DUNE-France Analysis workshop #2

Salle des Conseils (IJCLab Orsay)

Salle des Conseils

IJCLab Orsay

Batiment 100

Welcome to the 2nd DUNE-France analysis workshop!

The workshop will occur on XXXX

Following the first edition on April 2023, this workshop will be dedicated to the "high-level" side of analyses: neutrino cross-sections, oscillations, and their systematics.

The workshop schedule is:

  • Wednesday afternoon: masterclasses, lectures on the neutrino interactions, oscillations and statistics. The goal is to provide everybody the up-to-date knowledge to follow the workshop  
  • Thursday all-day: presentations and round-table on our current and future DUNE activities.
  • Friday morning: hands-on session
  • Friday lunch-time: academic careers round-table


We expect both local and external speakers, the detailed timetable will be provided soon. A workshop dinner is planned on Wednesday evening (please fill the registration form to indicate your attendance).

Looking forward to seeing you,
Laura, Leïla, Thibaut, Yoann

  • Alessandra Tonazzo
  • Ariel Cohen
  • camelia mironov
  • Camille Sironneau
  • emile lavaut
  • Fabien Cavalier
  • Henrique Souza
  • I Cheong Hong
  • Jaime Dawson
  • jean-sebastien real
  • Jean-stephane Ricol
  • Joao Coelho
  • Joel Dai
  • Joshua Pinchault
  • Laura Zambelli
  • Laurent Simard
  • Leïla Haegel
  • Luis Manzanillas
  • Matteo Galli
  • Matéo Bédès
  • Pierre Granger
  • Sabrina Sacerdoti
  • Sara Bolognesi
  • Thibaut Houdy
  • Thomas Kosc
    • 13:50 14:00
      Welcome Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100
      Présidents de session: Thibaut Houdy (IJCLab), Yoann KERMAIDIC (IJCLab)
    • 14:00 15:30
      Masterclasses Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100

      This session is aimed at providing lectures & classes on topic relevant to DUNE analysis.
      They provide the necessary prerequisites to follow the presentations ans round table.

    • 15:30 16:00
      Social Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100
    • 16:00 18:00
      Masterclasses Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100

      This session is aimed at providing lectures & classes on topic relevant to DUNE analysis.
      They provide the necessary prerequisites to follow the presentations ans round table.

    • 19:00 21:00
      Social: Dinner TBD


    • 09:00 10:30
      Session: Reconstruction session Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100

      Presentations on current and future analyses, aiming at generating discussions between participants.

    • 10:30 11:00
      Social: Coffee break Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100
    • 11:00 12:20
      Session: Neutrino flux, interactions & systematics Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100

      Presentations on current and future analyses, aiming at generating discussions between participants.

    • 12:20 14:00
      Social: Lunch Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100
    • 14:00 15:30
      Session: Neutrino flux, interactions & systematics Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100

      Presentations on current and future analyses, aiming at generating discussions between participants.

      • 14:00
        Oscillation measurements at high statistics: statistical challenges and beyond 40m
        Orateur: Sara Bolognesi (CEA Saclay)
      • 14:40
        Discussion session 30m
      • 15:10
        Sterile neutrinos in DUNE 20m
        Orateur: Camille Sironneau (APC lab)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Social: Coffee break Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100
    • 16:00 17:30
      Session: Neutrino oscillations Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100

      Presentations on current and future analyses, aiming at generating discussions between participants.

    • 17:30 17:40
      Session: Wrap-up Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100

      Presentations on current and future analyses, aiming at generating discussions between participants.

    • 09:00 12:00
      Hands-on Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100

      Learning all together and putting our hands on the computer!

      • 09:00
        Report from the LArSoft UK tutorial 20m
        Orateur: Yoann KERMAIDIC (IJCLab)
      • 09:20
        Stopping particle tutorial 40m


      • 10:00
        First steps with MaCh3 (installation & running) 1h
        Orateur: Leïla Haegel (IP2I Lyon)
    • 12:00 13:30
      Social: Lunch talk: academic careers Salle des Conseils

      Salle des Conseils

      IJCLab Orsay

      Batiment 100