IPhU Day 2023




163 Avenue de Luminy 13009 Marseille

The IPhU Day aims at bringing together the IPhU community to establish the status of the various actions that have been carried out since its inception, and its future that we have the opportunity to build together in all its entangled aspects, namely: Research, Education, Innovation and Transfer. It is also an opportunity to share our expectations about the institute and our ideas for improving its operation, and to discuss them among ourselves.

The event will take place in person in the Auditorium at CPPM (and via Zoom). 

If you have the choice, please do favor the in person attendance; it's been 3 years that we've been waiting for this to be possible! :-)

Please do register (even if you plan to attend via Zoom) by Thu 12 Jan 2023 midnight at the latest so we can keep track, for logistics purposes, of how may of you will be attending and how much food/drinks we have to order.

Please note that lunch will only be served to people who checked the lunch option in their registration form. 



    • 09:00 09:05
      Welcome and quick introduction 5m AUDITORIUM et Zoom

      AUDITORIUM et Zoom


      163 Avenue de Luminy 13009 Marseille
      Orateur: Eric Kajfasz (CPPM)
    • 09:05 10:20
      General reports AUDITORIUM et Zoom

      AUDITORIUM et Zoom


      163 Avenue de Luminy 13009 Marseille
    • 10:20 10:40
      Coffee Break 20m CPPM



    • 10:40 11:10
      Interdisciplinary projects AUDITORIUM et Zoom

      AUDITORIUM et Zoom


      163 Avenue de Luminy 13009 Marseille
      • 10:40
        Interdisciplinary project NEXCOS - 7'+3' 10m
        Orateur: Damien Dornic (CPPM)
      • 10:50
        Interdisciplinary project DC2DM - 7'+3' 10m
        Orateur: Eric Jullo (LAM)
      • 11:00
        Interdisciplinary project Low@LHC - 7'+3' 10m
        Orateur: Aoife Bharucha (CPT, Marseille)
    • 11:10 12:10
      PhD students talks AUDITORIUM et Zoom

      AUDITORIUM et Zoom


      163 Avenue de Luminy 13009 Marseille
      • 11:10
        Development of artificial intelligence algorithms adapted to big data processing in embedded (FPGAs) trigger and data acquisition systems at the LHC - 12'+3' 15m

        PhD thesis started in 2020

        Orateur: Lauri Laatu
      • 11:25
        Galaxy evolution and cosmic web with Deep Learning - 12'+3' 15m

        PhD thesis started in 2020

        Orateur: Reda AIT OUAHMED
      • 11:40
        Void lensing as a test of gravity in the DESI data - 12'+3' 15m

        PhD thesis started in 2020

        Orateur: Renan Isquierdo Boschetti (CPPM)
      • 11:55
        Search for CP violation in semileptonic decays - 12'+3' 15m

        PhD thesis started in 2020

        Orateur: M. Vlad Dedu (Aix-Marseille-University, CNRS/IN2P3, CPPM, Marseille, France)
    • 12:10 13:30
      Lunch Break 1h 20m Salle Polyvalente Bât A (Luminy Campus)

      Salle Polyvalente Bât A

      Luminy Campus

    • 13:30 14:30
      PhD students talks AUDITORIUM et Zoom

      AUDITORIUM et Zoom


      163 Avenue de Luminy 13009 Marseille
      • 13:30
        Modified gravity from cosmic web environment-dependent galaxy clustering and weak lensing - 12'+3' 15m

        PhD thesis started in 2021

        Orateur: Martin Kaercher
      • 13:45
        Direct Search for Dark Matter with the DarkSide-20k Detector - 12'+3' 15m

        PhD thesis started in 2021

        Orateur: Marie van Uffelen (CPPM, Aix Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3)
      • 14:00
        First analysis of LSST Supernovae Ia data with a focus on measuring the growth rate of structures - 12'+3' 15m

        PhD thesis started in 2022

        Orateur: Damiano Rosselli (CPPM)
      • 14:15
        X-ray and optical synergy to characterize GRBs and their hosts - 12'+3' 15m

        PhD thesis started in 2022

        Orateur: Ny Avo Rakotondrainibe (LAM)
    • 14:30 15:00
      Collaborative projects AUDITORIUM et Zoom

      AUDITORIUM et Zoom


      163 Avenue de Luminy 13009 Marseille
    • 15:00 15:20
      Coffee Break 20m AUDITORIUM et Zoom

      AUDITORIUM et Zoom


      163 Avenue de Luminy 13009 Marseille
    • 15:20 16:20
      Collaborative projects AUDITORIUM et Zoom

      AUDITORIUM et Zoom


      163 Avenue de Luminy 13009 Marseille
      • 15:20
        Status report of Direct search for WIMP dark matter - 12'+3' 15m
        Orateur: Pascal PRALAVORIO (CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3)
      • 15:35
        Status report of COLIBRI - 12'+3' 15m
        Orateur: Stephane Basa (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille)
      • 15:50
        Status report of CLASS - 12'+3' 15m
        Orateur: Sylvain de la Torre (LAM)
      • 16:05
        Status report of BSM Physics at the Terascale - 12'+3' 15m
        Orateur: Lorenzo Feligioni (CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3 (FR))
    • 16:20 16:50
      Round Table - 30' 30m AUDITORIUM et Zoom

      AUDITORIUM et Zoom


      163 Avenue de Luminy 13009 Marseille

      Discussion with attendees on possible Evolutions/Improvements to be made