6–11 Jul 2025
PALAIS DU PHARO, Marseille, France
Europe/Paris timezone

Abstract submitters

Here are the abstracts submission instructions. Please read them through before submiting an abstract. The abstract submission form is available at the  Call for Abstracts form page.

General instructions

Covered topics and tracks

The conference will delve into a range of topics, as described in the Scientific programme of the conference. Abstracts on any of thoses aspects are welcome. The present call for abstracts targets parallel and poster sessions only.

Abstracts submission dead-line

Abstracts must be submitted before April 15th 2024. Abstracts submitted before this dead-line can be modified by the initial submitter. If an extended dead-line should be allowed, the new date will be annnouced on the Call for abstracts Indico page, as well as on the Key dates on the conference web page.

Selection process

Submitted abstracts will go through a selection process in order to guarantee a good balance of the programme and each submitter of abstracts will be notified upon the result of this selection on May 7th at the latest. Please refer to the conference web page for any update that may occur regarding this date.

Technical instructions

The abstracts submission and the building of the programme are managed through the IN2P3 Indico system. You need to be logged into the IN2P3 Indico system to submit an abstract. Please refer to the instructions on how to get an IN2P3 Indico account.

Submission form

Contribution types

This call for abstracts target oral contributions in the parallel sessions and contributions in the poster sessions. The length of the oral contributions will be decided by the track conveners and may depend on the track. Selected speakers will be notified in due time.

Abstract length

We ask you to limit your abstract to 2500 characters (including symbols and spaces). Upload of additionnal files is not permitted. The content of selected abstracts will be publicly available and advertised through the scientific programme of the conference.

Track selection

At the time of submission, we require you to choose one track. If your work is related to another track, please indicate it is the form, under the secondary track choice.

Speaker selection

It is not mandatory to designate the speaker in the abstract submission form. Nonetheless, it is very recommended to do it if the speaker is already known.

If you were to submit abstracts for which the speaker would be named after the abstract is submitted, please do contact the track conveners in order to update the speaker information - please make sure the speaker has an IN2P3 Indico account so that he/she can manage the material associated to the presentation.

Submission in the name of a collaboration

If you submit abstracts on behalf of a collaboration, you might wish the Collaboration name to appear in the author list. To do so, please do follow these guide-lines: 

  • When submitting the abstract, add an author by clicking the "enter manually";
  • Use both the "First name" and "Last name" to write the full name of your collaboration as this example:  first name "LHCb", last name "Collaboration";
  • Make sure the collaboration name appears as you wanted to in the "author" part of the abstract submission.