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{\small \it Workshop on Nuclear Parton Distribution Functions, LAPTH Annency, Feb. 22 - 23, 2010}
\centerline{\Large \bf Cold Nuclear Matter effects on $J/\psi$ production}
\centerline{\Large \bf with extrinsic transverse momentum}
\centerline{ {\bf E.~G.~Ferreiro}$^{\rm a}$, {\bf F.~Fleuret}$^{\rm b}$, {\bf J.~P.~Lansberg}$^{\rm c}$ and {\bf A.~Rakotozafindrabe}$^{\rm d}$}
\centerline{\small$^{\rm a}$Departamento de F\'{\i}sica de Part\'{\i}culas,
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
}\centerline{15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain,
{\it elena@fpaxp1.usc.es}}
\centerline{\small$^{\rm b}$ Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet, \'Ecole Polytechnique, {CNRS-IN2P3},
} \centerline{91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France,
{\it fleuret@llr.in2p3.fr}}
\centerline{\small$^{\rm c}$ Centre de Physique Th\'eorique, \'Ecole Polytechnique, {CNRS},
} \centerline{91128 Palaiseau Cedex,France,
{\it lansberg@cpht.polytechnique.fr}}
\centerline{\small$^{\rm d}$ IRFU/SPhN, CEA Saclay
}\centerline{91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France,
{\it andry.rakotozafindrabe@cea.fr}}
We study the Cold Nuclear Matter (CNM) effects on $J/\psi$ production, whose understanding is fundamental to evaluate the Quark Gluon Plasma or Hot Nuclear Matter effects. Two CNM effects are of particular importance: the shadowing of the initial parton distributions (PDF) due to the nuclear environment and the nuclear absorption of the $c\bar{c}$-pair. Recent theoretical works~\cite{CSM-upgrade,Upsilon-LHC,next-paper-JPhi} have emphasized that the production mechanism of the $J/\psi$ is not {\it via} a $2 \to 1$ Drell-Yan like process. This modifies the way to compute the nuclear shadowing~\cite{first-extrinsic-paper}. We will present our results in $dA$ and $AA$ collisions at RHIC energy~\cite{first-extrinsic-paper}, using several parametrizations of the nuclear PDF~\cite{paper-nPDF-comparison,second-extrinsic-paper}, and including the $p_T$-dependence of CNM effects up to intermediate values of $p_T$, which are not accessible in the usual studies.
\bibitem{CSM-upgrade}H.~Haberzettl and J.~P.~Lansberg, \textit{Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 100}, (2008) 032006.
\bibitem{Upsilon-LHC}P.~Artoisenet, J.M.~Campbell, J.P.~Lansberg, F.~Maltoni and F.~Tramontano, \textit{Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 101}, (2008) 152001.
\bibitem{next-paper-JPhi}S.J.~Brodsky and J.P.~Lansberg, SLAC-PUB-13736, \textit{arXiv:0908.0754}.
\bibitem{first-extrinsic-paper}E.~G.~Ferreiro, J.~P.~Lansberg, F.~Fleuret, A.~Rakotozafindrabe, \textit{Phys. Lett. B} {\bf 680} (2009) 50-55.
\bibitem{paper-nPDF-comparison}E.~G.~Ferreiro, J.~P.~Lansberg, F.~Fleuret, A.~Rakotozafindrabe, \textit{arXiv:0903.4908}, Contribution to Rencontres de Moriond~2009: QCD and High Energy Interactions.
\bibitem{second-extrinsic-paper}E.~G.~Ferreiro, J.~P.~Lansberg, F.~Fleuret, A.~Rakotozafindrabe, \textit{arXiv:0912.4498}.