First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Adriano | Fontana | INAF OAR |
Agnieszka | Pollo | National Centre for Nuclear Research AND Jagiellonian University |
Alcione | Mora | ESA-ESAC |
Alexandre | Boucaud | Paris-Saclay Center for Data Science / LAL |
Alison | Rose | Inigo Films |
Andrew | Connolly | University of Washington |
Andrew | Hanushevsky | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Anthony | Brown | Leiden Observatory |
Benjamin | ROZIERE | LPC Clermont-Ferrand |
berrie | giebels | IN2P3 |
Bob | Mann | University of Edinburgh |
Brian | Van Klaveren | SLAC/LSST |
Bryce | Bolin | B612 Asteroid Institute |
Campana | Sergio | INAF - Osservatorio astronomico di Brera |
Catherine | Heymans | University of Edinburgh |
Cecile | Renault | LPSC |
chao | zhang | LPC, Clermont |
Chen | Yang | University of Padova |
Christian | Arnault | CNRS |
Claudio | Grillo | University of Milan / Dark Cosmology Centre |
Colin | Vincent | STFC |
Craig | Lage | UC Davis |
Crisitna | Chiappini | Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam - AIP |
Cristina | Martinez-Lombilla | Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias |
Cyrille | DOUX | APC - CNRS |
Cécile | Roucelle | APC - CNRS Université Paris 7 |
Daniel | HESTROFFER | IMCCE/Paris observatory |
Darko | Jevremovic | Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade |
David | MacFarlane | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
David | Young | Queen's University Belfast |
Denis | PUY | LUPM University of Montpellier |
Dominique | Boutigny | LAPP |
Dominique | Fouchez | CPPM |
Edouard | Bernard | Lagrange, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur |
Edward | Ajhar | National Science Foundation |
Elizabeth | Swann | Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation |
Emille | Ishida | LPC-UBP |
Emmanuel | Gangler | LPC - Clermont |
Eric | Aubourg | APC |
eric | nuss | LUPM |
Fabio | Hernandez | IN2P3 computing centre (CC-IN2P3) |
Fabrice | Feinstein | CPPM |
Fabrice | Jammes | CNRS |
Federica | Bianco | NYU |
Florian | Mondon | LPC |
Francoise | Virieux | IN2P3 |
Frederic | Suter | CNRS |
Fritz | Mueller | SLAC |
Gaëlle | SHIFRIN | Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3 |
Giada | Pastorelli | Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Padova |
Hsin-Fang | Chiang | NCSA, University of Illinois |
Ilaria | Musella | Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte |
Istvan | Dekany | Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg |
Jai-chan | Hwang | Kyungpook NAtional Universty |
Jason | Rhodes | NASA JPL |
Jeff | Tseng | University of Oxford |
Jim | Chiang | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Jiri | Zak | Masaryk University |
Joachim | Harnois-Deraps | University of Edinburgh |
Joe | Mohr | LMU-Munich |
johan | comparat | MPE/MPG |
Johanna | Jurcsik | Konkoly Observatory |
Johanna | Pasquet | CPPM |
Jonathan | Blazek | EPFL and OSU |
Jose | Fernandez | Universidad de Concepcion |
Jovan | Aleksić | Astronomical Observatory Belgrade |
Julien | Peloton | CNRS |
Kathy | Turner | US DOE Office of High Energy Physics |
Katja | Bricman | University of Nova Gorica |
Katrin | Heitmann | Argonne National Laboratory |
Ken | Smith | Queen's University Belfast |
Kristen | Metzger | LSST |
Laszlo | Kiss | MTA CSFK Konkoly Observatory |
Laurent | Eyer | Université de Genève |
Laurent | Le Guillou | LPNHE / Sorbonne Université |
Lee | Kelvin | Liverpool John Moores University |
Leigh | Smith | IoA, University of Cambridge |
Leo | Girardi | INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova |
Loredana | Prisinzano | INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo |
Léanne | GUY | AURA/LSST |
Manda | Banerji | IoA, Cambridge |
marc | moniez | LAL-IN2P3 |
Maria-Rosa | Cioni | Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam |
Mariana | Penna-Lima | LAPP |
Mario | Juric | University of Washington / LSST |
Mark | Allen | CDS/CNRS |
Markus | Hundertmark | Heidelberg University, ZAH |
Massimo | Dall'Ora | INAF-OACN |
Matt | Jarvis | University of Oxford |
Maurilio | Pannella | LMU Munich |
Maurizio | Paolillo | Università di Napoli Federico II |
Michael | Johnson | University of Southampton |
Michele | Bannister | Queen's University Belfast |
Michele | Cantiello | INAF OA Abruzzo |
Michele | Trabucchi | University of Padova, INAF/OAPD |
Mickael | Rigault | CNRS/IN2P3 | LPC |
Mikael | Granvik | University of Helsinki |
Monique | ARNAUD | CEA - Departement d'Astrophysique |
Nathan | Lalloué | Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille |
Nathan | Pease | LSST/SLAC |
Nicholas | Walton | IoA, University of Cambridge |
Nicolas | Regnault | LPNHE |
Paolo | D'Avanzo | INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera |
Patrick | Ingraham | Large Synoptic Survey Telescope |
Peter | Hatfield | University of Oxford |
Phil | Marshall | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Philippe | Gris | LPC Clermont-Ferrand |
Philippe | Rosnet | Université Clermont Auvergne - CNRS/IN2P3 |
Piero | Dal Tio | University of Padua; INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova |
Pierre | Antilogus | LPNHE-IN2P3 |
Pierre-Etienne | Macchi | CC-IN2P3 |
Pierre-François | Léget | Stanford University |
Quentin | Le Boulc'h | CC-IN2P3 |
Rafael | Martínez-Galarza | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Rahul | Biswas | Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University |
Ralph | Gaume | National Science Foundation |
Reynald | Pain | IN2P3 |
Reza | Ansari | Univ. Paris-Sud & LAL, CNRS/IN2P3 |
Richard | Dubois | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Richard | McMahon | Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge |
Robert | Lupton | Princeton University |
Robert | Schuhmann | Royal Observatory Edinburgh / University of Manchester |
Robert | Szabo | MTA CSFK, Konkoly Observatory |
Rodrigo | Ibata | Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg |
Rosie | Bolton | Square Kilometre Array Organisation |
Sabine | Elles | LAPP CNRS |
Salman | Habib | Argonne National Laboratory |
Samaya | Nissanke | University of Amsterdam/Radboud University the Netherlands |
Sandrine | Thomas | LSST |
Sarah | Brough | UNSW |
Sebastien | Bouquillon | Observatoire de Paris - SyRTE |
Sherry | Suyu | Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics / Technical University of Munich |
Simon | Huber | MPA Garching |
stephane | plaszczynski | CNRS |
Stephen | Smartt | Queen's University Belfast |
Steven | Kahn | Stanford/SLAC/LSSTPO |
Sugata | Kaviraj | University of Hertfordshire |
Sylvie | Dagoret-Campagne | LAL/IN2P3/CNRS |
Tamas | Budavari | Johns Hopkins University |
Teresa | Giannini | INAF - Osservatorio Astornomico di Roma |
Thomas | Markiewicz | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Tiago | Ribeiro | LSST |
Tomislav | Jurkic | University of Rijeka |
Tony | Tyson | LSST, University of California |
Triana | Almeyda | University of Southampton |
Veljko | Vujcic | Astronomical Observatory Belgrade |
Vivienne | Wild | University of St Andrews |
Wesley | Fraser | Queen's University, Belfast |
William | Gropp | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
William | O Mullane | AURA/LSST |
Wyn | Evans | Institute of Astronomy Madingley Rd Cambridge |
Xinzhong | Er | Yunnan University |
Zeljko | Ivezic | University of Washington |
Zsolt | Frei | Eotvos University, Budapest |
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