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- I al Samari (Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille)
- Fabrizio Ameli (INFN Roma La Sapienza)
Isabella Amore
- Author in Results from the NEMO Phase1 experiment
Michel Andrรฉ
- Author in Biological Sonar and Noise Pollution
- Gisela Anton
- Miguel Ardid
Miguel Ardid
(IGIC - UPV Valencia)
- Co-author in Time calibration and positioning for KM3NeT
- Theodoros Athanasopoulos
- R Auer (Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics)
- Vladimir Aynutdinov
- R. Bannasch (Evologics GmbH, Berlin)
- Steven Barwick Barwick
Stephane Basa
- Author in Alert systems for Gamma Ray Bursts
- Tasos Belias
- Andrea Bersani
- George Bourlis
- Andrรฉ Braem (CERN)
- J Busto (Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille)
Manuel Cabo-Bou
(IGIC - UPV Valencia)
- Co-author in Time calibration and positioning for KM3NeT
Antonio CAPONE
(Physics Department, University "Sapienza" and INFN, Roma)
- Author in Status of the NEMO Project
- Luigi Caponetto
- Marco Circella
Marco Circella
(INFN - Sez. Bari)
- Co-author in Time calibration and positioning for KM3NeT
- Rosanna Cocimano
- B Combettes (Photonis SA)
- Rosa Coniglione
- Jessica Craig
- Antonio D'Amico
- A-G Dehainne (Photonis SA)
- Arache Djannati-Ataรฏ
- damien dornic
- Jean-Pierre Ernenwein
- Paolo Favali
Alberto Figoli
(NURC NATO Undersea Research Centre)
- Co-author in NURC expertise for Neutrino Telescope
- F Fouche (Photonis SA)
- Brendan Fox
- Katia Fratini
- Gabriele Giovanetti
Piero Guerrini
(NURC NATO Undersea Research Centre)
- Co-author in NURC expertise for Neutrino Telescope
- G Hallewell
- Francis Halzen
- Peter Healey
- Amandine Heger
Juan Jose Hernandez-Rey
(IFIC - Valencia)
- Co-author in Time calibration and positioning for KM3NeT
- J.J. Hogenbirk (Nikhef)
- Jelle Hogenbirk
- Alan Jamieson
- Peter Jansweijer, P.P.M.
- Christian Joram
- Alexander Kappes
Ulrich Katz
- Author in Status of the KM3NeT project
- O. Kebkal
- O. Kebkal (Evologics GmbH, Berlin)
- Konstantin KEBKAL (EvoLogics GmbH, Berlin)
Claudio Kopper
- Author in Software frameworks for KM3NeT
- Spyridon Koutsoukos
- Herbert Loehner
- Domenico Lo Presti
- Bayarto Lubsandorzhiev
- B K Lubsandorzhiev (Institute of Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences)
alain Maguer
- Author in NURC expertise for Neutrino Telescope
- Annarita Margiotta
- Rosario Megna
- Ronan MICHEL
- Thilo Michel (Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics)
- Sander Mos
- Aongus O'Murchadha
- Angelo Orlando
- Etienne Parizot
- Henk Peek, H.Z.
- Roland Person (Ifremer centre de Brest, France)
- Leo Pierre (Photonis SAS)
- Davide Piombo
- Roman POLESHUK (Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS)
- Alistair Poustie
- Thierry Pradier
- I.G. Priede
- Ingrid PUILLAT (Ifremer centre de Brest, France)
- Nunzio Randazzo
- Petros Rapidis
- Elisa Resconi
- Tilman Ruegheimer (Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics)
- Stefano Russo
Francisco Salesa
- Author in ANTARES time calibration
- piera sapienza
Jean-Pierre Schuller
- Co-author in Time calibration and positioning for KM3NeT
- Jacques Seguinot (CERN)
- Dmitri Semikoz
- Bator SHAIBONOV (Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS)
- Rezo Shanidze
- Francesco Simeone
- David Smith
- maurizio spurio
- Maya Stavrianakou (NOA/NESTOR)
- Ronald Stubberfield
- Andrew Taylor
- S. Martin Taylor
Lee Thompson
(University of Sheffield)
- Co-author in Time calibration and positioning for KM3NeT
- Steven Thumbeck
- Diego Torazza
- Simona Toscano
- Apostolos Tsirigotis
- Spyros Tzamarias
- Marinus Van Der Hoek
- Yevgeniy VYATCHIN (Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS)
- Ralf Wischnewski
- Ralf Wischnewski (DESY)
- Richard Wyatt
- Zhi-zhong Xing
- Yuji Yoshizawa
- Alain F Zuur