7–14 mars 2009
La Thuile
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

CKM fits as of winter 2009 and sensitivity to New Physics

10 mars 2009, 08:30
La Thuile

La Thuile

Rencontres de Moriond Planibel Hotel - La Thuile Aosta Valley 11016 La Thuile (Aosta), Italy Phone : 39 (0)1 65 88 45 41 Fax : 39 (0)1 65 88 45 35


Dr Vincent Tisserand (LAPP IN2P3 CNRS et Université de Savoie)


The BaBar and Belle experiments, at the B-factories SLAC-PEPII and KEK-B, have collected over the last decade an unprecedented sample of about 1300 million of $B_d-\bar B_d$ pairs at the $\Upsilon$(4S) resonance. At the same time the CDF and D0 experiments at TeVatron, with about 2.8/fb each, have performed extensive measurements on $B_s-\bar B_s$ mesons mixing. Right before the startup of data taking at LHC, and to a longer extent before the future experiments at Super-B factories, we present the status of the CKM matrix parameters, as of early March 2009, in the frame of the Standard Model. Using the same dataset and from our global fit, we perform a model independent analysis to set constraints on additional effective parameters accounting for possible New Physics effects and to evaluate the present allowed space for these effects both from $B_d$ and $B_s$ mesons.

Auteur principal

Dr Vincent Tisserand (LAPP IN2P3 CNRS et Université de Savoie)

Documents de présentation