3rd Rencontre PhyNuBE: Fission and Nuclear Astrophysics

Village CNRS Oléron (France)

Village CNRS Oléron (France)

Village vacances du CAES du CNRS La Vieille Perrotine 17310 Saint-Pierre d'Oléron
Fairouz HAMMACHE (IPN-Orsay), Beatriz Jurado (IN2P3/CENBG), Denis LACROIX (Institut de Physique Nucléaire), Antoine Lemasson (GANIL / CNRS UPR3266), Guillaume Scamps (L2i Toulouse, CNRS/IN2P3, UT3), sorlin olivier (GANIL)


The third edition of PhyNuBE of the Groupement de Recherche Resanet will take place at the CNRS center of Oléron (France) between October 6 (arrival) and October 11 (departure). We propose to adress two scientific topics that are nuclear astrophysics and nuclear fission. The meeting will comprise a series of invited overview talks, oral contributions and poster presentations.


The PhyNuBe scientific meetings are intended to gather and educate students and senior scientists around major scientific topics of our field, as well as reinforcing links between theory and experiment and encouraging cross-fertilize activities. 


The astrophysics part will cover quiescent and explosive burning phases of stars in which nuclear physics plays an essential role, such as massive stars, novae, x-ray bursts, or neutron star mergers. Theoretical aspects of stellar modeling, nuclear reaction rates, and spectroscopy will be covered. Experimentally, results from reaction cross-section measurements of astrophysical relevance involving neutral, charged particles and neutrinos will be presented and confronted to observations.

Concerning fission,  the most relevant experimental programs for measuring fission cross sections, probabilities, fission fragment properties, and the associated emitted particles will be discussed, thus highlighting the related challenges, the solutions provided, and the main results. The advances and challenges in fission theory will also be covered by discussing the latest developments in microscopic dynamical models based on the energy density functional theory and in more phenomenological models. The various talks will also illustrate the importance of the fission process for fundamental nuclear physics, societal applications, and nuclear astrophysics.

A large amount of time will be dedicated to discussions and debates, as well as outdoor activities. Finantial support for local expenses is possible on demand for a limited number of participants. Fees are estimated to 550 euros for a sinle room and 440 euros in twin rooms with double occupancy, both for full board. Bus shuttles are planned to be organized between the train station of La Rochelle and the CNRS center of Oléron. Departures of these shuttles are planned on October 06 and October 11, synchronized with the TGV trains between Paris and La Rochelle (see file 'last announcement' at the bottom of the website for details).


Submission abstract: May 4th to July 15th 

Notification of acceptance of abstracts: July 22nd

Registration deadline: August, 31st


The PhyNuBE3 meeting is organized under the umbrella of the GDR Resanet by F. Hammache, B. Jurado, D. Lacroix, A. Lemasson, G. Scamps and O. Sorlin.
