The "PhysTeV" series of workshops aims at pushing the frontier of fundamental Physics by bringing together theorists and experimentalists working on several aspects of phenomenology at TeV colliders and other experiments.
This year's in-person workshop in Les Houches was canceled.
We decided to cover, in a reduced format through a few virtual meetings, some of the subjects related to SM phenomenology at the LHC that are traditionally discussed in Les Houches. Please have a look at the timetable.
You are welcome to register and join the discussions!
* Everyone is welcome to propose a topic to be discussed, possibly supported by a short presentation. Please use the "Call for Abstracts" form, available in the menu on the left.
* Before the cancellation of the in-person meeting, the conveners prepared a comprehensive list of potentially interesting topics to discuss in Les Houches. Only a very limited subset of the topics will be realistically discussed during the online meetings, depending on available time and participants' interest. The original list can be found here: