Timo Lewke
(Borexino/ Technische Universität München)
Borexino is a low threshold liquid-scintillator detector for solar neutrinos located in the LNGS underground laboratory, Italy. Because of the ultra-high radio purity it is the first experiment able to do a real time analysis of the low energetic solar neutrinos.
A detection of the solar ⁷Be neutrinos with a rate of 47+-7 counts/day/100tons was reported (192 days of live time measurement). ⁸B neutrinos were observed with a rate of 0.26+-0.06 counts/day/100tons after 246 live days. All detected neutrino fluxes agree with the SSM predictions in case of the MSW-LMA oscillation solution.
Auteur principal
Timo Lewke
(Borexino/ Technische Universität München)