 1h
        Orateur: Dr Kamila Kowalska
    • 13:00 14:00
      Lunch break 1h Cafeteria (Maison d'Hôte)


      Maison d'Hôte

    • 14:00 16:00
      Higgs physics and results Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      • 14:00
        Higgs boson from a soft wall geometry 45m
        Many different extensions of the Standard Model have been proposed where the Higgs doublet is emerging as a bound state from a new physics strongly coupled sector: I discuss a general class of these models, recently reviewed in 1511.08218, where the new sector is an approximate conformal theory and the Higgs scalar experiences non trivial spectral properties, as a Higgs continuum, besides the 125 GeV pole. A novel realization of these models is then proposed in terms of a dual description based on a warped five dimensional theory with a soft wall geometry and some properties of this scenario are derived.
        Orateur: Dr Alberto Parolini
      • 14:45
        Observation of a Higgs boson at 125 GeV and search for an additional low-mass Higgs boson in the diphoton channel in CMS 30m
        An observation of the Higgs boson production for the two photon decay channel with the 2016 LHC Run 2 data is described. The analysis is performed using the dataset recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC from pp collisions at centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 12.9 fb-1. The observed significance at the Run 1 ATLAS+CMS combined mH = 125.09 GeV is 5.6 sigma, where 6.2 sigma is expected. The best-fit signal strength relative to the standard model prediction is 0.95 +/- 0.20. Also, a search for an additional light Higgs boson decaying into two photons, in the mass range 80-110 GeV, is reported. This search is performed using a dataset of 19.7 fb-1 recorded by CMS at a center of mass energy of 8 TeV. No evidence for new particle is observed.
        Orateur: M. Benoit Courbon
      • 15:15
        Search for a lighter Higgs in Two Higgs Doublet Model 30m
        Abstract : We study the two higgs doublet model with the mass of the heavy higgs set to 125GeV. We study the lighter Higgs of the model , constrain the different free parameters and see if we are sensitive at LHC at 8TeV in the h->gamma gamma channel.
        Orateur: Mme Solène Le Corre
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee break 30m Salle du Conseil

      Salle du Conseil


    • 16:30 18:00
      Higgs physics and results Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      • 16:30
        Higgs particle signal at the LHC from the gauged Unparticles Model 45m
        Abstract: The effect of scalar and spinor gauged unparticles on the decay rates H--->gamma+Gamma and h--->Z+Gamma are considered. The theoretical results of the model are also discussed on the light of the latest data of the LHC experiments.
        Orateur: Prof. Noureddine Mebarki
    • 18:00 19:00
      Reception 1h Salle du Conseil

      Salle du Conseil


    • 09:00 10:00
      Composite dynamics Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
      • 09:00
        Hunting Composite Higgs model UV completions in di-boson and ttbar searches at the LHC 1h
        Abstact: Models of compositeness can successfully address the origin of the Higgs boson, as a pseudo-Goldstone of a spontaneously broken global symmetry, and flavour physics via the partial compositeness mechanism. If the dynamics is generated by a simple underlying theory defined in terms of a confining gauge group with fermionic matter content, there exists only a finite set of models that have the correct properties to account for the Higgs and top partners at the same time. As a prediction, one obtains additional light scalars. We study the phenomenology of these additional scalars in light of the di-boson and $t\bar{t}$ searches at LHC. based on: PRD94 (2016) no.1, 015004, and work in progress in collaboration with A. Belyaev, G. Cacciapaglia, H. Cai, G. Ferretti, A. Parolini, H. Serodio
        Orateur: Dr Flacke Thomas
    • 10:00 10:30
      Coffee Break 30m Salle du Conseil

