Alfredo Urbano
(Department of Physics and INFN, University of Salento)
11/03/2009 19:25
We consider the possibility to take into account the role of the discrete A(4) flavor group into a context of unification obtained through the SU(5) gauge symmetry.
Our attention is dedicated to the possibility to preserve the renormalizability of the entire theory avoiding the presence of higher order operators, without forsaking to the usual elegance trough which A(4) can sketch out the...
Niklas Mohr
(RWTH Aachen)
11/03/2009 19:33
Within the mSUGRA model, the observability of the decay of the next to lightest neutralino into leptons has been studied using a full simulation of the CMS detector. The final state signature consists of two opposite sign leptons, several hard jets and missing transverse energy. The expected precision of the measurement of the dileptonic mass edge is reported for 1~fb$^{-1}$ of data, including...
James Barnard
(University of Durham)
11/03/2009 19:49
By including gauge singlets in supersymmetric gauge theories, we have been able to construct and test new types of duality which may help in finding dual theories for supersymmetric GUTs.
Ketino Kaadze
(Kansas State University)
11/03/2009 19:57
Studies of the WZ production at the LHC allows testing the standard model of electroweak interactions by measuring triple gauge boson couplings. Any deviation of the strength of these couplings would manifest new physics. We present the status report of the preparation for the WZ cross section and TGC measurement with CMS detector and its potential in search for new physics with WZ final state.
Anna Kaminska
(University of Warsaw, Institute of Theoretical Physics)
11/03/2009 20:05
The mechanism of preheating in supersymmetric models of inflation will be introduced in context of existence of flat directions. Flat directions, a typical feature of supersymmetric models, can acquire large vacuum expectation values (VEVs) during inflation. A recent discussion about the impact of such large VEVs on the process of non-perturbative particle production will be presented,...