22–24 avr. 2008
Palais Neptune Conference Center, Toulon
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Software frameworks for KM3NeT

23 avr. 2008, 12:30
Salle Raimu-A (Palais Neptune Conference Center, Toulon)

Salle Raimu-A

Palais Neptune Conference Center, Toulon

Palais des Congrès Neptune Place de Besagne Centre Commercial Mayol
Contributed talk Parallel Session on Physics Parallel session on Physics


M. Claudio Kopper (Erlangen Centre of Astroparticle Physics (ECAP), University of Erlangen, Germany)


Large-scale experiments like KM3NeT require an immense amount of collaborative work to create and maintain their analysis software. The complete chain of reconstruction tools has to be modular and adhere to a pre-defined data flow. Additionally, the source code must be modular to ease its development and maintenance. A software set-up implementing these points does not only allow a large group of experts to cooperate in creating a functional piece of software but also helps the individual user to scrutinise the results obtained with it. Such program modularisation and the definition of a corresponding data flow are the essential elements provided by a "software framework". The presentation will introduce the basic concepts of software frameworks and in particular present "IceTray", the framework currently used by the IceCube collaboration. It is especially suitable for KM3NeT, as it was written with applicability for a neutrino detector in mind. IceTray has been evaluated and adapted for the ANTARES environment to demonstrate its suitability for KM3NeT. The customisations that were made during this process are presented, and an overview of new modules created during the evaluation phase is given.

Auteur principal

M. Claudio Kopper (Erlangen Centre of Astroparticle Physics (ECAP), University of Erlangen, Germany)

Documents de présentation