- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Rationale. The recent convergence between Geoscience and Astroparticle Physics. In the last years there appeared many areas of natural synergy between Geosciences and Astroparticle Physics. Earth and Astroparticle sciences share a mutual scientific culture based on common objects of study, methods and approaches. They both deal with complex natural systems at much larger scales than the human scale, need deployments of large sensor networks in sometimes very hostile environments (sea, desert, underground, space), use long series of precise observations acquired over a range of time scales. They develop models relying on the state of the art in fundamental physics, chemistry, earth sciences, biology, numerical and computer sciences. They finally use big data analysis and transfer and worldwide networking. In particular, some of the synergies concern:
APPEC, GEO-8 and Academia Europaea organize therefore a 2-days workshop in February 2019, at the Institut de Physique de Globe de Paris, in the presence of key science PIs and stakeholder agencies representatives, including organisations collaborating within the APPEC and GEO-8 consortia, but not restricted to them.
NEW: Conclusions and outlook now available here below
Aim and structure of the workshop. The main aim of the proposed workshop is to explore the possible common grounds and combine the scientific expertise of both fields, involving key PIs of the respective fields together, in order to promote original interdisciplinary research and education projects. The structure of the workshop will be as follows: There will be a series of short presentations by key PI’s on the possible synergies and the cases developed up to now, followed by a discussion and a closing meeting with organisations collaborating in APPEC and GEO-8, as well as other Geosciences and Astrophysics agencies. Common lines of action, regarding co-funding or common applications to European calls, and international collaborations will be explored. The workshop will also examine opportunities for future coordination during the last part of the H2020 (2018-2020) and the forthcoming Horizon Europe programs.
Organizing Committee:
Deadline for Grant applications: 13 January, 2019
Deadline for Abstract submissions: 29 January, 2019