Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.
7–14 mars 2009
La Thuile
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Practical information



The "ELECTROWEAK INTERACTIONS AND UNIFIED THEORIES" session of the 44th "Rencontres de Moriond" will be held in La Thuile, Italy, from Saturday March 7th 2009 at 17h00 to Saturday March 14th 2009 at 11h30.

La Thuile is a pleasant winter resort located in the Italian Alps, at 1450 m. alt., about 120km away from Geneva. In addition to ski and related activities, Aosta valley provides as well nice walks.

The nearest international airport is Geneva (Switzerland). If you arrive in Geneva international airport, do not forget that you may need a transit visa, coming through Switzerland to Italy.


Planibel Hotel
La Thuile - Valle d'Aoste
11016 La Thuile (Aosta) Italy
(web site)

Phone: +39 0165 88 45 41
Fax: +39 0165 88 45 35

Please begin your mails/phone-calls/fax with: "To attention of Rencontres de Moriond".


The purpose of the Rencontres de Moriond is to discuss recentfindings and new ideas in fundamental interactions in a pleasant, relaxed and intimate atmosphere. The meeting is intended to promote fruitful collaboration between experimentalists and theorists and between various institutions, by bringing together a limited number of particle physicists in beautiful and inspiring surroundings.


The following equipment will be available :
  • a beamer (video projector) for computer presentations, hooked to a laptop (PC windows XP running MSoffice 2003, Adobe-acroread, OpenOffice, etc...)
  • an overhead projector for transparencies (because of the poor quality of these projectors, we advise you to scan your hand written transparencies and convert them to an eletronic file, PDF if possible)
  • speakers may use their own laptops (but we clearly disfavour this to avoid dead time between presentations)


Electronic files for the talks in standard format should, by order of preference :
  • be emailed in advance: for theorists talks - for experimentalists talks -
  • be brought on a memory stick (USB) for use on the meeting room laptop
  • be uploaded to this server
  • if absolutely impossible otherwise, be run from your own laptop (requires previous test, and wastes a lot of time betwen talks).
Please contact us if you have any specific requirement.
In order to make transparencies available on the web, speakers who have their talks in computer file format (Postscript, PDF, Powerpoint, MSWord, OpenOffice) are invited to send an email with their file as an attachment or with the address to an ftp or www server where the file can be fetched. Precise instructions will be provided in due time.
  • The presentations will be posted in the web just after the conference, in PDF format.
  • We will ask for your presentation just after your talk.
We strongly advise you to make a copy of your presentation on a memory stick or CD.
Proceedings of the conference will be published. Instructions will be given during the Rencontres. The deadline for the contributions will be May 15th 2008.


The conference fees for participants is 350 euros. Payment should be made (by order of preference):

  • Before the conference by bank transfer in euros only (add 22 euros for bank fees for transfers from out of the EU) to the Moriond bank account :
ARISF Bank Account
Bank: Crédit Mutuel
Agency: CCM Paris 16 Auteuil
Bank Code: 10278
Branch n°: 06016
Account n°: 00020361301
Key: 39
Swift/Bic: CMCIFR2A
IBAN: FR76.10278.06016.00020361301.39
In this case, the transfer should clearly indicate your name to identify the payment. Copy of the bank transfer should imperatively be handed to the Moriond Secretary at the conference site.

  • On the conference site by personal checks or traveller's checks in euros or US Dollars to the order of  "ARISF", handed to the conference secretary upon your arrival or within the first 2 days of the workshop. Please avoid cash payment if possible.  Credit card are not accepted for conference fees payments but are accepted for the hotel bill *(see below).


Housing will be in Hotel Planibel, La Thuile. Meals will be served in this hotel for all participants. Hotel reservation is arranged by the conference secretariat once you have registered to the conference. The hotel bill shall be paid directly to the hotel. Major credit cards (for the hotel accommodations only) are accepted.
The total cost (full board) will amount approximately to 539 Euros (double occupancy). It will be difficult to obtain single rooms (to be confirmed). Only a few will be available at an additional cost of 140 Euros. Single rooms should be reserved before February 1st, 2009 (to be confirmed).
For accompanying members, the costs are (approximately) as follows :
    - 539 euros per adult
    - 404 euros per child (6-8 years old)
    - 270 euros per child (3-5 years old)
It will not be possible to find accommodation for your family if you have not requested it by February 1st, 2009 (to be confirmed).
Please note that, according to the italian laws, the entire hotel building (including the rooms) is a non-smoking area.

Important notice : Hotel reservations are made for the whole session: i.e.  from the evening of Saturday March 7th to Saturday March 14th noon (including lunch before departure of the conference bus to Geneva). (check out of the room before 10am)
Please note that the total cost of the meeting will not be reduced even in case of partial attendance.
Cancellations of hotel reservation should be made before February 15th, 2009. After this date, the hotel will charge us for the entire cost of accommodation and we will have to ask the participants who cancel their attendance later, to pay for the total accommodation as listed above.


More detailed information will be communicated later.
  • From Paris to Geneva by train (TGV)
    • Please note that reservations are compulsory for TGV trains.


    • Approximate time schedule (more on the SNCF web site)
    • From Geneva Train station to Geneva Airport by train : 7mn, every 15 mn.
  • From Geneva Airport to La Thuile:
  1. By the Conference bus:
    • Departure is from Geneva Airport  "MEETING POINT" (Note that this is located at the arrival level on the "International sector-Swiss side" of the GVA airport. The driver (with the 'Rencontres de Moriond' Poster) will meet you there 15 minutes before departure. The following time table is still preliminary.
    • Saturday March, 07th,  
    • 1 or 2 busses at 13:30
    • 1 bus at 15:30
    • Return conference busses are scheduled to leave La Thuile on Saturday, March 14th at 12h30 sharp (after lunch) and will reach Geneva railway station and airport and then CERN (if requested) around 17h00, depending on the traffic.
  2. By a regular bus from Geneva airport to Chamonix  (~40 euros one way ticket, duration 1:30), then from Chamonix to La Thuile by taxi (approximate cost: 100 euros)
  3. By car
    La Thuile can be easily reached by car from France : by the A40 highway to St Gervais, then by the E25 to Chamonix, Courmayeur and Pré Saint Didier and then turn right, direction to La Thuile via Strada Statale Valle d'Aosta (10km). If chains are necessary, the sooner you put them on, is the better.
  • Through Airport Transfer Service ( :
    Valid from Milano or Geneva: ~80 Euros in shared transfers (88€ from Geneva, 96€ from Milano Malpensa (135€ from Milano Linate and 76€ from Turino.   Beware : the prices above (shared transportation) is only valid during weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) but it can be much more expensive (~260euros) during the week! 
Please note that your reply to the program committee member who sent you the invitation is not considered as a registration. Registration for your attendance to the workshop and hotel reservation will only be made on receipt of the registration form.

Please return your registration form as soon as possible. If it is not received by February 1st, 2009 we may not be able to get hotel reservation for you.

The conference secretary will be pleased to give you further information.

Rencontres de Moriond