Towards the European Coordination of the CMB programme

Villa Finaly

Villa Finaly

Villa Finaly Università di Parigi linea 25/25A Chancellerie des Universités de Paris Italie, 50139 Firenze. Via Bolognese, 134 R

With data from future CMB satellite missions a decade or more away, the European CMB community needs to develop its suborbital technology in order to exploit and extend the expertise it has acquired in the last decade.


The meeting "Towards the Coordination of the European CMB program", September 20-21, 2018 in Florence, Italy, will gather experiment builders, observers and agency representatives in a continuing effort to set the conditions and chart the necessary steps towards  European coordination on the ground-based and sub-orbital CMB experiments, review and prepare future collaboration in technology development, and discuss similar efforts in other parts of the world. This meeting is concurrent with other road-mapping efforts happening in other regions of the world; e.g. DOE/NSF deliberations in US, among others. This year the goal is help converge the European CMB Whitepaper that was called for last year. The DRAFT (and please remember that it is a draft -- the idea is to make progress on it at the meeting, though comments and thoughts before are, of course, welcome and encouraged) can be found at the "Draft Whitepaper" link below.

The workshop coordinators are Marco Bersanelli, François Bouchet, Michael Brown, Anthony Challinor, Ken Ganga, Eiichiro Komatsu, Enrique Martinez-Gonzalez, Joe Mohr, José-Alberto Rubiño-Martin, and Nicola Vittorio. Sarodia Vydelingum is handling organization.

This workshop is the fourth in the series. Registration is free of charge, and is open now. The meeting is open to all interested participants but registration is necessaryThere are no registration fees and we will pay for lunches/coffee breaks during the workshop. Participants have to pay for their own travel and accommodation.

Contact : Sarodia Vydelingum