"Workshop on Top Physics : from the TeVatron to the LHC (II)"



53, avenue des MArtyrs 38026 GRENOBLE France
Arnaud (co-chair) Lucotte (LPSC / ATLAS), Gerard (co-chair) Sajot (LPSC)
The aim of this workshop is to review recent and expected results on the physics of the top quark. In particular we hope to foster current and future research in this area from both the experimental and the theoretical points of view. A special emphasis will be put on the methods and tools developped for top physics. This workshop is organized in plenary sessions only, allowing unformal discussions to take place. Every presentation is followed by a time devoted to questions. This workshop, which takes place from Thursday 18th to Saturday 20th October 2007, will be held at the LPSC, Grenoble (near CERN), in the main amphitheater. A video connexion is available with the ID: 88topw Organizing Committee: Clement, Benoit Ferrari, Pamela Kajfasz, Eric Klasen, Michael Lucotte, Arnaud (co-chair) Pallin, Dominique Sajot, Gerard (co-chair) Riffault, Jocelyne (secretariat)
  • Alex Martyniuk
  • Andreas Hoecker
  • Antonio Onofre
  • Arnaud Lucotte
  • Arnulf Quadt
  • Benoit Clement
  • Bernard Andrieu
  • Bertrand Martin
  • Borut Kersevan
  • Catalin Ciobanu
  • Cecile Lapoire
  • Christophe Clement
  • Dominique Pallin
  • Duc Bao Ta
  • Emanuel Rauter
  • Emmanuel Busato
  • Fairouz Malek
  • Filipe Veloso
  • Frederic Derue
  • Georges AAD
  • Gerard SAJOT
  • Gordon Watts
  • Harrison Prosper
  • Jenna Lane
  • Joerg MEYER
  • Jorgen D'Hondt
  • Liv Wiik
  • Lorenzo Feligioni
  • M Saleem
  • Marion Arthaud
  • Michael Klasen
  • Michelangelo MANGANO
  • Nikolai Vlasov
  • Nuno Castro
  • Pamela Ferrari
  • Patrick Ryan
  • Paul S Miyagawa
  • Pierre-Antoine Delsart
  • pietro Cavalleri
  • Remi Zaidan
  • Rikkert Frederix
  • Simon Head
  • Stefan Hoeche
  • Stefano Frixione
  • Steve Muanza
  • Thorsten Wengler
  • Tony Liss
  • Un-ki Yang
  • Valery Schegelsky
  • Yann Coadou