- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
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- Indico Weeks View
The purpose of the meeting is to share WP5 progress with all WP5 partners, other work packages and ESCAPE ESFRIs. Since the end of June 2020, WP5 started the focus months. Five working groups have been formed, each of which is led by a WP5 partner. Great progress has been made during the WP5 Focus Months. We would like to share the results and discuss future work with other WPs and ESFRIs partners in order to prepare the launch of ESAP prototype and the platform evaluation workshop.
* If you have workflows, JupyterNotebook Environment available, and would like to make it available on the ESAP JupyterHub test instance, please contact Zheng Meyer-Zhao (meyer@astron.nl)
* Each working group will give an update during the progress meeting.
* Hereby we would also like to encourage WP5 partners and ESFRIs to participate in ESAP performance evaluation after the progress meeting to prepare for milestone M5.5 "Second WP5 workshop to analyse prototype performance". We will organise the seconde WP5 workshop via Zoom on 15 February 2021.
Connection details for the Progress Meeting are as follows:
You have been invited to attend a Zoom Conference taking place in virtual meeting room:
BSS Zoom Room 4 at https://astron.zoom.us
Meeting id: 944 740 9884
Password: 896938
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