Vincent Tisserand
(LAPP IN2P3 CNRS et Université de Savoie)
10/03/2009 08:30
The BaBar and Belle experiments, at the B-factories SLAC-PEPII and KEK-B, have collected over the last decade an unprecedented sample of about 1300 million of $B_d-\bar B_d$ pairs at the $\Upsilon$(4S) resonance. At the same time the CDF and D0 experiments at TeVatron, with about 2.8/fb each, have performed extensive measurements on $B_s-\bar B_s$ mesons mixing.
Right before the startup of...
Andreas Crivellin
(TTP Karlsruhe)
10/03/2009 08:50
We compute the finite renormalisation of the CKM matrix induced by
gluino-squark diagrams in the MSSM with non-minimal sources of flavour
violation. Stringent bounds on the flavour-off-diagonal elements of the
squark mass matrices are obtained by requiring that the radiative
corrections to the CKM elements do not exceed the experimental values. Our
bounds on several flavour-changing...
viola sordini
(ETH Zurich)
10/03/2009 09:10
The experimental efforts on flavor physics carried on by the B-factories
and Tevatron experiments allows to test the Standard Model in the fermion
We present here the update of the Unitarity Triangle analysis, exploiting
all the available information.
Combining the direct measurements on sides and angles of the Unitarity
Triangle, we determine the values of the CKM...
Ulrich Uwer
(Physikalisches Institut, Heidelberg University)
10/03/2009 09:30
With the startup of the LHCb experiment the next round of precision
B experiments will be launched. LHCb has access to about
10^12 B meson decays per year allowing significant measurements of
even very rare B decays and in particular the precision study
of the Bs system. With the measurement of rates, kinematics and CP
asymmetries of loop suppressed B decays LHCb will probe the
Matthias Neubert
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Germany)
10/03/2009 10:05