Your ATTENTION Please:
Due to the Swine Flu prevention rules, the access to KEK is restricted (see here).
Therefore the Workshop has been moved to the Epochal Conference Center located in the center of Tsukuba (< 10' walking distance from the train/bus station). A shuttle bus is organized between the Urban Hotel and Epocal Center.
France Japan Particle Physics laboratory (FJPPL) 3nd workshop. FJPPL is a joint Laboratory (LIA) supported by IN2P3/CNRS, IRFU/DSM/CEA and KEK.
Previous FJPPL workshops contributions are available FJPPL'07, FJPPL'08
All currently supported programs and new proposals will be presented at this workshop.
At the end of the workshop the Toshiko Yuasa lab. inauguration ceremony will be held (programme).
Toshiko Yuasa
From left to right: Fumihiko Takasaki (Japanese TYL Director, KEK), Etienne Augé (IN2P3/CNRS dep. Director), Atsuto Suzuki (KEK Director General), Nicolas Alamanos (CEA/Irfu Dep. Director), Sawako Hanyu (Ochanomizu Univ. President), Yuzo ASANO (Yuasa’s Family), Toshio ICHII (Yuasa’s Family), Denis Perret-Gallix (French TYL Director, CNRS/IN2P3)