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- Indico Weeks View
Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).
We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).
The purpose of the meeting is to bring together the whole GANIL community to address needs and requests of the users, discuss the progress of ongoing activities and plan future initiatives. Organized by the GANIL User Executive Committee (GUEC), this will serve to trigger discussion to optimize GANIL’s
experimental devices and the corresponding calls for proposals. The meeting will focus on the status and discussion of beam/target and instrument (detector/electronics/acquisition) developments for the future of physics at GANIL.
Participants are expected to arrive from 12p.m. on Monday 14th at the MoHo, where lunch will be served from 12.30p.m, before beginning the meeting at 2p.m.
Participation is free, however you need to register before 27th September 2024 for organizational reasons; when you register, you can also let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.
Looking forward to seeing you in Caen!
The Local Organizing Committee
Conveners: S. Grévy (LP2i Bordeaux), H. Franberg, F. de Oliveira (GANIL)
Conveners: M. Schleberger (Uni. Duisberg-Essen), C. Grygiel (CIMAP), A.M. Frelin (GANIL)
Conveners: P. Delahaye, P. Chauveau & Ch. Stodel (GANIL)
Conveners: M. Assié (IJCLab) & E. Clément (GANIL)
Conveners: H. Savajols, J. Piot, N. Lecesne (GANIL), B. Sulignano (IRFU), M. Authier (IRFU), V. Manea (IJCLab)
Conveners: H. Savajols (GANIL) & I. Matea (IJCLab)
Conveners: J. Pancin (GANIL)
Conveners: B.Blank (LP2i Bordeaux), F. Varenne & J.C. Thomas (GANIL)
Conveners: M. Assié (IJCLab) & E. Clément (GANIL)
Presented by GUEC using contributions from all session conveners