DMLab Meeting IV
Amphitheatre Charpak
This meeting is sponsored by the Ambassade de France en Allemagne and the DAAD.
Dark matter is one of the great puzzles of nature: according to current estimates, more than 85% of the matter in the universe is in the form of dark (only gravitating) matter, of which today we know nothing. Any discovery of new physics will be related directly or indirectly to dark matter: by discovering a dark matter particle or by measuring fundamental properties in models providing a dark matter candidate. Dark matter is also likely related to gravitational waves and multi-messenger astroparticle physics.
The International Research Laboratory (IRL) DMLab between the CNRS/IN2P3 and the Helmholtz association represented by its centers DESY, KIT and GSI, focusses on the theme of dark matter.
To address various challenges in dark matter physics the IRL is structured in six topics: direct dark matter searches, multi-messenger particle physics and gravitational waves, novel accelerator concepts, computing and data science, particle detector technologies, and theoretical physics.
During the meeting we aim to discuss the ongoing projects as well as new ideas.
Hotel accommodation:
- Many hotels are available in Paris, if you would like to stay close, you can try Booking
Public Transportation in Paris:
- Transportation tickets can be bought with several Apps: Bonjour RATP
- General information like maps, ticket prices etc: RATP or Ilde France Mobilites
- Bus lines: 67 et 89
- Métro Lines: 7 et 10.
- At the main entrance you only have to open your bags for a security check, no identity check
- Auditorium Charpak
- Go to tower 22 (see also map below), go down the stairs and follow the signs
Lunches (paid centrally): The Ardoise on the Jussieu Campus (tower 26, "Lunch" on the above map).
Dinner (paid centrally): Restaurant Le Trumilou, 84 Quai de l'Hôtel de ville, 75004 Paris. Click on this link for walking directions
Help: if you need any help, please contact one of the following: Luca Scotto Lavina (+33 (0)6 47 30 31 69), Frederic Girard (+33 (0)7 66 36 53 77)
Participation in the meeting: please register, the ZOOM link will be accessible only if you have an indico account, logged in and registered to the meeting. For those without indico account the link will be sent by mail about 30 minutes before the meeting starts.
Akira Miyazaki
Aldo Deandrea
Axel Lindner
Cristinel Diaconu
Dominique Breton
Elena Bratkovskaya
Elio Sacchetti
Fabrice Hubaut
Felix Kahlhoefer
Frédéric Girard
Giacomo Cacciapaglia
Heiko Lacker
Ingrid Maria Gregor
Jan-Eric Heinrichs
Jihane Maalmi
Joerg Aichelin
Julien Masbou
Jurgen Brunner
Katja Krüger
Klaus Eitel
Luc Darmé
Luca Scotto Lavina
Manuella Werp
Marc Winter
Marco Zito
Marjorie Stievenart-Ammour
Mathieu GROSS
Matteo Barsuglia
Nicolas Delerue
olivier dadoun
Olivier Martineau
Owen Stanley
Panagiotis Marinellis
Patrice Verdier
Pham Ngoc Hoa Vuong
Quentin Pellegrini
Roman Poeschl
Simon Spannagel
Thibaut Houdy
Thomas Schörner
Vijay Dabhi
Vincent BOUDRY
Wanda Isnard