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- Fabrizio Ameli (INFN Roma La Sapienza)
Isabella Amore
- Orateur à Results from the NEMO Phase1 experiment
Michel ANDRE
(Laboratori d'Aplicacions Bioacústiques (LAB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC))
- Orateur à Biological Sonar and Noise Pollution
Michel André
- Orateur à Biological Sonar and Noise Pollution
- Gisela Anton
- Miguel Ardid
- Theodoros Athanasopoulos
- R Auer (Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics)
- Vladimir AYNUDTINOV (R.A.S. Moscow)
- Vladimir Aynutdinov
- Steven Barwick Barwick
- Steve BARWICK (UC Irvine)
Stephane Basa
- Orateur à Alert systems for Gamma Ray Bursts
Stephane BASA
(LAM Marseille)
- Orateur à Alert systems for Gamma Ray Bursts
- Anastasios BELIAS (NOA/NESTOR)
- Andrea Bersani
- George Bourlis
Antonio CAPONE
(Physics Department, University "Sapienza" and INFN, Roma)
- Orateur à Status of the NEMO Project
- Marco CIRCELLA (INFN Bari)
- Marco Circella
- Rosanna Cocimano
- Rosa Coniglione
- Jessica Craig
- Antonio D'Amico
- Arache DJANATTI-ATAI (APC Paris)
- Arache Djannati-Ataï
- Damien Dornic (CPPM)
- Jean-Pierre Ernenwein
- Paolo FAVALI (INGV Rome)
- Paolo Favali
- Brendan Fox
- Brendan FOX (Pennsylvania State University)
- Gabriele Giovanetti
- G Hallewell
- Peter Healey
- Jelle Hogenbirk
Christianne Hummel
(Premiere Vice Presidente, Toulon Provence Mediterrannee; Responsible for Economic Development)
- Orateur à Welcome address
- Peter Jansweijer, P.P.M.
- Christian Joram
Eric Kajfasz
(Director, Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CNRS-IN2P3); host institute for the ANTARES underwater neutrino telescope)
- Orateur à Introduction and Welcome
- Alexander Kappes
Ulrich Katz
- Orateur à Status of the KM3NeT project
Ulrich KATZ
(Friedrich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg)
- Orateur à Status of the KM3NeT project
- O Kebkal (Evologics GmbH, Berlin, Germany)
Claudio Kopper
- Orateur à Software frameworks for KM3NeT
- Spyridon Koutsoukos
- Robert LAHMANN (University of Erlangen)
- Herbert Loehner
- Domenico Lo Presti
- Bayarto Lubsandorzhiev
- Bayarto Lubsandorzhiev ((Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS))
Alain Maguer
(NURC - Nato Undersea Research Centre)
- Orateur à NURC expertise for Neutrino Telescope
- Annarita Margiotta
- Rosario Megna
- Ronan MICHEL (Alcatel-Lucent Submarine Networks)
- Ronan MICHEL
(INFN-LNS Catania)
- Orateur à Conference Summary
- Angelo Orlando
- Etienne Parizot
- Etienne PARIZOT (Paris-7)
- Davide Piombo
- Thierry Pradier (IPHC Strasbourg)
- Thierry Pradier
- Ingrid PUILLAT (IFREMER Centre de Brest, France)
- Petros RAPIDIS (INP Demokritos, Greece)
- Petros Rapidis
- Elisa RESCONI (MPI Heidelberg)
- Elisa Resconi
Vincent RIGAUD
(IFREMER, Centre de Brest, France)
- Orateur à The European Research Fleets
- Stefano Russo
Francisco Salesa
- Orateur à ANTARES time calibration
- Piera Sapienza (INFN-LNS)
- Dmitri SEMIKOZ (APC Paris)
- Dmitri Semikoz
- Rezo Shanidze
- Francesco Simeone
- Maurizio Spurio (University of Bologna)
- Maya Stavrianakou (NOA/NESTOR)
- Ronald Stubberfield
- S. Martin Taylor
- Andrew Taylor
- Stephen M. TAYLOR (Ocean Networks Canada)
- Steven Thumbeck
- Diego Torazza
- Simona Toscano
- Apostolos Tsirigotis
- Marinus Van Der Hoek
- Pascal VERNIN (CEA Saclay, Paris)
- Zhi-Zhong XING (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Zhi-zhong Xing
- Yuji Yoshizawa