A TPC for MeV Astrophysics: high-angular-resolution observations and polarimetry

Amphi Marie Curie (Ecole Polytechnique)

Amphi Marie Curie

Ecole Polytechnique

Route de Saclay 91128 Palaiseau FRANCE

UPDATE: Our Amphitheathre has been changed - we will no longer be in Curie - we are in Painlevé, which is just beneath Curie


Speakers: please upload the PDF of your presentation to Indico. The procedure is outlined in the link on the sidebar (or click here).


Note: For interested people who cannot attend in person, we welcome you to connect via Vidyo. The procedure is outlined in the link on the sidebar (or click here).


During this workshop we will discuss the science and technical feasibility of building a time projection chamber (TPC) to do polarimetry and high-angular resolution astrophysical observations in the MeV energy regime. We envision this workshop as an opportunity for experts to meet and explore the many science topics that we can address in addition to discussing the technical hurdles and their solutions.

If you are interested in attending, please register. Registration is free and includes lunch on Thursday and coffee breaks/snacks.

If you would like restaurant recommendations or help with making a dinner reservation during the time that you are in Paris, please contact the organisers (emails addresses in the sidebar).


Some more details ...

Over the past 8 years, a small international team of scientists and engineers, lead by Denis BERNARD (LLR/Ecole Polytechnique), has built and validated a prototype TPC for MeV astrophysics. The hermetic argon polarimeter (HARPO) took data in a test beam in Japan and measured for the first time the polarisation asymmetry of a gamma-ray beam between 1.74 and 74 MeV. A list of references for further reading is provided below.

Having demonstrated that a TPC can be used to detect and measure the polarisation of MeV gamma rays, we would now like to begin a new, larger study which will see us flying a TPC on a balloon to validate that it can self trigger with sufficient efficiency and to do some preliminary MeV science. We would like to involve a wider group of astrophysicists and engineers so that we can combine our expertise and enthusiasm to optimise the science and technical design of this instrument.

References for further information:




  • Alain Delbart
  • Benoit Cerutti
  • David Smith
  • Deirdre Horan
  • Denis Bernard
  • Diego Götz
  • Gerard Fontaine
  • Haocheng Zhang
  • Igor Semeniouk
  • Isabelle Grenier
  • Janeth Valverde
  • Jean-Marc Casandjian
  • John Quinn
  • Jonathan Biteau
  • Konstantinos Tassis
  • Krzysztof Zietara
  • Lara Nava
  • Marco Ajello
  • Marco CIRELLI
  • Markus Boettcher
  • Nachiketa Chakraborty
  • Natalia Zywucka
  • Peter Veres
  • Philippe Gros
  • Ryo Yonamine
  • Sami Caroff
  • Stephen Fegan
  • Toru Tanimori
  • Vasiliki Pavlidou
  • yannick geerebaert
  • Ziwei Ou