      Salle du Conseil


    • 10:30 12:00
      Composite dynamics Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
      • 10:30
        (Accurate) Predictions for New Strong Dynamics at the LHC and Future Colliders 45m
        I will shortly discuss some "peculiar" aspects of the phenomenology of composite dynamics at the LHC and future colliders. First, I will show the implication of eta-like resonance decaying into top-quark pair in shedding light on the mechanism to generate SM-fermion masses, the importance of interference and QCD corrections in this search and a analysis of the limits and projections. Second, the eventual presence of near-degenerate composite vector resonances and their signals. Finally, I will discuss the dynamical generation of a broad scalar resonances, its importance in unitarizing weak boson scattering and a prescription to describe its line shape in a gauge invariant fashion.
        Orateur: Dr Diogo Buarque Franzosi
      • 11:15
        Flavoured opportunities from strong dynamics 45m
        Orateur: Dr Marco Nardecchia
    • 12:00 12:30
      Discussion Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch break 1h 30m Cafeteria (Maison d'Hote)


      Maison d'Hote

    • 14:00 16:00
      Review of Experimental Results Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
      • 14:00
        Recent ATLAS results in the search for composite dynamics and Dark Matter 1h
        Orateur: Prof. Paul Jackson (ATLAS)
      • 15:00
        Recent CMS Results on Composite Models and Dark Matter 1h
        Orateur: Dr Marc Antoine Osherson (CMS)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee break 30m Salle du Conseil

      Salle du Conseil


    • 16:30 18:00
      Review of Experimental Results Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
      • 16:30
        Using Integral and Differential Charge Asymmetries for BSM Searches at the LHC 45m
        Contrarily to past high energy colliders, the LHC is a charge asymmetric machine. Therefore most of the hard scattering processes producing electrically charged final states have a positive integral charge asymmetry. The latter quantity, denoted AC, is easily measurable in event topologies bearing an odd number of hard and isolated charged leptons. We have brought to light the strong correlation between AC and the mass of the charged final state. This enabled us to setup a new method of indirect mass measurement [1]. For example, this method enables to measure the mass of the W boson with a 1% accuracy. Obviously this is not competitive with respect to the standard technique based on the W transverse mass. However for other processes where more final state particles escape detection, we've demonstrated the integral charge asymmetry method to be much more effective. We illustrate this in a search for a supersymmetric production of chargino-neutralino pairs decaying in the trilepton inclusive topology. Nevertheless, in order to apply the integral charge asymmetry method, one needs to have a significant excess of signal events over the event yield of the corresponding background processes. We are currently extending this indirect mass measurement method using differential charge asymmetries. In addition to their sensitivity to the mass, the shape of these observables can also be exploited to improve the separation between a signal and its background processes. Our main physics case under study is the production of an heavy W’ boson which decays into a single charged lepton. [1] S. Muanza and T. Serre, “A New Method for Indirect Mass Measurements using the Integral Charge Asymmetry at the LHC”, JHEP 1604 (2016) 179, arXiv:1412.6695 [hep-ph].
        Orateur: Prof. Steve Muanza
      • 17:15
        Review of New Phenomena Searches in the Top Quark Sector with the ATLAS detector 45m
        In this review, I propose to describe the most recent ATLAS results on search for Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) phenomena in the top quark sector. After quickly remaining why such BSM physics might appear in this sector, I will discuss in more details how the Standard Model can be extended (extra-dimension, compositeness, additional symmetry, etc ...), together with their associated experimental signatures. I will then show the various resonant searches performed in ATLAS as well as many non-resonant searches involving for e.g. vector-like quarks or the production of four top quarks. Experimental techniques such as large-R jets and boosted topology will also be discussed.
        Orateur: Dr Romain Madar
    • 20:00 23:00
      Conference Dinner 3h Brasserie Georges (30, Cours de Verdun, 69002 LYON Perrache)

      Brasserie Georges (30, Cours de Verdun, 69002 LYON Perrache)

      30, Cours de Verdun 69002 LYON Perrache

      The restaurant is easily reached from the tram T1 or metro A, stop Perrache.

    • 09:00 10:00
      Dark matter Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
      • 09:00
        Recent developments in Dark Matter searches and Model Building 1h
        Abstract : I will review in this presentation the last results and analysis in different approaches of dark matter, from the most effective construction to unified models of type SO(10) through portal-like scenario.
        Orateur: Prof. Yann Mambrini
    • 10:00 10:30
      Coffee break 30m Salle du Conseil

      Salle du Conseil


    • 10:30 12:00
      Dark matter Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
      • 10:30
        DM spin characterization at the LHC 45m
        Orateur: Dr Luca Panizzi
      • 11:15
        Searches for FIMP Dark Matter at the LHC 45m
        Orateur: Dr Emiliano Molinaro
    • 12:00 12:30
      Discussion Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m Cafeteria (Maison d'Hote)


      Maison d'Hote

    • 14:00 16:00
      Flavour and Lattice Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
      • 14:00
        Composite Higgs model based on a conformal fixed point 1h
        Abstract: We investigate a prototype lattice BSM model with pNGB Higgs by combining 4 light (massless) flavors and 8 heavy flavors. In the infrared, the SU(4) chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken, while in the ultraviolet it exhibits the properties of the $N_f=12$ conformal fixed point. The running coupling of this system ``walks" and the energy range of walking can be tuned by the mass of the heavy flavors. At the same time, renormalization group considerations predict the spectrum of such a system to show hyperscaling i.e. hadron masses in units of $F_\pi$ are independent of the heavy mass. Hyperscaling is present for bound states made-up of light, heavy, or heavy and light flavors. This observation is supported by numerical observations and makes the model strongly predictive.
        Orateur: Prof. Anna Hasenfratz
      • 15:00
        Topics on lattice studies of the Higgs-Yukawa Model 1h
        In this talk, I will discuss the status of modern lattice investigations for the Higgs-Yukawa model.  After introducing the main strategy, I will summarise how the lattice method can provide interesting information for LHC phenomenology.  More details of two aspects in this research object will be given.  The first is the effects of the addition of a dimension-six operator in low-energy phenomenology.  The second is the investigation of the scaling behaviour of the model, as relevant to the investigation of the triviality of the Higgs-Yukawa sector of the Standard Model.
        Orateur: Prof. David Lin
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee break 30m Salle du Conseil

      Salle du Conseil


    • 16:30 18:15
      Flavour and Lattice Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
      • 16:30
        Recent anomalies in flavour physics 45m
        Orateur: Dr Farvah Mahmoudi
      • 17:15
        Beautiful and charming physics on the lattice 1h
        Orateur: Dr Oliver Witzel
    • 09:15 10:00
      Current status of MSSM Higgs sector with LHC 13 TeV data 45m Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
      ATLAS and CMS collaborations have just reported the new results on Higgs search analyzing ~15/fb data from Run-II of LHC at 13 TeV. In this work we study the Higgs sector of the phenomenological Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, in the light of the new Higgs data presented at ICHEP 2016, on and above the existing Run-I data, and comment on their relative impacts. We have observed that the new data has two major impacts on the parameter space: The first one is through the H to tau tau direct search limit which rules out the high tanbeta regions more efficiently than the Run-I data. Secondly, the correlated light Higgs observables as reported by ATLAS with Run-II data in the h to ZZ channel, which disfavors pseudoscalar mass below 450 GeV. Finally we discuss the possible decay modes of heavy Higgs bosons to supersymmetric particles.
      Orateur: Mlle Jayita Lahiri
    • 10:00 10:30
      Coffee break 30m Salle du Conseil

      Salle du Conseil


    • 10:30 11:15
      Searches for Higgs pairs at LHC and its interpretations 45m Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


      Bat. Dirac 4 rue Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne
      Orateur: Dr Alexandra Carvalho
    • 11:15 12:30
      Discussion Amphi Dirac

      Amphi Dirac


    • 13:00 14:00
      Lunch break 1h Cafeteria (Maison d'Hôte)


      Maison d'Hôte